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View Full Version : Dems Using Tax Money To Silence Conservative Radio

red states rule
10-08-2007, 02:56 PM
The dems are now spending your tax dollars to gather information on Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannioty, and Mark Levin in an attempt to bring back the Fairness Doctine

Now the Dems want the government to monitor the public airwaves and silence what they do not like

For the last 6 years it has been the left that has whined how Pres Bush was trying to silence dissent, now the left is actually trying to just that

The Democrat Party senior leadership is feeling a Rush. Rush Limbaugh, that is. Late last week, DNC Chair Howard Dean, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, his deputy, Sen. Dick Durbin and Senatorial Committee chair, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi all signed off in some form or another direct mail fundraising plans that will feature Limbaugh for their national party.

"'Don't let Limbaugh smear true patriotism,' that's the theme," says a DNC staffer. "We're not going to let Limbaugh determine what soldiers can talk and what soldiers can not."

Bad grammar and ill-informed opinions aside, the DNC hopes to raise millions of dollars of Limbaugh. "If we can't silence him, we should at least make some money to make his life more miserable in a Democratic-controlled Washington in 2008," says a Senate Democrat leadership aide.

Others on the Democrat side are pushing ahead with other plans. Rep. Henry Waxman has asked his investigative staff to begin compiling reports on Limbaugh, and fellow radio hosts Sean Hannity and Mark Levin based on transcripts from their shows, and to call in Federal Communications Commission chairman Kevin Martin to discuss the so-called "Fairness Doctrine."

"Limbaugh isn't the only one who needs to be made uncomfortable about what he says on the radio," says a House leadership source. "We don't have as big a megaphone as these guys, but this all political, and we'll do what we can to gain the advantage. If we can take them off their game for a while, it will help our folks out there on the campaign trail."


10-08-2007, 06:27 PM
I wonder how many people are going to be seriously concerned with government officials using tax money to investigate and intimidate their political enemies.

red states rule
10-08-2007, 07:27 PM
I wonder how many people are going to be seriously concerned with government officials using tax money to investigate and intimidate their political enemies.

Folks who believe in the US Constitution and those who oppose government regulating political speech

10-08-2007, 07:58 PM
The best thing for the liberal movement is the racist ignorant spew of the Limbaughs and Savages. Why in the hell you think Hillary is doing so well? It sure isn't her message.

red states rule
10-08-2007, 08:00 PM
The best thing for the liberal movement is the racist ignorant spew of the Limbaughs and Savages. Why in the hell you think Hillary is doing so well? It sure isn't her message.

When you talk about racists, look no further then your own party. They are most racist group of people you could meet

10-08-2007, 08:04 PM
When you talk about racists, look no further then your own party. They are most racist group of people you could meetPerhaps in the south of America but in this area it is definitely the conservatives. I have to deal with it all the time. I have bi racial step children and work in construction. One of the reasons I don't work for rich or wealthy people is the bigotry is so clear, and they don't pay.

red states rule
10-08-2007, 08:08 PM
Perhaps in the south of America but in this area it is definitely the conservatives. I have to deal with it all the time. I have bi racial step children and work in construction. One of the reasons I don't work for rich or wealthy people is the bigotry is so clear, and they don't pay.

It was all over the US in the last election.

Here are some examples of liberal racism toward - gasp - black conservatives. As you read this, think waht would happen if a white Republican said these things about a black liberal

"Simple Sambo" and "Ignorant Mammy"": That's how Democrats view Blacks
By Frances Rice

Democrats, who claim that they care about diversity, use despicable racial stereotypes, just as Democrats did during the days of slavery and Jim Crow, to slur black professionals, such as Dr. Condoleezza Rice and Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele.

Oreo cookies were thrown by Democrats at Mr. Steele, and two members of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Katie Barge and Lauren Weiner, committed identity theft, illegally obtaining Mr. Steele's Social Security number and credit report.
Brazenly, on the left-wing Internet website called "The News Blog," Democrats posted a doctored photograph of Mr. Steele, depicting him as a "Simple Sambo." This contemptible racist stereotype is the same one that Democrats used to demean blacks during the era of slavery and segregation.

In addition to other outrageous racist images produced by several Democrats, cartoonist Jeff Danziger depicted Dr. Rice as an ignorant, barefoot "mammy," reminiscent of the stereotyped black woman in the movie Gone with the Wind who remarked: "I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies."

Democrats feel free to display such blatant racism because they know that they can take the black vote for granted. Black Americans need to wake up, think for themselves and get off of the Democratic Party's plantation. The National Black Republican Association is dedicated to exposing the failed socialist policies and racist past of the Democratic Party that has hijacked the civil rights record of the Republican Party.

As Michael Scheuer, author of Imperial Hubris, stated, Democrats remain what American history shows they always have been, the party of "four S's": Slavery, Secession. Segregation, and Socialism.

In his book, A Short History of Reconstruction, the well-respected liberal historian, Dr. Eric Foner, highlights the fact that it was Republicans, not Democrats, who championed civil rights for blacks. The Republican Party was started as the anti-slavery party and fought to free blacks from slavery, while the Democrats fought to keep blacks in slavery. Republicans pushed to amend the constitution to grant blacks freedom (13th Amendment), citizenship (14th Amendment) and the right to vote (15th Amendment). Republicans pushed to pass civil rights legislation from the 1860's to the 1960's, while the Democrats fought against every piece of civil rights legislation from the 1860's to the 1960's.

Dr. Eric Foner reveals in his book the fact that the Ku Klux Klan was started by Democrats and served as the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party to lynch Republicans, black and white. The recent sham apology made by the Democrats behind the curtain of Congress made no acknowledgement of the fact that it was the Democrats, not Republicans, who fought anti-lynching legislation.

Democrats, who are howling about the much-changed South today voting largely for Republicans, seemed perfectly happy when the then-segregated South voted solidly for the Democrats. Contrary to claims by Democrats, the "Dixiecrats" remained Democrats and declared that they would rather vote for a "yellow dog" than vote for a Republican because the Republican Party was known as the party for blacks. The over 30-year odyssey of the South switching to the Republican Party began in the late 1970's with President Richard Nixon's "Southern Strategy" designed to convince Christians to stop supporting the Democratic Party that was denying blacks their civil rights and start supporting the Republican Party that was fighting to the civil rights of blacks. A few Southern states, such as Louisiana, are still controlled by racist Democrats.

The Republican Party has never turned its back on blacks. Democrats use the biased media to distort the news and create a false image of Republicans. A prime example is the Willie Horton story. It was former Vice President Al Gore who first dug up Willie Horton to use against his rival, Michael Dukakis, during the 1988 presidential primary. Al Gore is given a pass for using Willie Horton against Dukakis during the primary, but George H. W. Bush is bashed for using Willie Horton against Dukakis during the general election.

Inner-city minister, Rev. Wayne Perryman, wrote a book, Unfounded Loyalty, based on his five years of research and sued the Democratic Party, demanding an apology for their 150-year history of racism based on the Democratic Party' States Rights claims. The Democrats admitted their racist past under oath in court, but refused to apologize because they know that they can take the black vote for granted.

Today, the failed socialist policies of the Democrats (who have been running our inner-cities for the past 30-40 years) have turned our inner cities into economic and social wastelands. In an effort to keep blacks poor, angry and voting for Democrats, Democrats are fighting every effort of the Republicans to help blacks out of poverty.

Democrats opposed welfare reform in the 1990's, then blocked extension of federal welfare reform in April 2004. Democrats are opposed to school choice opportunity scholarships that would help black children get out of failing schools. Democrats are opposed to Social Security reform even though blacks on average lose $10,000 in the system because blacks on average have a five-year shorter life expectancy than whites. Democrats are crying loudly for an increase in the minimum wage, yet the Democrats, using bogus excuses, blocked the minimum wage bill passed by House Republicans in 2006. Democrats are more interested in keeping the minimum issue alive as a political hammer than they are in making life better for poor black people.

Frances Rice is chairman of the National Black Republican Association and may be contacted at: www.NBRA.info


10-08-2007, 08:18 PM
Your source is the problem! What I live and what the source claims are two very different animals. I can not accept something that is contrary to what I experience. If I smash my hand and the onlooker says it doesn't hurt and I still feel the pain. Who should I believe?

red states rule
10-08-2007, 08:21 PM
Your source is the problem! What I live and what the source claims are two very different animals. I can not accept something that is contrary to what I experience. If I smash my hand and the onlooker says it doesn't hurt and I still feel the pain. Who should I believe?

No you cannot accept facts. Liberals are very racist toward black conservatives. To them they are sell outs

I am not surprised you dismiss the article - liberals do not like to be confronted with the truth about their racism