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11-14-2022, 09:51 AM
It doesn't seem like the Dems are even trying to figure it out, it's not just Biden but the entire party that seems to think, "The people just haven't fully comprehended the genius of our policies." Crime, borders, economy. . .

Meanwhile the GOP is going through an angst ridden self-reflection without the benefit of a good shrink. Is it Trump's fault? Is it that he wasn't supported enough or given enough credit? Do we ignore him? Let him loose to realize his full reckoning? Could we get him to turn statesman/kingmaker/somewhat polite? Nah.


11-14-2022, 05:55 PM
Among the general problem of the right I think this guy may have more right than wrong concerning the approach.

This is my view of the US elections, why Republicans lose and what they could do about it.
I am not American, but visit often. We have similar issues in the UK.

Obviously leadership matters, but if someone like Fetterman can win, something else is going on.
Democrats realised a long time ago that most voters do not pay close attention to issues or facts, but are driven mainly by fear. Republicans try to appeal to logic - this is absolutely a losing strategy.

They use short, easily digestible soundbites, repeated over and over.
It doesn't matter how puerile or stupid the assertions are either. They can flat out lie, no one cares.
- Democracy is on the ballot (fear)
- Republicans will take your rights (loss/fear)
- Republicans care only for the rich and will take from you (loss/fear)
- Republicans are terrorists (fear)
- Republicans will let the planet burn (fear)
- Republicans will put you in camps (fear)
- Republicans are Nazis, white supremacists (fear)
and many more.

They're simple, utter nonsense, and lies, but it doesn't matter.
Every Democrat repeats these talking points endlessly. Their talking heads on the news & talk channels repeat them over and over again.

They also get in first.
Clinton immediately framed the Pelosi affair as an assassination attempt driven by MAGA and Republicans.
Jan 6 was immediately framed as an insurrection, driven by Trump.
Russia interfered in 2016 election.
Complaining about 2020 is election denying.

Doesn't matter how ridiculous, it sticks.
The "hypocrisy" accusation carries no weight, as there's no associated fear or loss.
Framing abortion as "reproductive health" was a stroke of genius. When they yell "Republicans will take your rights over your own bodies", there is no defence except by intellectual explanation, which means you've already lost.
This is true of all the above.

So how do you fight it?
You have to get down to their level. You have to have a consistent, short, fear driven set of sort, easily repeatable affirmations. A few positive messages also, but playing on loss and fear is easily the most effective.

And then EVERY SINGLE CANDIDATE must repeat these over and over again. Precede every single statement with "Democrats lie." Every time.

Some examples:
- Democrats will take your house
- Democrats let in terrorists
- Democrats let Fentanyl kill your children
- Democrats are owned by China
- Socialism kills
- Socialist Democrats will destroy your freedom
and so on. I'm sure somebody can come up with a better list!
Once you have the list, just ignore everything Dems say, and simply repeat these ad nauseam.

•Lastly, get better candidates.
•Never apologize.
•Never get defensive in interview. Interviewer asks about abortion, respond with "My opponent wants to mutilate children".

That's it. Do what they do, but do it better!
Half of persuasion is fear, the other half is repetition!

personally I kinda hate this, but I have to admit that he may have far more right than wrong, tactics wise.
As someone who, on occasion, has found himself presenting the right info and logic... at school and work... but then being overridden more than a few times by more popular people or more popular "normal" opinions.
I've found this to be true.

Rational info/evidence ...or pointing out clear hypocrisy... or showing factually lies to be lies... does not move a significant group of people.
It seems spoken or unspoken fears,
entrenched beliefs,
felt loyalties,
and assuming/wanting to be part of some group (no matter how crazy).
They seem to be FAR greater drivers of actions.
actions, that is, Votes.


Also most people really don't want to be "that" good.
And don't really like America & politicians to be "too good", in the moral sense. I mean we have to be "realistic".

For instances if the choice was between 2 candidates both strong, former Army & with basically the same ideas.
1 who drinks, swears, and womanizes a bit (in the past -cough-) and is ready to offend or hurt the right people.
the other is someone who's a sincere church goer who doesn't but also takes no crap but prefers charm and peace.
Many folks feel more comfortable voting for the former.
And American policies, foreign & domestic, that are not too moral.

just an observation.