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View Full Version : Biden says he will try to move on gun control during lame-duck session

11-25-2022, 10:36 AM
Always the fault of industry profits :rolleyes: What about the green industry's soaring profits because of his selective government interference in private industry?

And once again, it's not the shooters' faults. The type of weapon did it. I got news for dumbass -- I can score as many hits in the same amount of time as any of these deranged imbeciles with a bolt or lever action rifle. Probably more. With a musket. Mass shooters are lousy marksmen.

Note: these shooters were white, it'd be every other word, every sentence. The pic of at least the WalMart shooter in Chesapeake wasn't a crazy, right-wing extremist white guy :rolleyes:


11-25-2022, 10:44 AM
This number is a proven lie; yet, the MSM insists on pushing it. I think it was Jim? that posted the left's "criteria" for a "mass shooting" awhile back. Biden's going to try and ride a wave of emotion and guilt-tripping the right to pass unconstitutional legislation. Again.


11-25-2022, 11:44 AM
Nothing political to see here :rolleyes: Biden is calling for an "assault weapon" ban. The shooter at the WalMart in Chesapeake used a 9mm handgun.

The Colorado Springs and UVA shooters used AR-15 variants.


1 thing I know from "looking around" :halo9: ...

Firearms anymore are cheaper than dirt. You can get a basic AR for about $500. 9mm handgun for $300. They actually cost less now than they did in 1980. Had to save up for awhile to get a firearm then. McDonald's wages will get you one next payday nowadays.

11-25-2022, 12:04 PM