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View Full Version : Republican establishment to conservative and faith-based voters: ‘Drop dead’

11-28-2022, 08:13 PM
A leftist stirring of the pot hit piece for sure. Unfortunately, all the ammo has been provided by the Republicans. Lot of truth in between the propaganda.


11-30-2022, 09:00 AM
An opinion about the election that doesn't mention trump is pretty weak.

11-30-2022, 05:34 PM
An opinion about the election that doesn't mention trump is pretty weak. If anything has been decided, it's that Trump si NOT part of the "Republican establishment". I completely agree with the article as far as it being a bunch of empty-promise, do-nothings and has been since the 90s. In that regard, the GOP has been singularly consistent.

Trump can be blamed for his share of inter-party chaos only since 2016. Then again, the party has hardly handled that either. Before Trump we were saddled with two losers in Romney and McCain.

Republicans have sat around thinking they're so almighty superior and pointing fingers at the Dems and running on "we're not them" and apparently I'm not the only one sick of it. Sad when a leftwingnut insulting the GOP and getting a good laugh at its expense is right.

11-30-2022, 05:51 PM
Like I said. They'd rather have a public catfight. The "Red Wave" Republicans remind me a LOT of the 1980 Dems.


12-01-2022, 07:48 AM
If anything has been decided, it's that Trump si NOT part of the "Republican establishment". I completely agree with the article as far as it being a bunch of empty-promise, do-nothings and has been since the 90s. In that regard, the GOP has been singularly consistent.

Trump can be blamed for his share of inter-party chaos only since 2016. Then again, the party has hardly handled that either. Before Trump we were saddled with two losers in Romney and McCain.

Republicans have sat around thinking they're so almighty superior and pointing fingers at the Dems and running on "we're not them" and apparently I'm not the only one sick of it. Sad when a leftwingnut insulting the GOP and getting a good laugh at its expense is right.

You had it right the first time with it being a hit piece because he was wrong at least 75% in what he looked at. For the 3rd cycle in a row candidates not named, or overly attached to, trump did poorly. Others did well including governors in states that passed restricting abortion laws. He ignored, IMO, the central detail about the past election either intentionally or ignorantly. I'll give the benefit of the doubt and allow that he did so ignorantly.

12-01-2022, 05:36 PM
You had it right the first time with it being a hit piece because he was wrong at least 75% in what he looked at. For the 3rd cycle in a row candidates not named, or overly attached to, trump did poorly. Others did well including governors in states that passed restricting abortion laws. He ignored, IMO, the central detail about the past election either intentionally or ignorantly. I'll give the benefit of the doubt and allow that he did so ignorantly.

I have it right both times. You've got Trump tunnel vision. He was the majority owner of the NJ Generals whereat Hershel did play, when this crap started with the Republicans. Nowhere on the GOP radar. I agree he's the latest disaster the GOP has allowed itself to succumb to, but that's about it in a long line of "we're not them" nothingness.

It has nothing else to offer. A strong party wouldn't have let a non-conservative like Trump in the door to begin with, nor would he have found a foothold.

Tell me where I'm wrong: they're already infighting in the House. They're going to dick around with that and whatever go-nowhere investigations that will get get lots of fanfare from the right and be called tit-for-tat politics by the left. McConnell will be playing his usual ass-kissing game to the Dems along with the shit-for-brains, not-really-conservatives in his posse.

Not a damned one of them will think to first conceive of a plan, much less have one, they can sell to their alleged, conservative constituencies. Nothing that will rally the troops round the flag tp lick these lame fucks out of Congress and the WH.

Nope. Business as usual come January :rolleyes:

12-01-2022, 11:01 PM
You've got Trump tunnel vision.

Nuh uh. I just recognize that if you're going to make statements about the last election and you spend 0% of the content mentioning trump then you've missed the boat.

12-02-2022, 08:55 AM
Nuh uh. I just recognize that if you're going to make statements about the last election and you spend 0% of the content mentioning trump then you've missed the boat.

If you're going to make statements about the last election and ignore everything BUT Trump. you've missed the boat. Again, the problem with the GOP, and right in general, predates Trump by decades. Trump is a Johnny-Come-Lately to the party and convenient, current whipping boy.

Let's don't pretend I haven't thrown a fit at his every turn since the 2020 election. Again, if the party had any balls and a real position, he wouldn't be a factor. There's an underlying, pre-existing problem when one knucklehead can derail what is supposed to be the political organization that represents at least half (on a good day anymore) the electorate.

Leadership starts at the top. Strong leadership takes charge, presents a plan, sells it (a political requirement), and carries out the mission. Weak leadership allows boobs from the outfield to start running the show, the result being exactly what the GOP is now. Chaotic nothingness.

12-02-2022, 07:39 PM
If you're going to make statements about the last election and ignore everything BUT Trump. you've missed the boat. Again, the problem with the GOP, and right in general, predates Trump by decades. Trump is a Johnny-Come-Lately to the party and convenient, current whipping boy.

Let's don't pretend I haven't thrown a fit at his every turn since the 2020 election. Again, if the party had any balls and a real position, he wouldn't be a factor. There's an underlying, pre-existing problem when one knucklehead can derail what is supposed to be the political organization that represents at least half (on a good day anymore) the electorate.

Leadership starts at the top. Strong leadership takes charge, presents a plan, sells it (a political requirement), and carries out the mission. Weak leadership allows boobs from the outfield to start running the show, the result being exactly what the GOP is now. Chaotic nothingness.

Great. I haven't done that. :) And FWIW, parties aren't dictatorships, they couldn't stop trump then and they wouldn't be able to stop him this go 'round but I think his irrelevance is showing, not to all unfortunately but probably to enough.

Back to the OP, the author apparently worked in some Republican administrations but I think it's kind of hard to look at the reality on the ground and say that they told the Republican base to drop dead. A conservative leaning SCOTUS is exhibit A. But anyone is going to complain about not getting everything you want out of the party you back but you'd have to look up one paragraph where it was established that parties aren't dictatorships. ;)

12-04-2022, 10:07 AM
Great. I haven't done that. :) And FWIW, parties aren't dictatorships, they couldn't stop trump then and they wouldn't be able to stop him this go 'round but I think his irrelevance is showing, not to all unfortunately but probably to enough.

Back to the OP, the author apparently worked in some Republican administrations but I think it's kind of hard to look at the reality on the ground and say that they told the Republican base to drop dead. A conservative leaning SCOTUS is exhibit A. But anyone is going to complain about not getting everything you want out of the party you back but you'd have to look up one paragraph where it was established that parties aren't dictatorships. ;)Circular semantics doesn't work on me.

I said nothing about a dictatorship. Parties have rules. Are you saying it isn't a given (written or unwritten) you're supposed to be a conservative or at least conservative leaning independent to run for office as a Republican? Or is it okay for any populist RINO to run?:poke:

There's a difference between complaining about not getting everything *I* want and not getting anything even close to FG distance.

The party allegedly represents the conservative constituency and I say the party is too busy representing itself to be bothered with thing like "the people". In that regard, it deserves Trump.

As it stands, I'm not interested in supporting a party that is full of shit and is a close enough facsimile to the OP to resemble the commentary.

12-05-2022, 02:17 PM
Circular semantics doesn't work on me.

I said nothing about a dictatorship. Parties have rules. Are you saying it isn't a given (written or unwritten) you're supposed to be a conservative or at least conservative leaning independent to run for office as a Republican? Or is it okay for any populist RINO to run?:poke:

There's a difference between complaining about not getting everything *I* want and not getting anything even close to FG distance.

The party allegedly represents the conservative constituency and I say the party is too busy representing itself to be bothered with thing like "the people". In that regard, it deserves Trump.

As it stands, I'm not interested in supporting a party that is full of shit and is a close enough facsimile to the OP to resemble the commentary.

I'm merely stating that the party can't just kick trump out because they want to. I think for the most part that the party does represent the conservative constituency but I recognize that the definition of that will vary by state. You and I can support the party or not support the party but the bottom line will be what candidates are you and I going to have to choose between come November of any election year.