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12-01-2022, 12:59 PM
Investigations without a better plan for tomorrow are worthless. It's not enough to point to the mistakes, but to bring solutions:



In many cases, bills from a Republican House probably won’t be approved by the Democratic Senate and signed by President Biden. But by trying, the GOP will have demonstrated the party’s values and approach, paving the way for victories in 2024 and beyond.

To achieve that progress, Republicans must resist the temptation to focus only on generating coverage and whipping up the base with oversight hearings. Theatrics alone won’t advance the conservative cause. In the coming months, it will fall to Republican committee chairmen and key members to balance oversight and legislating. The party’s success depends on getting this right.

12-01-2022, 05:38 PM
Investigations without a better plan for tomorrow are worthless. It's not enough to point to the mistakes, but to bring solutions:


Just said as much in another thread responding to FJ; who, likes your post in this thread. Rather odd :)

There's definitely no plan.

12-01-2022, 10:57 PM
Just said as much in another thread responding to FJ; who, likes your post in this thread. Rather odd :)

There's definitely no plan.


12-01-2022, 11:03 PM
Just said as much in another thread responding to FJ; who, likes your post in this thread. Rather odd :)

There's definitely no plan.


To expand. The other thread; about the election. This thread; about coming stupid investigations. In yet another thread about coming stupid investigations; there's a way to investigate not stupidly.

12-02-2022, 09:00 AM
To expand. The other thread; about the election. This thread; about coming stupid investigations. In yet another thread about coming stupid investigations; there's a way to investigate not stupidly.True yet irrelevant in this case.

What are Republican't's threatening to investigate that is going to go anywhere, or matter in the long run?

12-02-2022, 11:27 AM
True yet irrelevant in this case.

What are Republican't's threatening to investigate that is going to go anywhere, or matter in the long run?

I can see investigations that make conclusions on undo foreign influence through corruption; patterns of abuse by executive controlled agencies over multiple administrations, etc.

I'm not against either oversight or legislative corrections. However, like near all investigations they are best conducted off radar until conclusions are ready or near so.

Seems what's happening are not, nor going to be investigations as much as posturing for political haymaking which did not seem to come to fruition in last election cycle. One would think that the GOP might have learned a lesson or three.

12-02-2022, 07:33 PM
True yet irrelevant in this case.

What are Republican't's threatening to investigate that is going to go anywhere, or matter in the long run?

Great, we agree. Nothing is going anywhere but Congress is going to hold hearings and if they're going to hold hearings they should avoid holding stupid hearings.

12-04-2022, 10:22 AM
Great, we agree. Nothing is going anywhere but Congress is going to hold hearings and if they're going to hold hearings they should avoid holding stupid hearings.Sorry. I don't and won't support pointlessness. Do something that matters and keep it in the people's face. Maybe they'll wake up by 2024.

More of the same is back to sleep.

12-04-2022, 10:56 AM
It is making me insane that the cycle of stupidity is going to continue unabated. If they have corruption dead to rights it should be exposed and prosecuted. If they don't we need to get on with business and work to make progress toward the case for why conservatives deserve to be given more control in 2024.

If that recipe isn't followed we are screwed, and deservedly so.

Sorry. I don't and won't support pointlessness. Do something that matters and keep it in the people's face. Maybe they'll wake up by 2024.

More of the same is back to sleep.

12-05-2022, 02:12 PM
Sorry. I don't and won't support pointlessness. Do something that matters and keep it in the people's face. Maybe they'll wake up by 2024.

More of the same is back to sleep.

I think we agree, but I could be wrong.

12-05-2022, 02:27 PM
Ok guys, maybe it's other conversations I'm involved with over the past couple days, but this reminds me of a post Boogey pointed to regarding the number of lawsuits in AZ related to the elections and irregularities/fraud.

Our systems, whether judicial or legislative are very serpentine by design. The founders did not want huge changes to come suddenly, they'd lived through that period post Revolutionary War. Dangerous doesn't describe it fully enough.

The thing is though, once the system is worked, the outcome tends towards continuity-thus a written Constitution that has stood with few actual changes for over 2 centuries.

Investigations are necessary and should happen, whether for some known wrong-multiple fake Trump impeachments for instance. Or IRS targeting conservative groups to lose tax exempt status. Or FBI/Justice colluding with social media against 1st/2nd amendments. Etc.

While investigations should be as bias free as possible, in the political realm the best one can hope for is bi-partisanship. Which is the reason the Jan 6th investigation, as very important as it should have been, was doomed. Partisan all the way.

Lawsuits are very expensive. Used for changing the system pretty much out of the possibilities for the average person or group. Not so for political organizations though. Both the RNC and DNC have the means to raise the necessary funds. The real question is does either truly want change? Right there, is where the average person or group can have influence. Those huge money raisers, really do rely on the little guys to sell there messages and to entice deep pockets to give.

Investigations are for getting to the truth, if life were fair, the outcomes would sometimes please and sometimes disappoint. Life isn't fair and it's rare to be pleased in politics. Change though, that's the legal outcome, doesn't happen at the end of investigations it's the beginning; it's also when most people give their friends a high five and walk away. Politicians know that, it's what the Deep State relies on.