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View Full Version : Biden says Walker doesn’t deserve to be in the Senate

12-02-2022, 06:32 PM
Says the dirtbag masquerading as a US President :rolleyes: Now I'm going to have to care if Walker wins just to piss off this mealy-mouthed puppet :)


12-02-2022, 07:42 PM
That is really rich coming from Joe Biden, the worthless dolt who never deserved to be in any of the positions he fell into in his life. Joe Biden is even a terrible liar, which is unbelievable considering how much practice he's had lying over his entire lifetime.

I don't know if there's even a soul inside of that husk of a human, but if there is it's a really lousy one.

12-03-2022, 12:03 AM
While I agree with him it's not really for the (D)oddering fool to say.

12-03-2022, 02:17 PM
While I agree with him it's not really for the (D)oddering fool to say.

Does Warnock deserve the position more than Walker?

12-04-2022, 09:51 AM
While I agree with him it's not really for the (D)oddering fool to say.Your hatred for anything Trump slip is showing. Again.

Walker is far more qualified than that scumbag Warnock on morals alone. And there ISN'T a perfect World where everyone meets whatever your lofty standards are. There's Walker v Warnock.

Walker, and any other Republican/conservative/person with two brain cells would be wise at this point to disassociate themselves from Trump.

12-04-2022, 11:02 AM
The problem is that the liberal Democrat doesn't understand or care about the idea of redemption and a change of mind/belief that engenders a change of life. Walker embodies that in GA wheras what we see with Warnock is the same old same old of a Democrat who has perverted belief and position and is the living embodiment of hypocrisy. Warnock changes nothing in about himself toward redemption while demanding others clean up their act. Warnock is a fraud, probably why Biden appreciates him so much.

Says the dirtbag masquerading as a US President :rolleyes: Now I'm going to have to care if Walker wins just to piss off this mealy-mouthed puppet :)


12-04-2022, 12:03 PM
Best I can tell, this commentary embodies the REAL and only "platform" the Republicans have: sink our own boat with all hands because we don't like some of the people on it.

There's not going to be any fixing the damage already done, never mind what will be done for the next two years while a bunch of old crows sit around and vacillate.


12-05-2022, 09:56 AM
Does Warnock deserve the position more than Walker?

He can at least talk his way out of a wet paper bag and doesn't have to argue with his own party just to try and get elected. Both of them are, and will be, just mouth pieces for the leadership.

Your hatred for anything Trump slip is showing. Again.

Walker is far more qualified than that scumbag Warnock on morals alone. And there ISN'T a perfect World where everyone meets whatever your lofty standards are. There's Walker v Warnock.

Walker, and any other Republican/conservative/person with two brain cells would be wise at this point to disassociate themselves from Trump.

I didn't say anything about trump in this thread. But now that you mention it trump is the only reason Walker is in the race and the only reason that we have two Dem senators at this point and possibly will again when all is said and done. Those things are just truth and fact. Any other Republican in the primary would have walked to a win last month but here we are.

But to your other point, I don't really have lofty standards other than not having tons of personal baggage that you're trying to drag through a campaign, a campaign you're in partly because you took the biden method of primary survival by mostly sitting in a basement making sure you're not really tested on the campaign trail.

And you're right, there's Walker v Warnock that we're dealing with and Walker is not a good candidate and I'll be pleasantly surprised if he wins. I'm a little surprised he didn't win last month but that's a repetition of discussions we've already had.

12-07-2022, 08:17 AM
trump; the gift that keeps screwing GA.



Was this one stolen too? :rolleyes:

12-07-2022, 01:36 PM
There was no indication of fraud in GA this time around.

trump; the gift that keeps screwing GA.



Was this one stolen too? :rolleyes:

12-07-2022, 02:09 PM
^Nor last.

12-07-2022, 02:52 PM
Not so sure of that one (speaking of 2020).

^Nor last.

12-07-2022, 04:27 PM
Not so sure of that one (speaking of 2020).

I am.

12-07-2022, 09:20 PM
Enjoy the denial. 2020 was an absolute smoking turd of a mess.

I am.

12-07-2022, 09:31 PM
fj probably loves Maxipad Waters, and Guam Might Sink Johnson, with Lee who loves people like fj for being as dumb.
HATRED FLOWS like puss from fj's Love for stupidity.
I forgot JOEY the ICE CREAM bandit's admiration for fj as well.

12-08-2022, 08:31 AM
Enjoy the denial. 2020 was an absolute smoking turd of a mess.

Enjoy your myth of fraud and 2 Republican senators. We've got 4 and 6 more years of the crapstain that trump left here.

12-08-2022, 08:02 PM
The fraud concerns have nothing to do with that dipstick, it has to do with fraud. Calm yourself, Turbo.

Enjoy your myth of fraud and 2 Republican senators. We've got 4 and 6 more years of the crapstain that trump left here.

12-08-2022, 11:09 PM
The fraud concerns have nothing to do with that dipstick, it has to do with fraud. Calm yourself, Turbo.

The dipstick named trump? He and his ilk was pushing the narrative that screwed GA. I'm not the one ginned up about non-existent fraud.

12-09-2022, 03:13 PM
Troll elsewhere, Sparky.

The dipstick named trump? He and his ilk was pushing the narrative that screwed GA. I'm not the one ginned up about non-existent fraud.

12-10-2022, 04:34 PM
This thread is about elections in whose state? Oh yeah... :rolleyes:

12-10-2022, 04:35 PM
Do I have to get a signed permission slip from you to comment, precious?

This thread is about elections in whose state? Oh yeah... :rolleyes:

12-10-2022, 04:39 PM
Do I have to get a signed permission slip from you to comment, precious?

Of course not. You just have to have more to substantiate fraud in not-your-state than claiming something about trolling.

12-10-2022, 05:08 PM
There is quite a lot of substantiation that has been provided about fraud in AZ. I get to talk about it, you don't have to like it. :lol:

Of course not. You just have to have more to substantiate fraud in not-your-state than claiming something about trolling.

12-11-2022, 10:35 AM
There is quite a lot of substantiation that has been provided about fraud in AZ. I get to talk about it, you don't have to like it. :lol:

Runbeck situation should be enough but in Lake's lawsuit there's plenty more substantiation.

12-11-2022, 12:14 PM
The fraud concerns have nothing to do with that dipstick, it has to do with fraud. Calm yourself, Turbo.

One can calculate the "Trump factor" by subtracting Senate candidate Walker's vote share from Governor Kemp's vote share.

One can also calculate Trump's competence of candidate selection by looking at the margin of victory (74 percent to 22 percent) in the Kemp vs Perdue Gubernatorial primary before that.

12-11-2022, 12:16 PM
There is quite a lot of substantiation that has been provided about fraud in AZ. I get to talk about it, you don't have to like it. :lol:

I haven't really been talking much about AZ. As with the, as of yet unproven, allegations of fraud 2 years ago let them prove it. I have that same stance with AZ and possibility of fraud that it should be investigated up until the point that it is proven or unproven and if unproven should not be harped on to the point that it effects another election 2 years later.

My gut tells me that there will end up being no fraud in AZ. But that's because I'm jaded after listing to two years of counterproductive whining.

12-11-2022, 12:29 PM
I haven't really been talking much about AZ. As with the, as of yet unproven, allegations of fraud 2 years ago let them prove it. I have that same stance with AZ and possibility of fraud that it should be investigated up until the point that it is proven or unproven and if unproven should not be harped on to the point that it effects another election 2 years later.

My gut tells me that there will end up being no fraud in AZ. But that's because I'm jaded after listing to two years of counterproductive whining.

If you assert that there was no fraud in 2020, the motivation for Governor Kemp's election reforms become dubious. Fulton County in 2020 was very suspect. The notion that there was no Georgia election fraud in 2020 aligns with those who run around screaming "Jim Crow 2.0".

I tend to agree with you regarding AZ 2022. Kari Lake's people were monitoring ballot dropoff locations for ballot mules.

12-11-2022, 12:38 PM
If you assert that there was no fraud in 2020, the motivation for Governor Kemp's election reforms become dubious. Fulton County in 2020 was very suspect. The notion that there was no Georgia election fraud in 2020 aligns with those who run around screaming "Jim Crow 2.0".

Not necessarily. Election reform was pretty much a requirement given that the 2020 election process had no basis in law outside of 2020, drop boxes, mail in ballots, etc. and there wasn't going to be a reversion to 2016 rules. The left is always going to scream about disenfranchisement whether real or imagined.

“The Georgia law expanded the number of mandatory early voting days. It codified drop boxes in every county, something that didn't exist at all before the pandemic. It aligned mail-in deadlines, with the postal recommendations to be sure the ballots actually got counted that were mailed in. It maintained no-excuse absentee voting, which neither Delaware or New York has. Two big critics of the law were the president and the majority leader, neither of their states have no-excuse absentee voting.

I don't maintain that there was no fraud. I maintain fraud that would have changed the results of the election was not existent or at the least not proven.

12-11-2022, 12:44 PM
I tend to agree with you regarding AZ 2022. Kari Lake's people were monitoring ballot dropoff locations for ballot mules.

Interesting point. In some states trump got screwed, looking at you PA, but that speaks to his utter inability to hire the correct people to do the correct job. For all her talk she should have been running miles ahead of any election fraud possibilities, at least the obvious ones, which you say that she was.

12-11-2022, 04:47 PM
Not necessarily. Election reform was pretty much a requirement given that the 2020 election process had no basis in law outside of 2020, drop boxes, mail in ballots, etc. and there wasn't going to be a reversion to 2016 rules. The left is always going to scream about disenfranchisement whether real or imagined.


I don't maintain that there was no fraud. I maintain fraud that would have changed the results of the election was not existent or at the least not proven.

I would say (without proof) that the majority are willing to accept that "as is". It satisfies both the left's delusion that people want and like what it's dishing out, and the majority on the right's delusion that Trump is the only thing wrong with the right.