View Full Version : Good On Musk

12-03-2022, 01:31 AM
Mostly doing what he said he would. Without a doubt would be more transparent to connect meet with Cook yesterday and Musk's comment regarding app and why he turned release over to Taibbi with conditions.

Still it was huge release. I know Ro Khanna is far left, yet most of the times I've heard him speak, he strikes me as OK. Lo and behold, seems to be the only Dem who actually Raised concerns on First Ammendment.

12-03-2022, 02:24 AM

12-03-2022, 08:22 AM
This is exactly what all of us knew was going on.

The DNC was emailing Twitter with lists of people to ban, and the deed was done post haste.

James Woods is suing DNC - he was one of many that was silenced at their direction.

Only ONE democrat, Ro Khana, disagreed with the censorship and banning, but the rest of the libs in Congress were cheering Twitter on and actually calling for more censorship and banning of anyone that didn't agree with The Narrative.

ONE democrat.

Elon is going to release another big data dump today, looking forward to that. Sunshine, disinfectant, etc.

I actually created a Twitter account after Elon took over, and this is fascinating. And rewarding to know my instincts were right about what was going on behind the scenes at Twitter and who was really calling the shots.

This is a really big deal. Actual, documented facts of government actively suppressing 1st amendment rights of Americans.

Also, I'm wondering what kinds of meetings and Sledgehammer Server Bashings are taking place at Google and Facebook right now. Zuckerberg and his merry band of commies are surely dropping a few bricks right about now.

12-03-2022, 10:33 AM
I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised to see Khanna raising concerns about the 1st amendment, that pleasantness was then destroyed when he asked to hide his concerns for protecting the 1st amendment.

Truly interesting, but illusory to see the Democrats outright claiming the 1st amendment is not absolute with regard to a news organization when trying to squash a story.

Mostly doing what he said he would. Without a doubt would be more transparent to connect meet with Cook yesterday and Musk's comment regarding app and why he turned release over to Taibbi with conditions.

Still it was huge release. I know Ro Khanna is far left, yet most of the times I've heard him speak, he strikes me as OK. Lo and behold, seems to be the only Dem who actually Raised concerns on First Ammendment.

12-03-2022, 02:09 PM
Just went through my Facebook news feed... there is not ONE single story about the Twitter revelations.

How weird is that? 🤔

12-03-2022, 02:14 PM
I don't see it on any MSM media sites. Which is also concerning.

Suppressing info on suppression of free speech? Par for course.

Although with all the media being laid off maybe just not enough people to assign to the story? LOL!

12-04-2022, 11:36 AM
I've been sort of watching the Musk soap from the sidelines with a comment here or there because I'm not sure where he's going but we can already see where the Biden Admin/left/MSM is going. They're just switching platforms while trying to vilify Must and Twitter. My guess is the only reason there hasn't been an all-out, leftist attack on Musk and Twitter to this point is the left is afraid of what he knows and can tell.

Rest assured they are had at work trying to de-platform Twitter in some conniving, back-stabbing way that gives them plausible deniability, like they do everything else.

Last reported, the faithfully braindead were transitioning to Tik Tok because Musk is a bigger threat to democracy and free speech than communist China :rolleyes:

12-06-2022, 09:32 PM
Wow. Jim Baker:


12-08-2022, 12:18 PM
Seems only the very beginning of the beginning of a very serpentine story:
