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View Full Version : The Left is Using Lawfare Including Threats of Prosecution to Hide Election Fraud

12-05-2022, 01:45 PM
Thou shalt not speak of fraud. Thou shalt not speak of fraud. Thou shalt not speak of fraud.

When did we get to the point that providing legal services to those who have a right to representation is grounds for disbarment and being shunned? The ambivalence and someone else's problem attitude that people are evidencing is going to be our undoing.


We are living in an unprecedented era, where the left has now mastered voter disenfranchisement and suppression, largely by controlling the legal system where statutory violations and crimes normally would be stopped. Instead, the left comes up with excuses to explain away every anomaly, even though the statistical odds of all of them taking place — almost exclusively hurting Republicans — are unbelievable. Of the 70-plus vote centers in Maricopa County that were plagued by bizarre printing problems affecting people’s ability to vote, almost everyone was located in an extremely Republican area, averaging more than 300 percent more Republicans than Democrats.

The reports that have come out regarding Arizonans unable to vote are lengthy, clearly not just a few people but hundreds and likely thousands. The Election Integrity Network published a long list compiled from merely 96 people as well as GOP observer attorneys, and what they witnessed was horrific. One voter, who could not find parking quickly due to the long lines, showed up barely after the polls closed and was not allowed to vote, with police escorting him off the property.

Republicans have started filing election lawsuits over the strange outcome in Arizona, since no one believes that the top Trump-endorsed slate of candidates who were almost all leading in MSM polls lost. But the left is already ahead of the lawsuits, filing bar complaints against conservative election attorneys. The scary 65 Project, which basically seeks to stamp out conservatives from the practice of law, has been selectively filing ethics complaints against these attorneys. Since state bars are almost all controlled by the left, and many states have mandatory state bars, it’s a no-brainer way to push through an illegal agenda like rubber stamping voter disenfranchisement.

The 65 Project is all over conservative election attorneys in Arizona. I’m the former Maricopa County Elections attorney, and it’s like a who’s who list of my colleagues in Arizona. Recent state bar complaints have been filed against Alex Kolodin, Dennis Wilenchik and his son Jack Wilenchik, Lee Miller, David Spilsbury, Christopher Viskovic and Kurt Olsen, who’s been heavily involved in Arizona litigation including representing Kari Lake.

Other prominent attorneys around the country who they’ve filed complaints against (in states where there are no mandatory state bars, the complaints get filed with other types of grievance commissions) include Ted Cruz, Jenna Ellis, John Eastman, Joseph DiGenova, Cleta Mitchell of the Election Integrity Network, and numerous Republican attorneys general.

Does anyone really believe that a large number of conservative election attorneys happen to all be corrupt? Of course not. The bar complaints are a horrendous abuse of our justice system. No attorneys dare stand up for those attacked because it then puts a big target on their back. Non-attorneys aren’t aware of how bad the abuses have become because it’s a very technical area with lots of intricate and vague rules.

For example, the State Bar of Arizona’s Rules of Professional Conduct has a vague, sweeping Ethical Rule 8.4 on Misconduct. You could fit anything you wanted to in here to disbar an attorney. It prohibits “conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation” and “conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice.” It’s a cinch for the left and their comrades in the media and running state bars to claim that attorneys suing over election fraud are being “dishonest.”

These lawyers are the last bulwark standing in the way of massive voter disenfranchisement and suppression, it is imperative not to let them hang out to dry. We learned that lesson here in Maricopa County before in the early 2010s, when the Maricopa County Supervisors came after former Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas for teaming up with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio to combat public corruption within offices like the supervisors. Instead of sending the supervisors to prison, the supervisors were able to get Thomas disbarred, and one got himself awarded $3.5 million over the “stress” of being prosecuted.

In contrast, when Jesse Jackson Jr. did something similar in Chicago — spent tens of thousands of dollars raised for a political campaign on luxury items instead — he went to prison. Maricopa County has replaced Cook County as the most corrupt county in the country.

The left is so locked into its assertions that there is no massive election fraud that they even ignore the few incidents where Republicans were caught engaging in it. A Republican political operative in North Carolina was prosecuted over testimony that he ran an operation filling out hundreds of ballots for people and forging signatures, but the MSM barely covered it (he died before it went to trial).

It’s all very strange since even a majority of Democrats believe election problems influenced the election in Arizona. A Rasmussen Reports poll found that a substantial 65% of Democrats believe the problems likely or somewhat likely affected the outcome of the U.S. Senate race in Arizona. This isn’t much different than 71% of all likely voters who believe that. An even higher number of Democrats, 69%, said they agree with Lake that many were deprived of their voting rights on Nov. 8.

Unfortunately, the left has convinced people that witness testimony no longer counts as “evidence” in election fraud cases, laughing at patriots when anxiety-prone judges find an easy technicality to throw out a case. Witness testimony alone has been used to send people to the death penalty, but the left has overturned jurisprudence here in an unprecedented trampling of our justice system. The left is also threatening to prosecute rural county supervisors who fight back.

If we do not stop the fraud, we will never see a Republican president again and the left will continue toppling red states like dominoes. The RINOs can complain all they want that the Trump-endorsed candidates lost because they were too Trumpian, not because they were targeted with election fraud, but we all know history repeats itself, the left will come for the RINOs next.

12-05-2022, 01:57 PM
Thou shalt not speak of fraud. Thou shalt not speak of fraud. Thou shalt not speak of fraud.

When did we get to the point that providing legal services to those who have a right to representation is grounds for disbarment and being shunned? The ambivalence and someone else's problem attitude that people are evidencing is going to be our undoing.


Not disagreeing with many of the premises here, though I find the number of them to be a bit overwhelming. I like one to two related ideas at a time, but that is me.

There is no doubt that the number of lawsuits being filed BY Republicans is large and the resulting responses against them equally so-it's the reason the court system is both expensive and time consuming, resulting in much higher expenses and more time. Yes it sucks, is there something better out there? Truth is, this is the beginning of a process of change, for those really wanting change.

12-05-2022, 03:49 PM
History is illusory here but there is not a true parallel to which we could compare. I cannot fathom a scenario, however, where the mere fact that a lawyer has taken a case to court has been the basis for his/her disbarment or censure. This would be akin to seeing a huge pillar of smoke and branding an onlooker a heretic for considering the possibility of a fire.

Not disagreeing with many of the premises here, though I find the number of them to be a bit overwhelming. I like one to two related ideas at a time, but that is me.

There is no doubt that the number of lawsuits being filed BY Republicans is large and the resulting responses against them equally so-it's the reason the court system is both expensive and time consuming, resulting in much higher expenses and more time. Yes it sucks, is there something better out there? Truth is, this is the beginning of a process of change, for those really wanting change.

12-05-2022, 06:41 PM
History is illusory here but there is not a true parallel to which we could compare. I cannot fathom a scenario, however, where the mere fact that a lawyer has taken a case to court has been the basis for his/her disbarment or censure. This would be akin to seeing a huge pillar of smoke and branding an onlooker a heretic for considering the possibility of a fire.

I'm not doubting the angst, however threat of is not a done deal.

12-05-2022, 07:06 PM
Oh, but it is. These lefties are filing bogus complaints and getting them upheld based on little more than personal animus. That is a pretty big deal and it speaks to a new level of dishonesty.

I'm not doubting the angst, however threat of is not a done deal.

12-05-2022, 09:40 PM
Oh, but it is. These lefties are filing bogus complaints and getting them upheld based on little more than personal animus. That is a pretty big deal and it speaks to a new level of dishonesty.

No. It's not. Here you are saying these leftists are winning in courts. Where? Cases? Got to have more than a statement.

Commonsense is very important, but doesn't count until/unless you can back it up.

12-05-2022, 10:29 PM
You should read the article the OP is based on, that is what I am referring to. Egads, I backed it up from post 1. :)

No. It's not. Here you are saying these leftists are winning in courts. Where? Cases? Got to have more than a statement.

Commonsense is very important, but doesn't count until/unless you can back it up.

12-06-2022, 12:36 AM
Thou shalt not speak of fraud. Thou shalt not speak of fraud. Thou shalt not speak of fraud.

When did we get to the point that providing legal services to those who have a right to representation is grounds for disbarment and being shunned? The ambivalence and someone else's problem attitude that people are evidencing is going to be our undoing.


They did the same thing to doctors who went against the CDC and Fauci narrative. Took away their medical licenses.

12-06-2022, 12:59 AM
I worked at my local polling place in Pima County on election day. The 2nd largest county in AZ. We had to replace 2 printers because they broke down.

Thankfully we were not a busy polling place so we had at least one printer operating when needed. We printed out less than 500 ballots. We had 900 blank pieces of paper to use for printing. I know this because I was one of the people counting them. I also counted the blank leftover sheets of paper.

The weird thing is that we also had 4 additional boxes of preprinted ballots that were never used. 4,000 preprinted just sitting in the locked storage boxes. In case of what? If the printers didn't work in assuming. My question is why didn't they hand out those ballots when the printers broke down in Maricopa County?

Those unused ballots were signed over (still boxed up) to a sheriff's deputy that couldn't tell us what would happen to them after he dropped them off at the tabulation center.

No one could answer my question on that.
Not the Superintendent, the Marshall or the Judges. We collected the ballots and boxed them up and handed them over. They could have been shredded for all I know. Or one of the boxes of preprinted ballots could have been opened and the blanks could have been marked and counted.

There are too many chain of custody points that can be utilized for fraud. Just volunteers hurriedly boxing them up and handing them over. Next electron I'm going to apply to be in the actual tabulation center for my county. I want to see the next step in the process.

12-06-2022, 01:34 AM
You should read the article the OP is based on, that is what I am referring to. Egads, I backed it up from post 1. :)

I did read it, actually read it before you posted it. There's lots there, to make suppositions, but not certainties. Do I trust the left? No. I do trust the judicial system, more or less. Over and over again, the courts eventually side with the Bill of Rights, not Bill of suggestions. This Project 65 is concerning, I know little, but will be looking for more.

The left does not fight fair, I'm not arguing they do. OTOH, just yelling, "No fair, you stink! I'm going home and telling my dad!" Isn't going to work. You play in the system or don't. Overthrow if that's your jam and you can pull it off.

12-06-2022, 08:18 AM
There are no suppositions in pointing out what is actually happening. :)

I did read it, actually read it before you posted it. There's lots there, to make suppositions, but not certainties. Do I trust the left? No. I do trust the judicial system, more or less. Over and over again, the courts eventually side with the Bill of Rights, not Bill of suggestions. This Project 65 is concerning, I know little, but will be looking for more.

The left does not fight fair, I'm not arguing they do. OTOH, just yelling, "No fair, you stink! I'm going home and telling my dad!" Isn't going to work. You play in the system or don't. Overthrow if that's your jam and you can pull it off.

12-06-2022, 10:25 AM
There are no suppositions in pointing out what is actually happening. :)

Yeah, but again, making noise is not proof of anything else. I can suppose that x happened because y unexpectedly occurred, but it's not proof. What you 'think' you saw, might be what you did see or something else entirely.

12-06-2022, 11:08 AM
Yeah, but when they tell you what they are doing and then go and do it.... < GRIN >

Yeah, but again, making noise is not proof of anything else. I can suppose that x happened because y unexpectedly occurred, but it's not proof. What you 'think' you saw, might be what you did see or something else entirely.