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View Full Version : Sinema Changes Affiliation To Independent

12-09-2022, 07:05 AM
I think there is probably something to AZ being a strange political state. Coming from former IL lifer, that's saying something. Likely the different perspectives both SassyLady and I often post, though knowing each other in real life, we share many common conservative principles, are pretty representative of individuals within the state. Our most significant differences seem to me to focus on specific people and groups, rather than general principles.

It appears that the democrats also have some of these issues within their ranks. Sinema is by no means conservative, yet she isn't a crazy leftie either. It will be interesting to see where she caucuses, especially if the border issues remain same on administration side:


12-09-2022, 03:11 PM
Her former party is making it toxic for her because she thinks for herself. She is pretty much a breath of fresh air among the "think like us or else" left.

Keith Olbermann is his typical "reasonable" self.

I think there is probably something to AZ being a strange political state. Coming from former IL lifer, that's saying something. Likely the different perspectives both SassyLady and I often post, though knowing each other in real life, we share many common conservative principles, are pretty representative of individuals within the state. Our most significant differences seem to me to focus on specific people and groups, rather than general principles.

It appears that the democrats also have some of these issues within their ranks. Sinema is by no means conservative, yet she isn't a crazy leftie either. It will be interesting to see where she caucuses, especially if the border issues remain same on administration side:


12-09-2022, 09:54 PM
I would like to say that Manchin is next but I don't see that he has the stomach for the abuse that Sinema has taken nor does he have the spine that Sinema seems to have.

12-09-2022, 11:47 PM
Well, Sinema now belongs to my party. What a strange world we live in these days.

12-10-2022, 11:41 AM
I've read a few articles about her. To include what she had to say about this. Jury's STILL out on her with me. Biggest problem I have with her is she's on board with the climate agenda. Elections are all honest and man can stop climate change and you're a dirty word "denier" if you aren't. I digress :)

I think I like her more as a person than as a politician.

She ran and won as an extremist (greenie, I think - don't remember). She's going to need a base of support if she's planning on keeping her post.

Of course if she becomes a pain in the dems' asses I'm all for it. Not sure that makes me a fan though. I'm getting a kick out of Shumer's shrill, tense voice stating "this mean nothing" :laugh:

One thing I DO know: it's REALLY hard to intimidate a tri-geek. What can you threaten them with? They already swim 3 miles, bike 130 then follow those up with a 26 mi run. I am impressed with the dedication, focus and ability it takes to accomplish that. Too bad she can't take COngress out on mandatory 5 mile runs every other day. That'd cull the herd :laugh:

12-10-2022, 12:35 PM
That voter support thingy crops up again.


12-10-2022, 12:39 PM
Sinema's switch may be worth it after all. Snowflake meltdown :laugh:


12-10-2022, 04:44 PM

“If Sinema can’t decide between the party of Raphael Warnock (https://thehill.com/people/raphael-warnock/)and the party of Kari Lake and Donald Trump, then she is truly lost,” said Waleed Shahid, a veteran strategist and communications director for the Justice Democrats.

Doesn't matter that she didn't actually do that. :rolleyes:

12-10-2022, 06:43 PM
Doesn't matter that she didn't actually do that. :rolleyes:I saw that. Not sure what declaring one's self independent is in AZ. In Texas, being an independent is different than joining one of the parties calling itself "Independent Party of ______". Here, the former means you aren't a member of an political party.

Either way, Shahid's comment is non sequitur.

12-10-2022, 06:44 PM
A little more on the position Sinema put herself in as far as 2024 goes.
