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View Full Version : The Memo: Two Americas draw vastly different lessons from Brittney Griner saga

12-10-2022, 12:32 PM
Somebody needs to resend the memo to the right. It obviously isn't getting it. The divided country is the elephant in the room for them.


12-10-2022, 02:23 PM
Somebody needs to resend the memo to the right. It obviously isn't getting it. The divided country is the elephant in the room for them.


I see this as a failure, a repetitive one, from the administration. Getting Americans home is the job of our government, especially when overcharged or worse yet, convicted on false charges. Whether Griner was a communist, LG whatever, just a jerk, she IS an American and glad she's home. It's what the US gov't should do.

None of this diminishes the failure of the US government, through 2 administrations, to gain the release of a person that's served his country, of whom there is absolutely nothing to persuade was a spy. The very fact that the Russians got such a high value person released, for a 'famous' American, though without a doubt of little value on the international sense of service to state. Why? While Russia has reputation for tough negotiations, this was a farce. It's very difficult to believe that this one-on-one exchange was the only or even likely outcome.

Been following this for awhile now:


12-10-2022, 07:05 PM
I see this as a failure, a repetitive one, from the administration. Getting Americans home is the job of our government, especially when overcharged or worse yet, convicted on false charges. Whether Griner was a communist, LG whatever, just a jerk, she IS an American and glad she's home. It's what the US gov't should do.

None of this diminishes the failure of the US government, through 2 administrations, to gain the release of a person that's served his country, of whom there is absolutely nothing to persuade was a spy. The very fact that the Russians got such a high value person released, for a 'famous' American, though without a doubt of little value on the international sense of service to state. Why? While Russia has reputation for tough negotiations, this was a farce. It's very difficult to believe that this one-on-one exchange was the only or even likely outcome.

Been following this for awhile now:


I can respect that opinion while only half-agreeing. Americans believe they are above the law, especially abroad. Arrogant and ill-mannered. It's not a joke/no one's kidding about breaking the law in foreign countries and they do and should have jurisdiction. Judging their laws by ours is foolish where the reality of being there is concerned.

In Greiner's case, she was guilty. How many people do we have in jail here for the same thing?

I would rather the Government focus on those falsely charged. I agree that is a complete failure. They trade one of the worst excuses for a human being in the World for Greiner, yet make no attempt to get anyone else.

This admin played it for the PR and nothing more, IMO. I doubt I could have a worse opinion of it than I already do. It's embarrassing to wake up know that bunch of goons runs this Nation and is running it into the ground.