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View Full Version : SCOTUS to hear case to overturn 2020 election

12-14-2022, 09:34 AM

12-14-2022, 10:08 AM

And I don't think anything about that says that they're going to hear the case.

12-14-2022, 07:47 PM
Right or wrong, nobody's going to overturn any damned 2020 election. The feeble American mind can't grasp the concept of overturning a Presidential election, much less the consequences.

The National narrative doesn't even allow it as a consideration.

12-14-2022, 07:49 PM
Right or wrong, nobody's going to overturn any damned 2020 election. The feeble American mind can't grasp the concept of overturning a Presidential election, much less the consequences.

The National narrative doesn't even allow it as a consideration.

I'm pretty sure many of us can grasp the concept and the consequences, which is why we think those folks arguing for such are at minimum behaving crazy.

12-14-2022, 07:58 PM
I'm pretty sure many of us can grasp the concept and the consequences, which is why we think those folks arguing for such are at minimum behaving crazy.

I would disagree on the average comprehension level going these days. We ARE talking people who believe the MSM and half at least vote Dem.

Personally, without taking sides, with all these stupid, partisan investigations going on, I see no reason why an election can't be investigated without a resounding slamming of the door from the get-go. In fact, the only thing I can think of that make investigating an election "different" is fear of what might be found. It's no more joke than any other ting in government we question.

If we can't and don't question government we've already lost and there's nothing to pretend we're fighting for.

12-14-2022, 08:22 PM
I would disagree on the average comprehension level going these days. We ARE talking people who believe the MSM and half at least vote Dem.

Personally, without taking sides, with all these stupid, partisan investigations going on, I see no reason why an election can't be investigated without a resounding slamming of the door from the get-go. In fact, the only thing I can think of that make investigating an election "different" is fear of what might be found. It's no more joke than any other ting in government we question.

If we can't and don't question government we've already lost and there's nothing to pretend we're fighting for.

If fraud is suspected, take it to court. All the legislative investigations, even now DOJ/any executive lea are partisan or perceived to be so.

12-14-2022, 08:55 PM
If fraud is suspected, take it to court. All the legislative investigations, even now DOJ/any executive lea are partisan or perceived to be so.Take it to a court that has predetermined no wrongdoing/questioning election "integrity"? That'll go far. I have no more faith in the judiciary than I do the Federal government anymore.

Taking it to court is what the Dems want. Thats the game they play. They know they're going to do whatever they want until it plays out years later and the damage is already done. Look at the Border.

Segue : :)

Recall I used to be a BIG proponent of the Federal government handling elections? One set of rules for all, with one final arbiter? You and FJ of course argued against. In a perfect World on a level playing field with honest people :rolleyes: ... it would work. My idea being that the Republican't's fixed it ( I know - wishful thinking) before what has come to pass came to pass.

Well, I agree with you now, just not for the 10 Amendment reason y'all stood on. The 10 Amendment is a joke and no one has done more to prove that than Biden, Obama and Clinton since FDR.

I think there ARE bad actors out there as far as elections go, with the proverbial nod n wink from the Dems BLM, ANTIFA and the like get. No one can prove it on a National level because they hypocrites on the left suddenly find a use for States' Rights.

Coincidentally and as an aside, just read where DOJ is going after election officials with subpoena's in every state that sided with Trump and questioned the elections:rolleyes: Begs the question why they didn't start with subpoenas for players in questionable states.

Anyway ... given the showing of the Federal government just in the last 2 years, I wouldn't want them handling the votes for Denmother. It wasn't Trump that brought the shenanigans to my attention. That pre-dates Trump.

The fact that they have put so much effort into hammering home that they are as pure as the driven snow and no questions allowed or you're a kook is a red flag all by itself. If the left is lying when they use that "extremist" label about most everything else, what makes this different? Nothing.

I'm sure I am not the only one that has zero respect for this current government and any of its laws or its law enforcement.

12-14-2022, 09:04 PM
Take it to a court that has predetermined no wrongdoing/questioning election "integrity"? That'll go far. I have no more faith in the judiciary than I do the Federal government anymore.

Taking it to court is what the Dems want. Thats the game they play. They know they're going to do whatever they want until it plays out years later and the damage is already done. Look at the Border.

Segue : :)

Recall I used to be a BIG proponent of the Federal government handling elections? One set of rules for all, with one final arbiter? You and FJ of course argued against. In a perfect World on a level playing field with honest people :rolleyes: ... it would work. My idea being that the Republican't's fixed it ( I know - wishful thinking) before what has come to pass came to pass.

Well, I agree with you now, just not for the 10 Amendment reason y'all stood on. The 10 Amendment is a joke and no one has done more to prove that than Biden, Obama and Clinton since FDR.

I think there ARE bad actors out there as far as elections go, with the proverbial nod n wink from the Dems BLM, ANTIFA and the like get. No one can prove it on a National level because they hypocrites on the left suddenly find a use for States' Rights.

Coincidentally and as an aside, just read where DOJ is going after election officials with subpoena's in every state that sided with Trump and questioned the elections:rolleyes: Begs the question why they didn't start with subpoenas for players in questionable states.

Anyway ... given the showing of the Federal government just in the last 2 years, I wouldn't want them handling the votes for Denmother. It wasn't Trump that brought the shenanigans to my attention. That pre-dates Trump.

The fact that they have put so much effort into hammering home that they are as pure as the driven snow and no questions allowed or you're a kook is a red flag all by itself. If the left is lying when they use that "extremist" label about most everything else, what makes this different? Nothing.

I'm sure I am not the only one that has zero respect for this current government and any of its laws or its law enforcement.

As you said, I'm not ok with fed getting any more power grab potential, which leaving investigations with 'party in power' investigations does. Court rulings have an end and can be appealed.

12-15-2022, 07:34 PM
As you said, I'm not ok with fed getting any more power grab potential, which leaving investigations with 'party in power' investigations does. Court rulings have an end and can be appealed.You mean like the court battles going on about the Border? Two years and counting with no end in sight? So when the court gets around to ruling against Biden ignoring the law are they going to round all these millions of illegals up and send them back?

Of course not. Another thing the left does well and right does not: play the courts against the people.

12-15-2022, 09:59 PM
You mean like the court battles going on about the Border? Two years and counting with no end in sight? So when the court gets around to ruling against Biden ignoring the law are they going to round all these millions of illegals up and send them back?

Of course not. Another thing the left does well and right does not: play the courts against the people.
The particular example of borders is certainly timely, but illustrative of larger issue of citizenry not getting in politicians aces for decades of bad behaviors on this issue. From repeated amnesty to treating invaders as guests that come with full access to all benefits, from education to healthcare.

12-17-2022, 11:46 AM
The particular example of borders is certainly timely, but illustrative of larger issue of citizenry not getting in politicians aces for decades of bad behaviors on this issue. From repeated amnesty to treating invaders as guests that come with full access to all benefits, from education to healthcare.Not sure wy we're arguing when we agree for the most part. Just not where it comes to faith in the process. The 2020 election case is a perfect example as well.

What if the court found in Trump's (or anyone else in same situation) favor? Then what? Besides the fact that the Dems would get their brownshirts to burn down the Supreme Court?

Two years later and countless damage to the economy, infrastructure, military, millions of illegals we get "Triumphant Trump" back 2 years into his second and final term and all he cares about is political revenge?

The system itself won't allow any such thing to happen because it would be and is a threat to the US government establishment itself to happen.

In the meantime, the Jan 6th farce is supposedly coming out Monday with recommendation DOJ criminally indict Trump on charges of insurrection and a couple of others. Isn't amazing? Two years of nothing and suddenly the end is near and they can wrap up the witch hunt :rolleyes:

You're correct about politicians not doing anything. Another one of my points. Anyone that thinks getting rid of Trump. by whatever means, is going to solve the chaos that is the GOP is setting themselves up for disappointment.

The GOP was disappointing before Trump. It hasn't changed. In fact, having a scapegoat has made it and a lot fo the people blind to that fact.