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View Full Version : A Contrast in Men and Women Olympic Weightlifters

12-17-2022, 09:54 PM
I know. In my defense, I realized this is the only sport I watch. It has all its rules intricacies and whatnot, like any other. Anyway, this is about people, not the sport :)

You have never seen a male weightlifter do this. The look on her face is priceless. They didn't even get flagged when Dane Miller comes out from the back, nor she jumping on him. Strictly verboten.


Arrogant, macho dude would be walking off looking all smug like, "Hell, I knew it the whole time" :fu: :laugh: (except that NZ fag that's self-esteem is so low he wants to compete with girls. He's still a fag:) )

So I was sorta looking at the women lifting vs the men lifting. Night and day. I have to admit, I prefer watching the women.

Particularly, women who miss their first lift. I can almost guarantee whether she nails or misses it just by how she approaches the lift. When they come out looking like my ex wife, no brainer. That weight's got no place to hide :laugh:

Guys? Meh. Arrogant, macho shit. I can get that in the mirror :laugh:

12-18-2022, 03:14 PM
Damn, that girl would whoop my ass!!

12-18-2022, 09:16 PM
Damn, that girl would whoop my ass!!Hayley Reichert is a sweetheart. Dane Miller's been coaching her for several years. Occasionally in his coaching videos. Barely out of her teens, if that.

I can't find the video of the second girl I liked. And there was a LOT not to like. She's a lifter from "the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia". Ugly, lime-green singlet over a full body, ankles to neck, compression suit, I guess. Her "scarf" looked like and old school SCUBA suit hood only worse because it was large enough to accommodate her hair you aren't allowed to look at:rolleyes:

Anyhow, she missed her 1st clean jerk. Goes back to wait for her next lift. Getting "encouragement" (looked like browbeating to me) from her coaches. Goes out and misses her 2nd clean and jerk. She really looked distraught. I'd have bet against her.

So her dumbass coaches are yacking in ear and you can tell she's getting pissed. So she gets up for her 3rd shot and they try giving her the weight belt and she basically gives them the :talk2hand: and goes back out to the stage. She grabs the bar and power cleans it and jerks it.

I like that :) Nothing like copping a bad attitude to get something moving :laugh: