View Full Version : Will Big Tech ex-employees work for half price or less?

12-18-2022, 11:20 AM
I always avoided working for Big Tech like the plague because you can't succumb to groupthink without sacrificing your self respect. I have worked in the lower to mid 100s while Big Tech employees often make more than $300K. Working for less famous organizations in places like Florida, Tennessee, Texas and New Hampshire for half price is a small sacrifice. I once opted to work for a Boston company at a New Hampshire pay rate in exchange for working mostly remote. For the get-go the lower pay rate is mitigated by each day work is performed in New Hampshire being exempt from MA state income tax. I just don't see these San Francisco snowflakes accepting a 50+% pay cut. Realistically paid low-profile tech workers don't need to worry about competing with ex-employees of Big Tech.

As an added bonus if you run afoul of your company, you don't become "damaged goods" when working for low profile organizations. James Damore, who got fired from Google talked about how hard it was for him to find another job.
