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View Full Version : Hillary proposes another vote-buying scheme: free 401k's with $1,000 from the govt

10-09-2007, 01:27 PM
Looks like the $5,000-per-baby scheme for buying votes, didn't pan out. So Hillary has now taken it back, and now proposes to give "free" 401k retirement accounts to voters instead, with the government handing out up to $1,000 each.

The baby-bond scheme lasted about a week. How long witll this one last before she takes it away, too? And, how many more of these free-money-from-the-government schemes will we see appear and disappear, before the actual election?

And this person wants to run our country???



Clinton Proposes 401(k)s, Matching Funds

Oct 9 12:49 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

WEBSTER CITY, Iowa (AP) - Every citizen could get a 401(k) retirement account and up to $1,000 in annual matching funds from the government under a plan offered Tuesday by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

At a cost of $20 billion-$25 billion a year, the plan is Clinton's largest domestic proposal other than her plan for universal health insurance. The New York senator said it would be paid for by taxing estates worth more than $7 million per couple and would help narrow the gap between the rich and those who don't have enough savings for retirement.

At the same time, Clinton said she has given up another idea for a savings incentive—giving every baby born in the United States a $5,000 account to one day pay for college or a first home.

She made that suggestion last month before the Congressional Black Caucus, saying it was just an idea and not a policy proposal. The idea was criticized by Republicans, and she told The Wall Street Journal in an interview published Tuesday that it's off the table.

The campaign of her Democratic rival John Edwards suggested it was an example of Clinton setting her positions by polls. "Apparently, new polling data seems to have pressured the Clinton campaign to throw out the baby bond with the bathwater," said Edwards spokesman Chris Kofinis.

red states rule
10-09-2007, 01:29 PM
Looks like the $5,000-per-baby scheme for buying votes, didn't pan out. So Hillary has now taken it back, and now proposes to give "free" 401k retirement accounts to voters instead, with the government handing out up to $1,000 each.

The baby-bond scheme lasted about a week. How long witll this one last before she takes it away, too? And, how many more of these free-money-from-the-government schemes will we see appear and disappear, before the actual election?

And this person wants to run our country???



Clinton Proposes 401(k)s, Matching Funds

Oct 9 12:49 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

WEBSTER CITY, Iowa (AP) - Every citizen could get a 401(k) retirement account and up to $1,000 in annual matching funds from the government under a plan offered Tuesday by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

At a cost of $20 billion-$25 billion a year, the plan is Clinton's largest domestic proposal other than her plan for universal health insurance. The New York senator said it would be paid for by taxing estates worth more than $7 million per couple and would help narrow the gap between the rich and those who don't have enough savings for retirement.

At the same time, Clinton said she has given up another idea for a savings incentive—giving every baby born in the United States a $5,000 account to one day pay for college or a first home.

She made that suggestion last month before the Congressional Black Caucus, saying it was just an idea and not a policy proposal. The idea was criticized by Republicans, and she told The Wall Street Journal in an interview published Tuesday that it's off the table.

The campaign of her Democratic rival John Edwards suggested it was an example of Clinton setting her positions by polls. "Apparently, new polling data seems to have pressured the Clinton campaign to throw out the baby bond with the bathwater," said Edwards spokesman Chris Kofinis.

Seems Hillary is becoming another John Kerry. She was for the $5000 baby bond before she was against it

Abbey Marie
10-09-2007, 02:32 PM
Why doesn't sHrillary just hand out cash and whiskey at the voting booth in exchange for votes? It's about the same thing.

red states rule
10-09-2007, 02:33 PM
Why doesn't sHrillary just hand out cash and whiskey at the voting booth in exchange for votes? It's about the same thing.

She thinks if she opens the front door to the US Treasury and let people take all they want - she will get their vote

10-09-2007, 02:38 PM
Holy Cow!

A thousand dollars annually for every citizen? No way, whose paying for that? NM, I know the answer that. Personally, I would prefer she would work on fixing Social Security.

I realize this is, "it was just an idea and not a policy proposal", but how many votes will she catch by leaking this "idea"?

One more question, will she include illegal immigrants in the "idea"?

Sorry, but the idea is just preposterous especially after adding up the cost of GWB's war and the costs to rebuild Iraq that will be on going for decades .


red states rule
10-09-2007, 02:41 PM
Holy Cow!

A thousand dollars annually for every citizen? No way, whose paying for that? NM, I know the answer that. Personally, I would prefer she would work on fixing Social Security.

I realize this is, "it was just an idea and not a policy proposal", but how many votes will she catch by leaking this "idea"?

One more question, will she include illegal immigrants in the "idea"?

Sorry, but the idea is just preposterous especially after adding up the cost of GWB's war and the costs to rebuild Iraq that will be on going for decades .


Lets see, about $20 billion for the baby bonds, $100 billion for Hillary Care, and $25 billion for the 401K's

Keep the books open folks, Hillary still has until Feb 08 until the nomination is decided and what will be offer next?

A car and a house for every Amercan (and to be fair for illegals as well)

10-09-2007, 02:41 PM
so, if some guy who makes $150k a year opens up one of these accounts, then the taxpayers should give him $1k?.......I thought Dems didn't like handouts to the rich......

red states rule
10-09-2007, 02:42 PM
so, if some guy who makes $150k a year opens up one of these accounts, then the taxpayers should give him $1k?.......I thought Dems didn't like handouts to the rich......

Why not let the workers invest part of their SS tax in a 401K?

Or does that make to much sense for the Red Queen?

10-09-2007, 02:46 PM
A car and a house for every Amercan (and to be fair for illegals as well)

I will take a Ferrari please, give my wife a SUV. My son wants a Poorsh*t and I will have to ask my two daughters what they want.


red states rule
10-09-2007, 02:51 PM
I will take a Ferrari please, give my wife a SUV. My son wants a Poorsh*t and I will have to ask my two daughters what they want.


Who would you want to pay for it? Will Hillary at least tell us that much?

10-09-2007, 02:55 PM
Who would you want to pay for it? Will Hillary at least tell us that much?

You and every other American of course.


PS: I hope the sarcasm is dripping from my posts on this thread.

red states rule
10-09-2007, 02:58 PM
You and every other American of course.


PS: I hope the sarcasm is dripping from my posts on this thread.

Oh it is

The sad part is, the people who support Hillary really thinks it is free and the "rich" will not miss the money

I have said it many times - and Hillary is making my point. Dems want to be the Mommy and Daddy party and think people are to stupid to make it in life without their help

10-10-2007, 12:23 AM
how about the dems just give away all their money, since they want to help their poor instead of giving away all of theirs.

easy for them to talk about poverty when they are filthy rich.

Looks like the $5,000-per-baby scheme for buying votes, didn't pan out. So Hillary has now taken it back, and now proposes to give "free" 401k retirement accounts to voters instead, with the government handing out up to $1,000 each.

The baby-bond scheme lasted about a week. How long witll this one last before she takes it away, too? And, how many more of these free-money-from-the-government schemes will we see appear and disappear, before the actual election?

And this person wants to run our country???



Clinton Proposes 401(k)s, Matching Funds

Oct 9 12:49 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

WEBSTER CITY, Iowa (AP) - Every citizen could get a 401(k) retirement account and up to $1,000 in annual matching funds from the government under a plan offered Tuesday by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

At a cost of $20 billion-$25 billion a year, the plan is Clinton's largest domestic proposal other than her plan for universal health insurance. The New York senator said it would be paid for by taxing estates worth more than $7 million per couple and would help narrow the gap between the rich and those who don't have enough savings for retirement.

At the same time, Clinton said she has given up another idea for a savings incentive—giving every baby born in the United States a $5,000 account to one day pay for college or a first home.

She made that suggestion last month before the Congressional Black Caucus, saying it was just an idea and not a policy proposal. The idea was criticized by Republicans, and she told The Wall Street Journal in an interview published Tuesday that it's off the table.

The campaign of her Democratic rival John Edwards suggested it was an example of Clinton setting her positions by polls. "Apparently, new polling data seems to have pressured the Clinton campaign to throw out the baby bond with the bathwater," said Edwards spokesman Chris Kofinis.