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12-31-2022, 01:52 PM
Law Will Install Kill Switches In All New Cars

...According to an article written by former U.S. Representative Bob Barr, hidden away in the recently passed infrastructure bill, the very one I warned before would negatively impact drivers across the country if it were to pass, is a measure to install vehicle kill switches into every new car, truck, and SUV sold in this country. The regulation likely won’t be enforced for five years, so maybe there’s time to do something about this.....


12-31-2022, 02:07 PM
Law Will Install Kill Switches In All New Cars

...According to an article written by former U.S. Representative Bob Barr, hidden away in the recently passed infrastructure bill, the very one I warned before would negatively impact drivers across the country if it were to pass, is a measure to install vehicle kill switches into every new car, truck, and SUV sold in this country. The regulation likely won’t be enforced for five years, so maybe there’s time to do something about this.....

https://autos.yahoo.com/law-install-kill-switches-cars-170000930.htmlNobody will do anything about it. They will wait until it happens, crying about it after the fact and it'll be like everything else. By the time it drags its way through the courts, it will be an accepted part of life by the many.

FYI, if you have a vehicle less than about 20 years old, it has GPS that can be reactivated even if you turn it off. Same with your cell phone. There is no way you can be part of the US infrastructure and not be tracked within hours (est) by the government with its handy judges and warrants ready at hand.

Just remember if you steal a horse to make sure it isn't chipped :)

12-31-2022, 02:13 PM
Law Will Install Kill Switches In All New Cars

Bad. Government overreach. Infringing on privacy. etc. etc. Why do you post 3rd hand information? You post a story about a story about government regulations. Why not post Barr's piece and then find the actual regulation? Just a pet peeve of mine. Apologies given.

12-31-2022, 06:03 PM
Bad. Government overreach. Infringing on privacy. etc. etc. Why do you post 3rd hand information? You post a story about a story about government regulations. Why not post Barr's piece and then find the actual regulation? Just a pet peeve of mine. Apologies given.

If the manufacturers installed kills switches in all new cars, no one would know the difference. All the COVID-era cars have untested chips that are failure-prone. I could see an actual kill switch as a real money maker to randomly simulate mechanical failures and charge big bucks to reset it.

12-31-2022, 08:16 PM
If the manufacturers installed kills switches in all new cars, no one would know the difference. All the COVID-era cars have untested chips that are failure-prone. I could see an actual kill switch as a real money maker to randomly simulate mechanical failures and charge big bucks to reset it.I can see a whole industry in paying to have your vehicle "cleaned".

Then the Government will cry foul and make it against the law to tamper with the devices like they did catalytic converters :rolleyes:

Never ending nutroll.

01-02-2023, 12:46 PM
In the cybersecurity industry we have been warning about this kind of stuff for years. Cell phones, IoT, new cars, and even the personal use drones that people fly for fun all have the capability to be used to track your every movement and be registered for use in triangulation methodologies.

Lots of the tech that everyone loves to use is and has been shown to be easily redirected for surveillance usage yet private citizens snap it up like candy because it makes home life a little easier and more fun. Things like the entire Amazon Alexa series of devices with Neighborhood settings still enabled, Google Home devices, Google Nest devices and more. They all make self-own a rule of thumb.

Kill switches in cars is likely an inevitability that, for all we know, may already be partially implemented. My mid-engine Corvette most likely has the infrastructure to implement the technology if not already the implemented circuitry. I would guarantee you that my wife's Mustang GT already has the capability due to the satellite connectivity built in.

Is it concerning? Yes. What can we do about it? Not sure.

Why is it concerning? The fact that our government is a cesspool of corruption and no-longer interested in maintaining the freedom of its people or the liberties upon which the country was founded. That is why it is concerning.


01-02-2023, 07:57 PM
Anybody wear a fitbit? Access to that personal data for a week or two would give the tracker all he needed to know about your personal info. If you have an android phone paired to your fitbit, you might as well post all your personal data on Page One of the NYT, to include current whereabouts since the fitbit uses GPS to track your movement.

Ain't technology grand?

01-03-2023, 07:36 PM
I'm pretty sure my 2017 GMC Yukon has kill switch. Someone steals my car I contact OnStar and they will kill the engine. And then tell me where it is located.

I don’t like the idea that the government has access but it's too late now. I'm so glad I have lived most of my life and if I need to check out due to the world going to shit then I won't miss much.

01-04-2023, 02:09 AM
I'm pretty sure my 2017 GMC Yukon has kill switch. Someone steals my car I contact OnStar and they will kill the engine. And then tell me where it is located.

I don’t like the idea that the government has access but it's too late now. I'm so glad I have lived most of my life and if I need to check out due to the world going to shit then I won't miss much.

Pretty much my take too. Gunny mentioned Fitbit, but your cell already tracks us.

01-04-2023, 07:32 PM
Pretty much my take too. Gunny mentioned Fitbit, but your cell already tracks us.I gave the short version :) The fitbit pairs to the cell for android users. Only thing I know about Apple is like to eat green ones :)

The roku I have in order for my TV to function is constantly trying to pair with my cell. My laptop is constantly trying to pair with the cell and tv. I don't do it just in case it comes down to it being that much more pain in the ass for anyone trying to access any/all of my electronics :)

Best they can get is user history on me anyway. I keep nothing but a few odds and ends pics.

01-04-2023, 10:48 PM
I gave the short version :) The fitbit pairs to the cell for android users. Only thing I know about Apple is like to eat green ones :)

The roku I have in order for my TV to function is constantly trying to pair with my cell. My laptop is constantly trying to pair with the cell and tv. I don't do it just in case it comes down to it being that much more pain in the ass for anyone trying to access any/all of my electronics :)

Best they can get is user history on me anyway. I keep nothing but a few odds and ends pics.

My cell, my watch, my car, my hearing aids all are bluetooth and all have gps. My feeling is 'come and get me, you'll have to feed me!" LOL!

01-05-2023, 07:47 PM
My cell, my watch, my car, my hearing aids all are bluetooth and all have gps. My feeling is 'come and get me, you'll have to feed me!" LOL!Relevant: You've previously posted your "delicate" palate. I can tell you right now government chow ain't for you :)

01-05-2023, 07:52 PM
What if a foreign entity like Russia or China hacked their way into the kill switch? Once a remote feature like this kill switch exists, it can be hacked. Would it be in a foreign entities interest to stop traffic in America? Could they mess up our infrastructure or our supply chain with the push of a few buttons?

01-05-2023, 09:42 PM
What if a foreign entity like Russia or China hacked their way into the kill switch? Once a remote feature like this kill switch exists, it can be hacked. Would it be in a foreign entities interest to stop traffic in America? Could they mess up our infrastructure or our supply chain with the push of a few buttons?

Might be one of the conspiracy theories, but think it's already been done small scale.

01-06-2023, 12:35 AM
Sort of related ... the Idaho killer's phone was geo fenced to show that he was stalking the victims.

01-06-2023, 01:25 AM
Sort of related ... the Idaho killer's phone was geo fenced to show that he was stalking the victims.
and some family member did genealogy that gave dna evidence. Brave new world.