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View Full Version : White House blasts Trump for calling to jail journalists who broke draft abortion dec

01-20-2023, 09:09 AM
Everybody's wrong here. First, f*the WH. Two-faced liars displaying more partisan, faux outrage. When it happens to them, we get Jan 6th Committees.

OTOH, Trump sticking his foot in his mouth again, not knowing WTF he is talking about. Calling for the jailing journalists who broke the story is shooting the messenger. If they ever find the actual source of the leak (which is looking politically doubtful at this point), there has to be ethics/oath violations involved.


01-21-2023, 03:28 AM
Everybody's wrong here. First, f*the WH. Two-faced liars displaying more partisan, faux outrage. When it happens to them, we get Jan 6th Committees.

OTOH, Trump sticking his foot in his mouth again, not knowing WTF he is talking about. Calling for the jailing journalists who broke the story is shooting the messenger. If they ever find the actual source of the leak (which is looking politically doubtful at this point), there has to be ethics/oath violations involved.


The Surpremes were not asked to swear they were innocent so probably one of the justices leaked it.

01-21-2023, 06:42 PM
The Surpremes were not asked to swear they were innocent so probably one of the justices leaked it.Safe bet it had to originate from a Justice, even if heard in passing by a gopher. I don't put it past the leftwingnut, activist justices to leak it outright.

Point here is Trump just made himself look like a deer in the headlights again. Another case of Trump saying nothing would have been better than calling for the heads of messengers. That makes him (and by default anyone who supports him) look spiteful and ignorant of the law.

01-22-2023, 04:13 PM
I don't even know where to start on this one.

01-23-2023, 12:12 PM
I don't even know where to start on this one.Right? Just too many places to "start". The giant, sun-size red flag being waved in my face is the hypocrisy. Trump's been saying the wrong thing, or even the right thing the wrong way at times, for so long now I pretty much expect it.

DOJ was on Trump like sharks in blood-filled waters because he had classified documents. They raided his home with a SWAT team and who knows who the Hell all else. The MSM has been more than helpful spinning what an egregious crime against the Nation/threat to National security, yada, yada, yada.

Nothing new. How many times did they impeach Trump? That was after the fraudulent "Russian Collusion" hoax investigation they dragged for 2 years at taxpayer expense.

Biden? He can sell us right out to China. Afghanistan was so FUBAR it's hard to believe it wasn't a planned by the numbers failure. He's destroyed our energy self-sufficiency. I can't even remember all his f-ups. Latest? He gets caught with his hand in the same cookie jar Trump's is in, and it's kid gloves from DOJ, the Dems and the MSM.

I don't know how many articles I've read where if they thought they could get away with it they'd remind the reader that "Joe takes this seriously and is cooperating fully". Not mentioning to downplaying and brushing aside any "threat to National security" Joe may have presented. Hell, the Joke Biden building/library or whatever it is they found the first set of documents in is mostly funded by China. Nothing to see here:rolleyes:

Charge them both or don't, but without further info, let's don't assume one is worse than the other. IMO, not only are they both guilty, but I'd bet more than half the civilians employed by the government in DC are just as guilty. The only reason I place military above civilians on that count is because they won't hesitate to lock us up and throw away the key aka being held accountable for violations of the law.

Was this a military affair? Every damned base would be locked down and every single piece of classified material would have to accounted for. Lie as not, it would be these same politicians demanding it.

The entire US Federal Government should be having it's collective Federal ass held to the fire and damage assessed. This part of protecting this country and its people. Something an overly-arrogant government doesn't take seriously.

01-23-2023, 01:52 PM
Reason number 168 why the press might not give him the benefit of the doubt.

01-23-2023, 02:39 PM
Reason number 168 why the press might not give him the benefit of the doubt.
So many reasons to not trust Trump is true. Reasons to no longer believe FBI, DOJ are also numerous and growing from suspicion to assuming dishonesty:


01-24-2023, 11:39 AM
Reason number 168 why the press might not give him the benefit of the doubt.168? You are WAY too kind, sir :laugh:

01-24-2023, 11:48 AM
So many reasons to not trust Trump is true. Reasons to no longer believe FBI, DOJ are also numerous and growing from suspicion to assuming dishonesty:

https://www.foxnews.com/politics/retired-top-fbi-counterintelligence-agent-led-trump-russia-probe-arrested-own-ties-russian-oligarchIt's a nutroll :)

None of my opinions of Trump have changed, and aren't likely to. It wasn't his Presidency that killed him with me. It has been his non-stop behavior since. Although, he could have bothered to be President in 2019-2020 while the radical left was running amok destroying cities, and at least put some effort into running for reelection.

Flipside: He's the poster boy for the left's hypocrisy. Circumstance speaks for itself but he has to open his mouth and make defending even that (circumstance) out a bad taste in one's mouth.

01-24-2023, 12:30 PM
It's a nutroll :)

None of my opinions of Trump have changed, and aren't likely to. It wasn't his Presidency that killed him with me. It has been his non-stop behavior since. Although, he could have bothered to be President in 2019-2020 while the radical left was running amok destroying cities, and at least put some effort into running for reelection.

Flipside: He's the poster boy for the left's hypocrisy. Circumstance speaks for itself but he has to open his mouth and make defending even that (circumstance) out a bad taste in one's mouth.

I've said about a billion times, his policies weren't bad, indeed many were good. The problem has always been his personality and character and lack of self-discipline, (or maybe he chooses his words with the ultimate care, which would be worse). Being in a losing position has only mad the insanity even more apparent.