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View Full Version : The View Defends Baldwin, a ‘Tragedy’ for Career, Guns Too Complicated for Actors

01-21-2023, 10:39 AM
It may very well be the job of another to ensure the gun is loaded with blanks....

But no one, no one should ever directly point a gun at another person and then pull the trigger.

If you read down, Behar acts like it's too complicated for actors, or Baldwin. Then don't touch a gun!

And of course, she has to blame republicans somehow - again.


The View Defends Baldwin, a ‘Tragedy’ for Career, Guns Too Complicated for Actors

With the state of New Mexico charging actor Alec Baldwin for involuntary manslaughter for the shooting death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of the movie Rust, the cast of ABC’s The View spent their Friday morning trying to defend their radical liberal friend. They argued that it wasn’t his responsibility to check the gun for live rounds, called it a “tragedy” for this career, asserted the only one who should be taking the fall was the inexperienced armorer, and suggested the person charging Baldwin shouldn’t be trusted because they’re a Republican.

Acting as moderator, Behar was worried for her friend because Baldwin was “facing up to five years in prison.” She whined that other producers weren’t charged and suggested it wasn’t his responsibility, as someone who was handed a gun, to check to see if live rounds were loaded into:

I have to say, before I even throw it out there, that there were four other producers on the show who have not been charged, on the movie. Why? That's one question I have. He is -- he was a producer of story credit. So, he had creative involvement, not exactly the job of somebody who would have to check the gun. That's the job of other people.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2023/01/20/view-defends-baldwin-tragedy-career-guns-too-complicated

01-21-2023, 04:50 PM
I have to say, before I even throw it out there, that there were four other producers on the show who have not been charged, on the movie. Why? That's one question I have. He is -- he was a producer of story credit. So, he had creative involvement, not exactly the job of somebody who would have to check the gun. That's the job of other people.

Ummm, they didn't pull the trigger? Nah, Republicans.

01-21-2023, 06:35 PM
What exactly do Republicans have to do with the mishandling of a Hollyweird movie prop? Hollywierdos not only sell gun culture, but they use all kinds of weaponry Republicans/average citizens are not legally allowed to use and do everything they can to make it look "cool".

Had this incident happened during rehearsal or filming, I would say it's an accident. I realize current society/culture doesn't allow for them, but they happen. Since this happened while Baldwin was playing Mickey Mouse bullshit with a loaded handgun and not even filming nor rehearsing, screw him. Negligent homicide sound like the exact right charge to me. The armorer was just as negligent if not more so since it's an armorers specific job to handle weapons.

There is absolutely no way to excuse a live round being on a make believe, HollyWeird wannabe set. Because there are absolute, hypocritical morons like Alec Baldwin being allowed to play with guns:rolleyes: