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View Full Version : McCarthy Says if Ethics Committee Finds George Santos Broke the Law, he'll be removed

01-25-2023, 10:38 AM
We don't need more men in drag anyway. Seems like a psycho if you ask me!


McCarthy Says if Ethics Committee Finds George Santos Broke the Law, He will Be Removed From Congress

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Tuesday told reporters that George Santos will be removed from Congress if the House Ethics Committee determines the freshman Rep. broke the law.

George Santos flipped New York’s 3rd Congressional district red in November when he defeated Robert Zimmerman.

Last month Santos admitted he lied about his education, employment history and Jewish background in an interview with the New York Post.

“I am not a criminal,” Santos said during his exclusive interview. “This [controversy] will not deter me from having good legislative success. I will be effective. I will be good.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/mccarthy-says-if-ethics-committee-finds-george-santos-broke-the-law-he-will-be-removed-from-congress/

01-25-2023, 11:26 AM
Seems like a psycho if you ask me!

I don't disagree but the whole charade makes me laugh. It's now Republicans fault that the Dem opposition and media didn't do any digging to unearth this stuff before. It's also the same people who sucked down the FTX/bankman-fried BS too.

01-25-2023, 11:59 AM
Here's my figurin'; one lesson taught dems with Schiff and Swawell; next lesson, ethics committee deals with ethics, not laws exclusively. Thus whackadoodle needs to be silenced as in muzzled.

01-25-2023, 02:54 PM
Yeah, because the only thing that makes a person unethical is having broken a law.

Fucking morons...

01-25-2023, 05:59 PM
Yeah, because the only thing that makes a person unethical is having broken a law.

Fucking morons...This is a farce. The Dems are calling for his head/using him as a poster boy because they can't save serial liar Schiff, anti-America Omar and a nimrod that slept with a Chinese spy. Probably still does.

And making a big deal about his drag BS while shoving down our children's throats via public education?:rolleyes:

What is the weak-in-the-knees Republican answer? You lose your special appointments but we're going to kick our guy out of the club. Some things never change. Who was that guy that railroaded out over that bogus Plame crap? Then there was Trent Lott the Dems shamed the Republican't's into forcing out.

I'm all for kicking the POS liar out of Congress. And the rest of the liars.