View Full Version : Bi-Partisan: The Largest Problem In US Is The Government

01-31-2023, 02:37 PM
Wow, agreement!


Gallup: the biggest problem facing America is its own government
JAZZ SHAW 2:31 PM on January 31, 2023

What is the “most important problem” facing the country today? That’s a question that Gallup regularly asks Americans and the most recent edition of that survey just dropped this week. You might imagine that crime, inflation, high prices, or the border crisis would be at the top of the list. To be sure, plenty of people cited those issues. But the number one problem on the list was “The Government/Poor Leadership.” More than one in five people (21%) chose that answer, a notable increase from the same survey conducted a few months earlier. So Joe Biden’s presidency continues to set new records, though not in the way anyone was hoping.


01-31-2023, 08:06 PM
Government has long long been the problem, IMO.

It used to be about people representing their respective areas and states, and come together as a nation, for the best of our nation. The overwhelming majority of these government folks couldn't care less about the people who voted them into "power". And now they only care enough about us to bribe us now and again for votes, and then turn around and stab us all in our backs.

And what little amount of folks trying to do the right thing will be stomped on like bugs by the 'career' politicians.

Term limits would be the best thing IMO.

02-02-2023, 09:11 AM
Wow, agreement!

https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2023/01/31/gallup-the-biggest-problem-facing-america-is-its-own-government-n527513Didn't ask me, but that would be my first, short answer.