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View Full Version : US intercepts four Russian warplanes near Alaska

02-15-2023, 10:04 AM
Not to be outdone by China :laugh:


02-15-2023, 10:09 AM
Not to be outdone by China :laugh:

I know this is a regular occurrence, but perhaps it is time to shake things up a bit and make these incursions a bit more risky?

02-15-2023, 10:17 AM
I know this is a regular occurrence, but perhaps it is time to shake things up a bit and make these incursions a bit more risky?Nah. We DO in fact have an "airspace border" with Russia. They bleed over by fault or design, as do we.

It does however highlight the contrast I mentioned regarding tech in another thread. Look how quickly we respond to something we're prepared for: Russian military aircraft.

Just not balloons as big as trains. Complacency.

02-15-2023, 01:26 PM
Nah. We DO in fact have an "airspace border" with Russia. They bleed over by fault or design, as do we.

It does however highlight the contrast I mentioned regarding tech in another thread. Look how quickly we respond to something we're prepared for: Russian military aircraft.

Just not balloons as big as trains. Complacency.

Was gonna post about this, I'm behind the times.

And was also my thinking, they can intercept a Russian jet traveling at mach speeds, but a balloon with a payload of massive size moving at 2 mph makes it across the entire country?

02-15-2023, 01:34 PM
I've been hearing on and off, from 'non-administration' sources, that the balloon was known and followed from the time they started filling; launch; over the entire Pacific; through the Aleutians and cross country. Also being said by some that if not being identified by guy in Montana, it may be that it would have been left alone and perhaps even Biden not made aware.

One can only go, WHY?

02-15-2023, 01:38 PM
I've been hearing on and off, from 'non-administration' sources, that the balloon was known and followed from the time they started filling; launch; over the entire Pacific; through the Aleutians and cross country. Also being said by some that if not being identified by guy in Montana, it may be that it would have been left alone and perhaps even Biden not made aware.

One can only go, WHY?

My only guess can be incompetence. Anything even remotely as such that may be for "spying" should be immediately shot down if over our land. I can't imagine our military looking at this thing and investigating and not knowing it was for surveillance, but then why the hell allow it across?

Or, truly thinking no one would notice and simply allow it? If so, how many would be aware of such a decision and aware we are ignoring it? Would we ever normally just allow this to cross the country when we see it coming from so far away?

Hell, they tell us when an asteroid may pass by earth years in advance. :rolleyes:

Mr. P
02-15-2023, 07:39 PM
I've been hearing on and off, from 'non-administration' sources, that the balloon was known and followed from the time they started filling; launch; over the entire Pacific; through the Aleutians and cross country. Also being said by some that if not being identified by guy in Montana, it may be that it would have been left alone and perhaps even Biden not made aware.

One can only go, WHY?

I've been hearing same.

02-16-2023, 08:51 AM
My only guess can be incompetence. Anything even remotely as such that may be for "spying" should be immediately shot down if over our land. I can't imagine our military looking at this thing and investigating and not knowing it was for surveillance, but then why the hell allow it across?

Or, truly thinking no one would notice and simply allow it? If so, how many would be aware of such a decision and aware we are ignoring it? Would we ever normally just allow this to cross the country when we see it coming from so far away?

Hell, they tell us when an asteroid may pass by earth years in advance. :rolleyes:The military follows orders.

WH to military command(s): It's classified and we'll burn your ass if you say a word. (Ironic, isn't it?)

As I have stated more than twice, no way the military didn't know from at least the time its trajectory put it heading toward the US.

02-16-2023, 01:01 PM
Yep, 'knew all along...'


02-17-2023, 09:11 AM
Yep, 'knew all along...'

https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/02/report-u-s-tracked-chinas-spy-balloon-as-it-lifted-off-of-hainan-island/This sounds way more like it. Especially the part where the weather jacked up China's intended plan.

I also believe here could be a bit more to it than "fleet of surveillance balloons". With satellites covering every inch of the Earth and that coverage available on the internet to every Tom, Dick and Harry, to include the PLA, what is the point? My guess is presence.

Constant presence creates complacency, as proven in this case by the US government. Seems to me that created complacency to presence enables a perfect Trojan Horse. Not that the Chinese would dabble in airborne bio/chemical weapons easily deliverable by something as innocuous as a balloon.

The above is conjecture on my part. Not something I do or don't believe. Just something I consider a possibility and would not rule out. The US has already put on display for the World that it can be shut down all the way up to the government by panicking the people. If an enemy could bring a war to the people of the US, it certainly would change the mentality of Americans who haven't had to face war up close and in person since 1812.