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View Full Version : Phishing Test Political Candidates

02-23-2023, 07:04 PM
A lot of you may have heard of "phishing" emails, which are emails that look innocent but are really sent by hackers to get you to click on a link or a attached file that will then run malware that totally messes up your computer, and then tries to turn it into a bot that will help the hacker infect other computers, essentially spreading like a virus.

To protect against this, companies these days occasionally send "phishing test" emails to their employees. "Phishing tests" are emails that mimic phishing emails but are not sent from a hacker, and don't mess up the computer. The reason the company sends the phishing test emails is to see if their employees are stupid enough to fall for them.

I think we are starting to see the beginning of "Phishing Test Political Candidates". They are not intended to be real candidates - they only exist to see of the voters are stupid enough to vote for them. And we've now we are seeing Phishing Test Political Candidates accidentally get elected.

Exhibit One: John Fetterman. A man with little or no real actual accomplishments in life. Looks like Uncle Fester on the Addams Family. Lived on his parents couch for years. Eventually he went looking for a small, run-down town with only a few hundred voters, that his parents' money could buy him at least 51% of the several hundred voters in town. The parents paid, and John Fetterman won the election, by ONE VOTE.

A few years later, Fetterman ran for PA Lieutenant Governor with the claim that he'd been a Town Mayor. Somehow he won that election, which must have been a dream for him because the Lieutenant Governor doesn't have to do anything. He could go back to laying on the couch, except now the couch wasn't in his parents living room, it was in some office somewhere. The only responsibility of the job was to run the Board of Pardons, which he did just to release a bunch of convicts.

Then he runs for Senator, but during the election has a stroke that caused brain damage. His brain wasn't that great before, but now he had a hard time talking or understand other people talking. I would have my sympathy if he dropped out to take care of himself, but he didn't. During a televised debate, his opening words were "Good Night!"

Son of a gun if he didn't get elected. As a US Senator, believe it or not. My belief is that Fetterman is Phishing Test Candidate, put on the ballot just to see how stupid the voters are. Possibly the voting booth showed a message "you have just fallen for a Phishing Test" for anyone that voted for him, but I can't prove that. The Dems in the Senate probaby couldn't believe that Fetterman won, but they didn't want to say anything because each of them was wondering if maybe THEY were also a Phishing Test Candidate and didn't know it.

The main point of this post is just to say that this country is in bad shape because over half the voters are so stupid they vote for Phishing Test Candidates like John Fetterman. And the votes of these idiots counts just the same as everyone else's voters.

02-23-2023, 07:09 PM

Which is which?