View Full Version : The Post-2016 Censorship of ‘Disinformation’ — a Vast, Tangled Web

03-10-2023, 05:18 PM
I'm not as sure that this was some sort of conspiracy working together - as much as I think they decided to take things up a notch and true colors have been exposed.


Bokhari: The Post-2016 Censorship of ‘Disinformation’ — a Vast, Tangled Web

Thanks to leaks, lawsuits, the Twitter Files, and congressional inquiry, the sheer size and complexity of the “disinformation” industry is starting to be exposed.

Enormous in scope, the censorship machine that has made a mockery of the First Amendment was driven by powerful forces that went far beyond the Silicon Valley tech companies themselves — though they are major culprits.



Corporate media companies, billionaire philanthropists and foundations, academics, associations, and the deep state all joined forces to create a vast, international web of organizations that conspired to suppress Americans’ free speech rights, and the free speech of people around the globe in the form of so-called “disinformation” experts.

The tech companies, uncertain about the U-turn on their previously-stated commitments to free speech, initially tried to hide what they were doing, and had to be exposed: Breitbart News’ publication of leaks from inside Google, such as “The Good Censor” and YouTube’s search blacklists, gave the public a glimpse behind the curtain.

However, as time went on, the censorship machine began conducting its affairs out in the open, proudly trumpeting the crusade against “disinformation” online.

Virtually nonexistent before 2016, the cottage industry of “disinformation studies” exploded following Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton. In the weeks following Trump’s win, the media was crying foul; blaming hoax news stories and Russian bots masquerading as Trump supporters for the defeat of their favored candidate.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2023/03/10/bokhari-the-post-2016-censorship-of-disinformation-a-vast-tangled-web/

03-13-2023, 09:49 AM
I'm not as sure that this was some sort of conspiracy working together - as much as I think they decided to take things up a notch and true colors have been exposed.


Bokhari: The Post-2016 Censorship of ‘Disinformation’ — a Vast, Tangled Web

Thanks to leaks, lawsuits, the Twitter Files, and congressional inquiry, the sheer size and complexity of the “disinformation” industry is starting to be exposed.

Enormous in scope, the censorship machine that has made a mockery of the First Amendment was driven by powerful forces that went far beyond the Silicon Valley tech companies themselves — though they are major culprits.



Corporate media companies, billionaire philanthropists and foundations, academics, associations, and the deep state all joined forces to create a vast, international web of organizations that conspired to suppress Americans’ free speech rights, and the free speech of people around the globe in the form of so-called “disinformation” experts.

The tech companies, uncertain about the U-turn on their previously-stated commitments to free speech, initially tried to hide what they were doing, and had to be exposed: Breitbart News’ publication of leaks from inside Google, such as “The Good Censor” and YouTube’s search blacklists, gave the public a glimpse behind the curtain.

However, as time went on, the censorship machine began conducting its affairs out in the open, proudly trumpeting the crusade against “disinformation” online.

Virtually nonexistent before 2016, the cottage industry of “disinformation studies” exploded following Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton. In the weeks following Trump’s win, the media was crying foul; blaming hoax news stories and Russian bots masquerading as Trump supporters for the defeat of their favored candidate.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2023/03/10/bokhari-the-post-2016-censorship-of-disinformation-a-vast-tangled-web/

Corporate media companies, billionaire philanthropists and foundations, academics, associations, and the deep state all joined forces to create a vast, international web of organizations that conspired to suppress Americans’ free speech rights, and the free speech of people around the globe in the form of so-called “disinformation” experts.

I'm thinking not. Unintended consequences. IMO, all of the above operate individually on self-interest. Power-freaks don't generally get together to share power, each wanting it all unto itself. Each has the same ultimate goal of misleading the sheeple to follow (in the name of democracy:rolleyes:) until they can be fleeced.

When all roads lead to Rome, it's not hard to build a case for some vast conspiracy.

03-13-2023, 10:45 AM
My 2 cents

People work to together when their interest align.
Some work together with others when the money is right despite ideologies or overall purposes. they don't really care what about rights, ideals or consequences.
This creates conspiracies of interest. Not necessarily a conspiracy of groups of people on ONE dark mission.

Facebook and other tech leadership are socially left woke leaning scumbags. And control freaks.
They'll do what they want & join with other of the same mindset in politics and academia on those socially left woke issues.
Using their individual points of power to further those ends and help others where they can.

Many Politicians are opportunist and will use whatever anyone will give them to move the power&money balls their way. those like Hillary don't give a d@mn about lgbtxyz or christians or the constitution or much of anything but her own power. And being with the groups in power.
And many of them are on the WEF bandwagon which they think will bring them the kind of control they do really want.

Some of the academicians are crazy and believe their own woke socialist crap. And assume that others ...politicians and tech corps, other corps etc... should all be on the band wagon and don't see ANY problem suppressing what they sincerely consider others "harmful speech".

Many Gov't Spooks, Alphabet agencies and Gov't bureaucrats have their own agendas (and are also connected with the WEF crap) they've worked across decades to control public narratives in various forms and take EVERY opportunity to increase that kind of reach. An Argument can be made that they've done so since before the CHURCH Commission in the 60s when they admitted having CIA and other agencies working at or with ABC, CBS, NBC and the major newspapers.
But thier narrative control and speech control efforts have been especially overt since 911. Where muslims and socalled supporters became "suspects" for their speech.
So they made excuses to them shut down in various ways. Also militia groups after Waco and OKcity bombings.
And again when Trump won, all of sudden "Russian" speech on the web needed to be controlled and investigated.... "to keep us safe".:rolleyes:

EACH EXCUSE simply opened the door to more gov't/corporate control of ALL speech.
It's not a slippery slope just been 1 OPEN DOOR opening wider every year.
Once folks decide Militia & Muslim speech was "too Dangerous"
At that point there's never been any real LINE not to cross.
After the gov't says ""this" speech is too dangerous". At that point "this" is just a place holder for anything else they want to censors or control.
"for our safety"

03-14-2023, 02:25 PM
I don't think this web or conspiracy was having weekly meetings or anything like that. But went from our lovely government directly to our TV media and social media... and the more than jumped onboard, the more that followed suit.

I DO think that some at the top try to create this shit from the beginning. Kinda like we saw in the UK and trying to trick the public into staying home and new strains and crap like that.

03-15-2023, 06:12 PM
My 2 cents

People work to together when their interest align.
Some work together with others when the money is right despite ideologies or overall purposes. they don't really care what about rights, ideals or consequences.
This creates conspiracies of interest. Not necessarily a conspiracy of groups of people on ONE dark mission.

Facebook and other tech leadership are socially left woke leaning scumbags. And control freaks.
They'll do what they want & join with other of the same mindset in politics and academia on those socially left woke issues.
Using their individual points of power to further those ends and help others where they can.

Many Politicians are opportunist and will use whatever anyone will give them to move the power&money balls their way. those like Hillary don't give a d@mn about lgbtxyz or christians or the constitution or much of anything but her own power. And being with the groups in power.
And many of them are on the WEF bandwagon which they think will bring them the kind of control they do really want.

Some of the academicians are crazy and believe their own woke socialist crap. And assume that others ...politicians and tech corps, other corps etc... should all be on the band wagon and don't see ANY problem suppressing what they sincerely consider others "harmful speech".

Many Gov't Spooks, Alphabet agencies and Gov't bureaucrats have their own agendas (and are also connected with the WEF crap) they've worked across decades to control public narratives in various forms and take EVERY opportunity to increase that kind of reach. An Argument can be made that they've done so since before the CHURCH Commission in the 60s when they admitted having CIA and other agencies working at or with ABC, CBS, NBC and the major newspapers.
But thier narrative control and speech control efforts have been especially overt since 911. Where muslims and socalled supporters became "suspects" for their speech.
So they made excuses to them shut down in various ways. Also militia groups after Waco and OKcity bombings.
And again when Trump won, all of sudden "Russian" speech on the web needed to be controlled and investigated.... "to keep us safe".:rolleyes:

EACH EXCUSE simply opened the door to more gov't/corporate control of ALL speech.
It's not a slippery slope just been 1 OPEN DOOR opening wider every year.
Once folks decide Militia & Muslim speech was "too Dangerous"
At that point there's never been any real LINE not to cross.
After the gov't says ""this" speech is too dangerous". At that point "this" is just a place holder for anything else they want to censors or control.
"for our safety"

This creates conspiracies of interest. Not necessarily a conspiracy of groups of people on ONE dark mission.

Been my argument all along. You just want to find something wrong with it. I await you arguing with your own words just to contradict me :)

03-15-2023, 07:55 PM
Not necessarily a conspiracy of groups of people on ONE dark mission.

So it could just mean people who were, allegedly, smart and came up with a bunch of money somehow think that means they're smart in other areas too?

03-16-2023, 10:04 AM
So it could just mean people who were, allegedly, smart and came up with a bunch of money somehow think that means they're smart in other areas too?I get the point to this statement. Not sure how it fits.

Success is toxic. Unfortunately for those you describe and those affected by them, being good at something does not translate across the board.

As bad: People who think because you possess a skillset that it translates over to what they want. Being an electrician does NOT mean I can fix your freakin' shower leak:bang3:

08-13-2024, 05:57 AM
One of the latest acts of the Left leaning Establishment Censorship complex.

"Wikipedia deleted JD Vance’s Military Awards & restored after backlash*"

08-13-2024, 10:08 AM
One of the latest acts of the Left leaning Establishment Censorship complex.

"Wikipedia deleted JD Vance’s Military Awards & restored after backlash*"
And Wiki is still leaving the title CSM up for Walz.

I quit trusting Wiki about 8 years ago.

09-03-2024, 09:02 PM
Anyone here have Alexa?

On x/twitter there are threads where dozens of people show video of themselves in their homes asking Alexa 2 questions.

Person: "Alexa why I should vote for Donald Trump?"
Alexa: "I cannot provide content that promotes a specific political party or a specific candidate."

Person: "Alexa why I should vote for Kamala Harris?"
Alexa: "While there are many reasons why someone would vote for Kamala Harris the most significant maybe that she has a proven track record of accomplishments and she..."


Just one way the tech giant Amazon/Bezos (also owns the Washington post) is in the tank for Kamala Harris.

Soft 1984 level crap. people who dont look outside of the MSM, Social Media and "trusted sources" are doomed to have all their information tightly controlled and memory holed.

09-04-2024, 09:48 PM
Anyone here have Alexa?

On x/twitter there are threads where dozens of people show video of themselves in their homes asking Alexa 2 questions.

Person: "Alexa why I should vote for Donald Trump?"
Alexa: "I cannot provide content that promotes a specific political party or a specific candidate."

Person: "Alexa why I should vote for Kamala Harris?"
Alexa: "While there are many reasons why someone would vote for Kamala Harris the most significant maybe that she has a proven track record of accomplishments and she..."


Just one way the tech giant Amazon/Bezos (also owns the Washington post) is in the tank for Kamala Harris.

Soft 1984 level crap. people who dont look outside of the MSM, Social Media and "trusted sources" are doomed to have all their information tightly controlled and memory holed.

Nope! Never trusted it.

09-05-2024, 12:04 AM
Nope! Never trusted it.

Voluntary home wire tape.

09-11-2024, 05:01 PM
This Big Tech Researcher Just Exposed How the ‘Clinton Machine’ RUINED His Life

"Our worst fears have been confirmed as author, researcher, and former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today, Dr. Robert Epstein, revealed some eye-opening details in episode #2201 of The Joe Rogan Experience.

He explained that after he testified before Congress about his research on Google in 2019, someone warned him, "I predict you're going to be killed in some sort of accident in the next few months."

While Epstein himself was not harmed, six people close to him have died in the past few years, including the tragic death of his wife in a suspicious car accident in what he believes to be a targeted attack. Her vehicle was never inspected forensically and mysteriously disappeared from the impound lot.

Adding to the chilling narrative, Epstein detailed a recent incident where a needle was discovered sticking out of his computer bag. During a meeting with his staff, a colleague accidentally pricked her finger on a needle that seemed to have been placed there intentionally. "None of us has ever seen a needle like this needle," Epstein noted, describing it as being unusually sharpened with no hole for thread.

In response to Epstein’s research, Hillary Clinton, a figure he "had always admired," discredited his work on Twitter. Epstein described the experience as being "squashed like a bug" after Clinton's tweet to her millions of followers falsely claimed that his research "had been completely debunked and was based on data from 21 undecided voters." Epstein lamented how quickly his research was dismissed without proper verification, noting that "the New York Times picked that up without fact-checking, and then a hundred other places did." The widespread dismissal of his work significantly damaged his reputation, transforming him from a well-respected academic and writer to a "fraud."

Epstein also explained how Google and the Big Tech companies control the flow of information and can manipulate public opinion on a global scale. "These are controlled almost entirely by a couple of big tech companies, affecting more than 5 billion people around the world every single day," he stated. Epstein has published extensive research on how these companies utilize subtle methods to nudge opinions and behaviors without users even realizing it. His studies suggest that the search engine manipulation effect (SEME), for example, can shift undecided voters' preferences by up to 20% or more.

Continuing to detail the pervasive surveillance capabilities of Google and other Big Tech companies, Epstein stated that they are tracking you in ways you "have no idea the extent of." He explained that even when you turn your phone off, it can still monitor you, which explains why phone makers no longer allow you to easily remove the battery.

The chilling detail that tied the seriousness of the matter together was when Dr. Epstein recounted a candid conversation with Manhattan supermarket mogul John Catsimatidis. Catsimatidis remarked that Epstein’s research was so damning and so threatening to Google’s entire empire that he bluntly told Epstein, "If I were Google, I would kill you."



Testimony before congress

09-11-2024, 06:03 PM
This Big Tech Researcher Just Exposed How the ‘Clinton Machine’ RUINED His Life

"Our worst fears have been confirmed as author, researcher, and former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today, Dr. Robert Epstein, revealed some eye-opening details in episode #2201 of The Joe Rogan Experience.

He explained that after he testified before Congress about his research on Google in 2019, someone warned him, "I predict you're going to be killed in some sort of accident in the next few months."

While Epstein himself was not harmed, six people close to him have died in the past few years, including the tragic death of his wife in a suspicious car accident in what he believes to be a targeted attack. Her vehicle was never inspected forensically and mysteriously disappeared from the impound lot.

Adding to the chilling narrative, Epstein detailed a recent incident where a needle was discovered sticking out of his computer bag. During a meeting with his staff, a colleague accidentally pricked her finger on a needle that seemed to have been placed there intentionally. "None of us has ever seen a needle like this needle," Epstein noted, describing it as being unusually sharpened with no hole for thread.

In response to Epstein’s research, Hillary Clinton, a figure he "had always admired," discredited his work on Twitter. Epstein described the experience as being "squashed like a bug" after Clinton's tweet to her millions of followers falsely claimed that his research "had been completely debunked and was based on data from 21 undecided voters." Epstein lamented how quickly his research was dismissed without proper verification, noting that "the New York Times picked that up without fact-checking, and then a hundred other places did." The widespread dismissal of his work significantly damaged his reputation, transforming him from a well-respected academic and writer to a "fraud."

Epstein also explained how Google and the Big Tech companies control the flow of information and can manipulate public opinion on a global scale. "These are controlled almost entirely by a couple of big tech companies, affecting more than 5 billion people around the world every single day," he stated. Epstein has published extensive research on how these companies utilize subtle methods to nudge opinions and behaviors without users even realizing it. His studies suggest that the search engine manipulation effect (SEME), for example, can shift undecided voters' preferences by up to 20% or more.

Continuing to detail the pervasive surveillance capabilities of Google and other Big Tech companies, Epstein stated that they are tracking you in ways you "have no idea the extent of." He explained that even when you turn your phone off, it can still monitor you, which explains why phone makers no longer allow you to easily remove the battery.

The chilling detail that tied the seriousness of the matter together was when Dr. Epstein recounted a candid conversation with Manhattan supermarket mogul John Catsimatidis. Catsimatidis remarked that Epstein’s research was so damning and so threatening to Google’s entire empire that he bluntly told Epstein, "If I were Google, I would kill you."



Testimony before congress
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMU2Vo6_CEQIs he dead yet?:smoke: