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03-14-2023, 09:30 AM
A no-brainer it's Trump's fault. I'm surprised they haven't figured out some creative way to blame GWB:rolleyes:

Not sure about anyone else but I'm beyond sick and tired of the partisan finger pointing from leftwingnuts. Every Republican President is responsible not only for his watch, but the failures of the both preceding and succeeding loser Dems. As usual, Dems were for this before they suddenly became against it over the weekend.

Man, when Biden administration sources choose to give the “tick-tock” — a story that focuses on the chronological order of events — to Politico, the publication responds with exactly the kind of headline the administration wants to see: “How Biden saved Silicon Valley startups: Inside the 72 hours that transformed U.S. banking (https://www.politico.com/news/2023/03/13/the-emergency-bank-rescue-that-almost-didnt-happen-72-hours-00086868).” I wouldn’t be surprised if that headline reappears in a Biden reelection-campaign ad.

There are people in this world who want the answer to every question to be, “It’s the fault of Republicans.” Thus, this week, you’re hearing a lot of Democrats blame the 2018 passage of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act (https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/2155), a.k.a, the Dodd-Frank rollback bill. That bill passed the Senate 67–31, and passed the House 258–159. The bill enjoyed the support of almost all congressional Republicans, as well as 16 Senate Democrats and 33 House Democrats.

full article: https://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/the-silicon-valley-bank-blame-game-intensifies/

03-14-2023, 11:52 AM
^ Any reference to spending fueled inflation causing the Fed to have to raise rates causing bank asset values to fall causing the bank needing an infusion of capital causing depositors to start a good old fashioned run?

Nah. Who am I kidding?

03-14-2023, 02:10 PM
Take credit for any good and play the blame game when the shit hits the fan. Typical. No responsibility and no personal responsibility for anything.

Haven't read too too much into all of this, but read a quick blurb about Wells Fargo... and that's our bank. Fu**ers better not even think about it.