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View Full Version : Tuberville hold on military promotions splits Republicans, draws Pentagon ire

03-29-2023, 09:27 AM
I have no issue with the granting of leave. I DO have an issue with "covers expenses". That in fact is making taxpayers foot the bill for a personal choice. I also have no issue with pissing off loser Lloyd Austin, poster child for fuck up and move up, race-based politics in the military.

Holding up promotions for politics sucks. Odds are good the servicemembers getting screwed have nothing to do with the issue Tuberville is grandstanding on. Just another Republican't looking for a PR disaster.

At issue for Tuberville is the Pentagon’s recently enacted policy that covers expenses and grants leave to troops who have to travel to obtain abortions. Detractors argue the Alabama Republican’s holds could have adverse effects on military readiness at a time of escalating tensions with China, Russia and Iran.

full article: https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/3922704-tuberville-hold-on-military-promotions-splits-republicans-draws-pentagon-ire/

03-29-2023, 09:30 AM
I have no issue with the granting of leave. I DO have an issue with "covers expenses". That in fact is making taxpayers foot the bill for a personal choice. I also have no issue with pissing off loser Lloyd Austin, poster child for fuck up and move up, race-based politics in the military.

Holding up promotions for politics sucks. Odds are good the servicemembers getting screwed have nothing to do with the issue Tuberville is grandstanding on. Just another Republican't looking for a PR disaster.

full article: https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/3922704-tuberville-hold-on-military-promotions-splits-republicans-draws-pentagon-ire/

Trump/Lake 2024!

03-29-2023, 09:34 AM
Trump/Lake 2024!Pointless, off-topic trolling. Bye. Better luck next thread :)