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View Full Version : Texas governor seeks pardon for soldier who killed protester

04-11-2023, 09:12 AM
Sketchy :)


04-11-2023, 12:50 PM
Well, if you are protesting and open carrying a rifle - that doesn't give someone the right to raise the rifle at someone just because you don't like what they did in their vehicle. Was he smashing through people or just turned and stopped?

04-12-2023, 09:30 AM
Well, if you are protesting and open carrying a rifle - that doesn't give someone the right to raise the rifle at someone just because you don't like what they did in their vehicle. Was he smashing through people or just turned and stopped?

Lot of questions here. First thing that comes to my mind: Even in self defense, how does one shoot someone FIVE times with a .357 Magnum? I am rather familiar with that caliber and you aren't going to just crank out 5 quick rounds like you can with a 9. Unless you're Andre the Giant. There's enough recoil that you have to re-aim each shot. That's deliberate action.

Also have to wonder just how lousy a shooter one has to be to need 5, .357 Magnum rounds to kill someone. One will put a hole the size of a softball in a human body.

Other side of the coin: I don't care WHAT you have the Right to do. Open carrying an AR-15 to a "peaceful" protest makes how much sense? And is done so for the purpose of what? The left has this funny notion that anything it does is justified as "peaceful protest" so long as its them doing it.

As the 3rd wheel, a jury full of Austin leftwingnuts probably had this guy hung before opening arguments. Had the trial been in Bandera, the jury'd be patting the guy on the back:laugh:

I'm not so sure Abbott is making the right move. It also isn't going to stop the Feds from piling on with some Federal, Hate crime/depriving knucklehead of his Civil Rights charges in Federal court despite any State-level pardon.