View Full Version : US troops conduct new oil theft operation in northeast Syria

04-15-2023, 11:53 AM
US troops conduct new oil theft operation in northeast Syria
Syria has incurred losses of over $100 billion in its oil and gas sector since the start of the western-backed war

- April 12 2023
The US occupation army transported a new batch of stolen Syrian oil to their bases in Iraq on 11 April, escorting at least 32 fuel tankers via the illegal Al-Walid border crossing in northeast Syria.

According to locals in the Al-Yarubiya countryside who spoke with SANA, the 77-vehicle convoy came from the direction of oil-rich Hasakah.

The latest oil theft operation took place just hours after the US army base in Deir Ezzor’s Conoco gas field came under rocket fire as part of a recent surge in attacks attributed to groups affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

In August of last year, the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the losses incurred by the country’s oil and gas sector due to Washington’s illegal occupation amounted to $107 billion since 2011.

According to an investigation by The Cradle, dozens of tankers pass through illegal crossings between Iraq and Syria every week in convoys accompanied by US warplanes or helicopters.

The convoys travel through areas outside the authority of the central state, usually starting from the Jazira region and passing through Hasakah. The vehicles stop for several hours before heading for the Al-Harir military site in Erbil, the capital of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region (IKR)....



for "freedom & democracy"

04-15-2023, 12:00 PM
"I left troops [in Syria] to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil. They're protecting the oil. I took over the oil."
DJ Trump


Black Diamond
04-15-2023, 02:30 PM
Apparently he didn't take enough oil to prepare for Bidens energy policy

04-15-2023, 05:20 PM
Apparently he didn't take enough oil to prepare for Bidens energy policy


04-16-2023, 10:37 AM

I'm not one to usually poke at "news" sources over content... EXCEPT when the source is an outright mouth piece for the U.S. State dept, the CIA or other Gov't agencies.

just sayin'



04-16-2023, 10:55 AM

Syria war: Who benefits from its oil production?
21 November 2019

President Donald Trump says he expects the United States to benefit by millions of dollars per month from Syria's oil revenues while US troops remain in the country.
The Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has responded by accusing the US of "stealing oil" from his country and Russia, a major supporter of Mr Assad, has called it "international state banditry".
So who currently controls Syria's oil production and who benefits from it?

"We're keeping the oil, remember that. We want to keep the oil. Forty-five million dollars a month."
Donald Trump US President

US Defence Secretary Mark Esper has said US troops are there to guard against not only Islamic State fighters but also Russian and Syrian government forces.
For their part, Russian forces are helping Syrians try to regain control of oil production and have their eyes on these facilities.
The two countries signed an energy co-operation agreement in 2018 giving Moscow exclusive rights to rebuild the Syrian oil and gas sector.
It's in this context that President Trump has declared his own interest in benefiting from the oil his troops are defending.....

...For Freedom!

04-16-2023, 11:19 AM








US forces steal 92 tankers of oil, wheat from Syria to Iraq

04-16-2023, 12:47 PM
I'm not one to usually poke at "news" sources over content... EXCEPT when the source is an outright mouth piece for the U.S. State dept, the CIA or other Gov't agencies.

just sayin'



edit *

04-16-2023, 12:55 PM
I'm not one to usually poke at "news" sources over content... EXCEPT when the source is an outright mouth piece for the U.S. State dept, the CIA or other Gov't agencies.

just sayin'


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Agency_for_Global_MediaPointless links. Not to mention, you are quoting the same government you are accusing? That makes sense:rolleyes:

04-16-2023, 01:01 PM

Syria war: Who benefits from its oil production?
21 November 2019
President Donald Trump says he expects the United States to benefit by millions of dollars per month from Syria's oil revenues while US troops remain in the country.
The Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has responded by accusing the US of "stealing oil" from his country and Russia, a major supporter of Mr Assad, has called it "international state banditry".
So who currently controls Syria's oil production and who benefits from it?

"We're keeping the oil, remember that. We want to keep the oil. Forty-five million dollars a month."
Donald Trump US President

US Defence Secretary Mark Esper has said US troops are there to guard against not only Islamic State fighters but also Russian and Syrian government forces.
For their part, Russian forces are helping Syrians try to regain control of oil production and have their eyes on these facilities.
The two countries signed an energy co-operation agreement in 2018 giving Moscow exclusive rights to rebuild the Syrian oil and gas sector.
It's in this context that President Trump has declared his own interest in benefiting from the oil his troops are defending.....

...For Freedom!

Trump is no longer President, or didn't you get that memo? Trump says stupid shit. Miss that memo too? Trump was only slightly better than Biden at foreign relations.

US Defence Secretary Mark Esper has said US troops are there to guard against not only Islamic State fighters but also Russian and Syrian government forces.

The idea was to support whichever alphabet Kurd group the US is supporting against Islamic state, Assad and Russia. Not that hard.

04-19-2023, 08:48 AM
The oil in question is in territory ISIS took away from Assad. He'd already lost it. The Syrian Democratic Forces, part of the multi-national effort to destroy ISIS, took the territory and bore the brunt of the US's portion of the effort to do so.

The SDF, currently in possession of the oil fields made a deal with some oil company to process the oil. The US is still supporting the SDF.

Now that the bad guys Assad lost most of his country to are out of the way, he pops his head out of his hiding hole and accuses the US of theft. China, ever ready to throw shit against the wall where the US us concerned, is currently pushing at US credibility diplomatically and economically, thinking it's going to come out ahead decided to add its voice to Assad's bullshit accusation to see how much shit it could stir against US.

And here you are, ready to jump right on Assad's and China's bandwagon because it throws shit the US's way:rolleyes:

04-19-2023, 09:37 AM
Trump is no longer President, or didn't you get that memo? Trump says stupid shit. Miss that memo too? Trump was only slightly better than Biden at foreign relations.

The idea was to support whichever alphabet Kurd group the US is supporting against Islamic state, Assad and Russia. Not that hard.
Syria and Russia handled the islamic state in Syria. not the us.
And When did we declare on war with Syria/Assad & Russia again? was that Trump or Biden?
And Did I miss the part where "alphabet Kurd group" was part of NATO or we had a treaty, or they became a sovereign nation?
a sovereign nation that we support with military force against Syria.

Trump was President and more than a few times says exactly what's going on... in his on stupid way.
"We've Got the OIL, we TOOK the OIL."
None of this "freedom" or "support the kurds" BSery.

04-19-2023, 09:50 AM
Syria and Russia handled the islamic state in Syria. not the us.
And When did we declare on war with Syria/Assad & Russia again? was that Trump or Biden?
And Did I miss the part where "alphabet Kurd group" was part of NATO or we had a treaty, or they became a sovereign nation?
a sovereign nation that we support with military force against Syria.

Trump was President and more than a few times says exactly what's going on... in his on stupid way.
"We've Got the OIL, we TOOK the OIL."
None of this "freedom" or "support the kurds" BSery.Incorrect. Syria and Russia saved Damascus and local surrounding area. Turkey handled Northern Syria and the SDF Eastern Syria, and Saudi Arabia and Jordan Southern Syria.

Putin's support was half-assed. He saved his warm water, Med port, not the entire country. Had Russia handled the entirety of Syria, Turkey and the SDF wouldn't each have a nice chunk of it. Putin was too busy trying to steal Ukraine.

Kurds claiming to be a democracy trumps Assad's proven record of being a despot.

Regardless, any way you look at it, it's yet another dumb situation for the US to be in. I suppose we could abandon the SDF the same way we did Afghanistan and the kurds in Turkish occupied Syria the same way some want us to abandon Ukraine:rolleyes:

Thinking like that always bites the alleged thinker in the ass.

04-19-2023, 12:42 PM
Incorrect. Syria and Russia saved Damascus and local surrounding area. Turkey handled Northern Syria and the SDF Eastern Syria, and Saudi Arabia and Jordan Southern Syria.

Putin's support was half-assed. He saved his warm water, Med port, not the entire country. Had Russia handled the entirety of Syria, Turkey and the SDF wouldn't each have a nice chunk of it. Putin was too busy trying to steal Ukraine.

Kurds claiming to be a democracy trumps Assad's proven record of being a despot.
But the kurd live in Syria and Turkey. As much as I feel for the Kurds, they are not a sovereign nation. we have NO jurisdiction or rights there.
Are we liberating them... finally? or is it the islamic state... or maybeeee it's the oil. like Trump said.

Since we really don't overthrow most despots... like the Saudis or the many in South America that we propped up, or the Shah of Iran, or even Saddam as long as they were 'playing ball'... giving us the Oil

Regardless, any way you look at it, it's yet another dumb situation for the US to be in. I suppose we could abandon the SDF the same way we did Afghanistan and the kurds in Turkish occupied Syria the same way some want us to abandon Ukraine:rolleyes:

Thinking like that always bites the alleged thinker in the ass.

Bitten Because Western Corporations/Powers won't get the oil or natural resources or opium?

04-20-2023, 08:16 AM
But the kurd live in Syria and Turkey. As much as I feel for the Kurds, they are not a sovereign nation. we have NO jurisdiction or rights there.
Are we liberating them... finally? or is it the islamic state... or maybeeee it's the oil. like Trump said.

Since we really don't overthrow most despots... like the Saudis or the many in South America that we propped up, or the Shah of Iran, or even Saddam as long as they were 'playing ball'... giving us the Oil

Bitten Because Western Corporations/Powers won't get the oil or natural resources or opium?As in all things, no one can predict the future. Especially in this country where most can't even see the ends of their noses. They lose focus on the mission almost immediately and get caught chasing rabbits down holes.

Supporting the kurds began in 1992 when Saddam started dropping chemicals on them and we set up no-fly zones. What really got the ball rolling was invading Iraq. We enlisted, armed and enabled kurds, shia, sunni, you name it. As a stand alone that's stupid. The US chooses its allies in a second based on immediate vs long term opportunity and drops them twice as fast. Lest we forget, we supported Saddam Hussein in his war with Iran because Iran was the greater evil.

You always have to make it out as motivated by some dastardly, evil greedy bullshit when such is not always the case. Carpetbagging opportunists coming in on the second wave are almost never indicative of the blind, naive idealism and strategic/tactical ineptness of politicians making military decisions. It has repeatedly stuck the US in the ass and left us in lose/lose situations.

While I have no doubt whatever oil company (Conoco, I think) is handling the oil for the SDF is making money, that's not evil. Who's in business to not make money? That's nonsensical. I'm not keen on using US military personnel to facilitate transportation but from a military perspective, that's the price for presence. Presence is not only political, but also strategic.

ISIS still exists. That is the current reason for our presence. The US was already still in Iraq. ISIS doesn't recognize borders either.

Regardless, none of the above is excuse to default side with the enemies of the US and its bullshit accusations.