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View Full Version : Activist warns global push to add creepy crawlers to the menu is compliance test

04-15-2023, 06:22 PM
I agree. I'd say most everything nowadays boils down to compliance.


04-16-2023, 10:39 AM

why don't you want to follow the science?

Black Diamond
04-16-2023, 12:56 PM
I have a feeling the explosion in Texas the other day wasn't an accident.

04-16-2023, 01:02 PM
I have a feeling the explosion in Texas the other day wasn't an accident.What explosion? What with all the good news going around, I can't keep up :)

I ain't eatin' no damned bugs.

Black Diamond
04-16-2023, 01:06 PM
What explosion? What with all the good news going around, I can't keep up :)

I ain't eatin' no damned bugs.

I'll have to get the link. 18000 cattle were killed

Black Diamond
04-16-2023, 01:18 PM

04-16-2023, 01:43 PM
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65258108.amp#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16816690299703&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.comI recall hearing about that. Shit happens. Apparently sometimes literally :)

Of course the people who think animals are more important than people would have something to say. Last I checked, they're usually the ones killing the animals. We can just hope and wait for the Sarah McLaughlin video :rolleyes:

I'm still not eating no damned bugs.

Black Diamond
04-16-2023, 01:45 PM
I recall hearing about that. Shit happens. Apparently sometimes literally :)

Of course the people who think animals are more important than people would have something to say. Last I checked, they're usually the ones killing the animals. We can just hope and wait for the Sarah McLaughlin video :rolleyes:

I'm still not eating no damned bugs.

I'm not eating any bugs either. I fear icansayit is right. We may be on the eve of destruction.

04-16-2023, 01:58 PM
I'm not eating any bugs either. I fear @icansayit (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3857) is right. We may be on the eve of destruction.We're on the eve of something, that's for sure.

So I'm going to grill my grandson and me some steaks :) What else can you do? No one's listening to anyone making any sense, and idiots determined to drive over the cliff are the one's behind the wheel.

04-16-2023, 02:08 PM
I agree. I'd say most everything nowadays boils down to compliance.


it's all of a piece... and yes sorry, i'll say it again... I and others have been saying it for decades now.

Even things like banning light bulbs was part of the compliance test.
People from the left an right have their lil things they want gov't to BAN others from doing.
and EVERY year some group manages to peck away at various options & freedoms we used to take for granted.
And the Bureaucrats, the control freak portion of the billionaire elites and corporations gain more territory.

the propaganda tools are based in a cries for "safety".

from the left it's safety from "climate" "guns" "bigotry" "poverty" "bad health" "the end of 'democracy'", "the end of the world!"
from the right it's safety from "terror" Russia" "Iran" "muslims" "the boarder" "the end of the 'freedom'", "the end of America!..& the world too"
both came together mostly for the pandemic, safety over your stupid rights

there's no doubt that the left crazier than the right but FEW of ethier side really want to roll back the BS laws they helped put in place to get people to comply to BS.

How many hands up to Abolish the TSA?
I bet there'd be more ready to gut the FBI.. but ONLY because the FBI attacked the right politically. not because they've overstepped LONG ago in list of crimes going all the way back to denying that organized crime even existed to harassing MLK.

Fact is, as much good as the FBI may have done in the past, there's NOTHING in the constitution that allows a FEDERAL police force.
OR many of the the other Alphabet agencies that are 'under' the Federal Administrative branch.

Saying congress said they could exist doesn't fly when the congress is SUBJECT TO the constitutional limits.

I'm still looking for the constitutional options for banning Light Bulbs!
California is banning gasoline powered cars.
Do Americans have a right to travel or is it a privileged generously granted by the feds or the states.
Do we all need a pass, like military people? No pass and you can't leave?
If a privilege how did they get the authority?
If they have the authority to tell you HOW you can travel, why not IF... and WHEN you can leave "your" home at all?

Do they really have the authority? or is it ALL a matter of Compliance?

04-17-2023, 05:47 PM
it's all of a piece... and yes sorry, i'll say it again... I and others have been saying it for decades now.

Even things like banning light bulbs was part of the compliance test.
People from the left an right have their lil things they want gov't to BAN others from doing.
and EVERY year some group manages to peck away at various options & freedoms we used to take for granted.
And the Bureaucrats, the control freak portion of the billionaire elites and corporations gain more territory.

the propaganda tools are based in a cries for "safety".

from the left it's safety from "climate" "guns" "bigotry" "poverty" "bad health" "the end of 'democracy'", "the end of the world!"
from the right it's safety from "terror" Russia" "Iran" "muslims" "the boarder" "the end of the 'freedom'", "the end of America!..& the world too"
both came together mostly for the pandemic, safety over your stupid rights

there's no doubt that the left crazier than the right but FEW of ethier side really want to roll back the BS laws they helped put in place to get people to comply to BS.

How many hands up to Abolish the TSA?
I bet there'd be more ready to gut the FBI.. but ONLY because the FBI attacked the right politically. not because they've overstepped LONG ago in list of crimes going all the way back to denying that organized crime even existed to harassing MLK.

Fact is, as much good as the FBI may have done in the past, there's NOTHING in the constitution that allows a FEDERAL police force.
OR many of the the other Alphabet agencies that are 'under' the Federal Administrative branch.

Saying congress said they could exist doesn't fly when the congress is SUBJECT TO the constitutional limits.

I'm still looking for the constitutional options for banning Light Bulbs!
California is banning gasoline powered cars.
Do Americans have a right to travel or is it a privileged generously granted by the feds or the states.
Do we all need a pass, like military people? No pass and you can't leave?
If a privilege how did they get the authority?
If they have the authority to tell you HOW you can travel, why not IF... and WHEN you can leave "your" home at all?

Do they really have the authority? or is it ALL a matter of Compliance?Law is compliance. Count the laws and you have your answer. You cannot even break the law in your own home if someone is there to report you/evidence that you did. Law exists to protect the weak from the unscrupulous. Until the unscrupulous usurp the authority of law which is what we are seeing now. The law now serves itself, not the people. If you don't comply, the law will take everything you have and lock you away, not to be heard from again.

You should be more appreciative of your cookie cutter house like all the other cookie cutter houses on your street and your cookie cutter car like every other cookie cutter car on the road you drive to your cookie cutter job so you can earn just enough money for the State to brain wash your cookie cutter kids.

It's all government approved and incompliance with the law :rolleyes: