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View Full Version : DeSantis dodges question about 2024 polling during trip to Japan: ‘I’m not a candidat

04-24-2023, 09:43 AM
More contrived negative spin by the MSM to a perfect response. Not a candidate = who gives a f- what the polls say? So far, only the MSM and speculation have presumed his candidacy.

“I’m not a candidate, so we’ll see if and when that changes,”

Lo and behold, three paragraphs in, they crap on their own BS header:rolleyes:

Though he’s not officially announced a bid, DeSantis has polled as a top possible contender — and regularly the top potential challenger to Trump — in GOP primary hypotheticals, and has made moves that have stoked speculation about a possible campaign.

full article: https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3965985-desantis-dodges-question-about-2024-polling-during-trip-to-japan-im-not-a-candidate/