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View Full Version : Bully Dylan Mulvaney Believes It Should Be ‘Illegal’ to Misgender Him

04-28-2023, 01:48 PM
So this freakazoid thinks it should be illegal to refer to him as a him or he. Call him literally what he is and it would be illegal. The lbgtq community would love this shit. But acting out a fantasy and playing make believe about genders is what we should do. :rolleyes:


Bully Dylan Mulvaney Believes It Should Be ‘Illegal’ to Misgender Him

Transvestite Dylan Mulvaney believes it should be illegal to misgender him.

Although Mulvaney is a guy, in an October 2022 TikTok video just surfacing now, he says that it should be “illegal” for journalists to call him a guy.

“The articles written about me, using ‘he’ pronouns and calling me a ‘man’ over and over again, I feel like that should be illegal,” he argues, adding, “I don’t know; that’s just bad journalism”:


How is it bad journalism to accurately report that a guy is a guy?

If you want to see bad journalism, read the Fox News report on this video where the cucks at Fox News refer to Mulvaney as a “she.” That’s bad journalism because it’s inaccurate. It’s a lie to identify a man as “she.” Fox is lying to its readers. If my preferred pronouns were “Fox News Sucks,” would sucky Fox News respect my pronouns? No. Nor should they because referring to me as a “Fox News Suck” is inaccurate. I’m not saying “Fox News Sucks” is inaccurate. Fox News does suck. I’m saying that referring to me as a “Fox News Sucks” is inaccurate.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/04/28/nolte-bully-dylan-mulvaney-believes-should-be-illegal-misgender-him/

04-28-2023, 03:42 PM
How does he feel about being "XYed"? Can't change that right?

04-29-2023, 01:34 PM
Since poof boy thinks we're all entitled to an opinion ...

I think it should be illegal to mislabel one's gender solely on whim. Reality is as FJ points out above. All the wailing and gnashing of teeth and mutilating genitals ain't going to change the reality of those xy chromosomes.

Reality is this twink just cratered Bud Light so bad that as of 15 minutes ago they are offering free samples at 7-11. Haven't seen yet what he's done to Mabeleine.

04-29-2023, 02:13 PM
the REAL damage done by a pansy playing make believe.


04-29-2023, 03:47 PM
I think it should be illegal for my wife to call me an asshole...

Looks like neither one of us is going to get what we want...