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View Full Version : Hitler Exonerated After Footage Discovered Of Him Moonwalking On Subway

05-08-2023, 07:43 AM
Wouldn't be surprised to see parts or all of this as a NYT/WP front page header. Nails progressive wokester-think to a t.


05-08-2023, 08:21 AM
human nature.
...especially when the person has some aspect/policy/ideal that folks agree with.
People seem to have a hard time seeing public figures and such as complex.
With maybe really dark sides but a mix of light.
Tendency seems to be to paint them as total monsters or unquestionable heroes.
Or begrudgingly heroes that "aren't perfect" or who've "made few mistakes".

Happens in politics and historical figures all the time.

Clinton? overall he's a great guy! event though he's a rapist?
Trump loves America and is Strong and is what we need! even though he may be a lying, loudmouth, ignorant, scumbag?

America is Great! slavery and the stealing all the Native American land & waters and the slaughter of Native Americans and stealing Hawaii from the Hawaiians, the series of BS invasions of other countries, overthrowing foriegn gov'ts, etc etc etc. doesn't diminish it's GREATNESS and Goodness at all! and should not be mentioned.
if it is you obviously "hate" America and should leave.

05-09-2023, 01:10 PM
human nature.
...especially when the person has some aspect/policy/ideal that folks agree with.
People seem to have a hard time seeing public figures and such as complex.
With maybe really dark sides but a mix of light.
Tendency seems to be to paint them as total monsters or unquestionable heroes.
Or begrudgingly heroes that "aren't perfect" or who've "made few mistakes".

Happens in politics and historical figures all the time.

Clinton? overall he's a great guy! event though he's a rapist?
Trump loves America and is Strong and is what we need! even though he may be a lying, loudmouth, ignorant, scumbag?

America is Great! slavery and the stealing all the Native American land & waters and the slaughter of Native Americans and stealing Hawaii from the Hawaiians, the series of BS invasions of other countries, overthrowing foriegn gov'ts, etc etc etc. doesn't diminish it's GREATNESS and Goodness at all! and should not be mentioned.
if it is you obviously "hate" America and should leave.You have it mostly right. People are complex. Even Cody was soft on his Ma (look it up if you don't know). Making heroes/martyrs out of terrorists isn't excused. Regardless complexities, the here and now threat that presents a clear and present danger has to be dealt with.

Supposedly, this guy was on some NYC "list" as needs help. So why's he running around terrorizing people? The DA's too busy trying to get Trump by whatever means possible, fair or foul :rolleyes:

Speakin of complexities ... judging people who did what they did in their time by today's standards only works for those whose agendas it suits. Starting with the first man that robbed Mother Nature of her land, EVERBODY came from somewhere else. That would include the people Europeans took the land from in America. They took it by force and it was theirs as long as they could hold it. THAT rule hasn't changed a bit. Americans are thieves and oppressors but Putin stealing by force what he wants of Ukraine is okay, right? That math isn't working.

05-09-2023, 04:52 PM
Wouldn't be surprised to see parts or all of this as a NYT/WP front page header. Nails progressive wokester-think to a t.


I just got it. Haha!

Of course Hitler is not part of an oppressed group.

05-10-2023, 06:16 AM
You have it mostly right. People are complex. Even Cody was soft on his Ma (look it up if you don't know). Making heroes/martyrs out of terrorists isn't excused. Regardless complexities, the here and now threat that presents a clear and present danger has to be dealt with.

Supposedly, this guy was on some NYC "list" as needs help. So why's he running around terrorizing people? The DA's too busy trying to get Trump by whatever means possible, fair or foul :rolleyes:

Speakin of complexities ... judging people who did what they did in their time by today's standards only works for those whose agendas it suits. Starting with the first man that robbed Mother Nature of her land, EVERBODY came from somewhere else. That would include the people Europeans took the land from in America. They took it by force and it was theirs as long as they could hold it. THAT rule hasn't changed a bit. Americans are thieves and oppressors but Putin stealing by force what he wants of Ukraine is okay, right? That math isn't working.

So Gunny... EVERYBODY came from somewhere else. That would include the Russians who are taking the land from Ukrainians?
If they take it by force and it's theirs as long as they can hold it. THAT rule hasn't changed a bit. right?

But IMO, There is a bit of difference in Ukraine v the Americas though. Many of the Ukrainians in the area being taken actually speak Russian and are ethnically Russian. And want to be part of Russia.
And Ukraine had promised not to join NATO & the like. So there'd be a buffer zone and not be a threat to Russia's boarder.
And the Native America's didn't have bio-weapons labs on European boarders. (like small pox infected blankets)
And the US helped overthrown the previously Russian friendly Ukrainian gov't. (but that's OK i guess?)
And that new US backed Ukrainian gov't "bombed it's own people" in the area that Russia now invades. (but that's OK i guess?)

Seems to me that TODAY we don't live by today's standards, that only works for those whose agendas it suits.

Also just for Clarity I'm not for Russia's attack.
I'm not against Ukraine fighting for it's nation.
I'm against the U.S. meddling in Ukraine Against Russia through Ukraine for the past 20+ years.
And possibly starting WW3 over "the most corrupt nation in Europe".

05-10-2023, 04:22 PM
So Gunny... EVERYBODY came from somewhere else. That would include the Russians who are taking the land from Ukrainians?
If they take it by force and it's theirs as long as they can hold it. THAT rule hasn't changed a bit. right?

But IMO, There is a bit of difference in Ukraine v the Americas though. Many of the Ukrainians in the area being taken actually speak Russian and are ethnically Russian. And want to be part of Russia.
And Ukraine had promised not to join NATO & the like. So there'd be a buffer zone and not be a threat to Russia's boarder.
And the Native America's didn't have bio-weapons labs on European boarders. (like small pox infected blankets)
And the US helped overthrown the previously Russian friendly Ukrainian gov't. (but that's OK i guess?)
And that new US backed Ukrainian gov't "bombed it's own people" in the area that Russia now invades. (but that's OK i guess?)

Seems to me that TODAY we don't live by today's standards, that only works for those whose agendas it suits.

Also just for Clarity I'm not for Russia's attack.
I'm not against Ukraine fighting for it's nation.
I'm against the U.S. meddling in Ukraine Against Russia through Ukraine for the past 20+ years.
And possibly starting WW3 over "the most corrupt nation in Europe".There's no difference but in the minds of those looking for one. Migration is migration and the strong and hungry pushing out the decadent and weak has been the same throughout Man's history.

Convenient that most Ukrainians speak Russian given Stalin outlawed the use of and teaching of Ukrainian even while he was starving off as many Ukrainians as he could while collectivizing Ukrainian land.

The Rus were slavs, poles, finns and Swedes. Russians are rus and mongol. They are of common descent, but not the same. The former are Eastern European while the latter took on a LOT of their Mongol occupiers savagery. Still shows today.

There's no line in the sand dividing the ethnicities. Had this been handled diplomatically and those states that border Russia wanted to be part of Russia I would say they have an argument. Putin chose to use blunt force trauma, murder and invasion instead, showing his barbarian roots and removing diplomacy from the table.

You can call it whatever you will but this is ALL on Putin. There is NO reason for any of this but I'd be damned if I'd sit back and let some bully come busting right in and trying to tell my ass what to do. I'm certainly not going to begrudge aid to a country that is fighting for its existence and its freedom to exist as it pleases. We ain't doing it here. Might as well support someone that is.

On that note, I find it hypocritical as Hell of Biden and dems to claim to support the freedoms of others -- Ukrainians, illegal immigrants -- while trampling ours and putting the screws to us with a weaponized government. It does however show who will win any "war" in this country. The side that is more than willing to kill the other to get what it wants.