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View Full Version : San Francisco May Give ID's To Illegals

red states rule
10-11-2007, 11:58 AM
You can't make this stuff up folks. The moonbat left is alive and well in the bay area

Supervisor Ammiano drafting legislation for ID card for illegals
Wyatt Buchanan, Chronicle Staff Writer

Friday, September 7, 2007

San Francisco Supervisor Tom Ammiano is drafting legislation to create a city identification card for immigrants unable to get traditional ID cards, a move likely to anger advocates of tougher immigration enforcement.

The cards would be accepted by all city agencies and organizations that receive city funding. Ammiano plans to introduce the legislation within a couple of weeks. He also is trying to persuade financial institutions to allow residents to use the cards to open accounts.

"There is a large community who contribute, and there are not a lot of safeguards around their (immigration) status, their peace of mind and their ability to participate," Ammiano said, adding that the card would be available to all people living in San Francisco regardless of their immigration status.

San Francisco could be the first large American city to have such a card. New Haven, Conn., has such a program, and New York City is considering one.

Ammiano said the impetus for the city cards came from the immigrant community, which asked for his help. Illegal immigrants who are victims or witnesses of crime often do not report the incident because they have no identification and fear deportation. Identification also is needed for many services, such as city health care.

San Francisco already has a sanctuary policy for immigrants, which means no city agency, including the police, will assist the federal government to deport people. So-called sanctuary cities have become a major issue among Republican presidential candidates.

Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, has been attacking former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani - including during a debate Wednesday night - over his city's sanctuary status. Romney broadcast a radio advertisement in Iowa and New Hampshire, where a voice-over states, "Immigration laws don't work if they're not enforced. That's the problem with cities like Newark, San Francisco and New York."

Later in the ad, Romney himself says that as president he would "cut back federal funds to cities that provide sanctuary to illegal immigrants," a pledge he repeated at the debate.

Mayor Gavin Newsom has been resolute in defending San Francisco's sanctuary status, and on Thursday his spokesman said Newsom supports Ammiano's idea for a card, which could be used for libraries, golf courses, public transportation and other services.

"The mayor strongly believes that this identification card should be extended to all San Franciscans, regardless of their immigration status," said Nathan Ballard, the mayor's spokesman.

The card also would be available to homeless people who prove they live in the city through a letter from a social service agency, Ammiano said. Currently, single-room-occupancy hotels require guests to leave an identification card at the front desk to enter the premises, which has been a burden on homeless visitors, Ammiano said.

for the complete article

10-11-2007, 12:27 PM
If you moonbat calling idiots knew Ammiano or John Daily you would know most of what they propose is for shock not legislation. But I guess local politics is too complicated for some.

red states rule
10-11-2007, 12:53 PM
If you moonbat calling idiots knew Ammiano or John Daily you would know most of what they propose is for shock not legislation. But I guess local politics is too complicated for some.

so why have borders if we are not going to enforce them?

10-13-2007, 09:48 AM
We are talking about San Franstinko. Home of way too many liberals. Gabosaurus being one of them. And as fas as the state of California people such as Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein and I believe Nancy Pelosi also calls California home. Anyways did you know that Boxer and Feinstein both have Valid concealed weapons permits but they don't want anyone else to have one. It is very hard to get a permit if you live in california. And they dont recognize any other states. I think a CCW should be like a drivers license good in all states. I mean just because I cross into another state I dont have the right to defend myself????

Now as far as the illegals thing goes. Thats why I hope Tancredo wins this election. I firmly believe that he has the best stance on illegal immigration. He would make it illegal for them to have Driver's licenses, marriage licenses. I am about to get off shift will post more tomorow afternoon when I work.

10-13-2007, 10:05 AM
so why have borders if we are not going to enforce them?The supervisor is making a point of the weak enforcement of our borders by his suggestion. As to your answer of border enforcement ask the head of homeland security why?

10-13-2007, 10:10 AM
We are talking about San Franstinko. Home of way too many liberals. Gabosaurus being on of them. And as fas as the state of California people such as Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein and I believe Nancy Pelosi also calls California home. Anyways did you know that Boxer and Feinstein both have Valid concealed weapons permits but they don't want anyone else to have one. It is very hard to get a permit if you live in california. And they dont recognize any other states. I think a CCW should be like a drivers license good in all states. I mean just because I cross into another state I dont have the right to defend myself????

Now as far as the illegals thing goes. Thats why I hope Tancredo wins this election. I firmly believe that he has the best stance on illegal immigration. He would make it illegal for them to have Driver's licenses, marriage licenses. I am about to get off shift will post more tomorow afternoon when I work.

The real answer to immigration is just send all the illegals home. Anything short of that is a farce.
As to the concealed weapon. Even I can get a permit and I am on homeland security's no fly list. You just need a lot more ability to handle a weapon and know more about safety than elsewhere here.

10-13-2007, 03:57 PM
san fran sicko

You can't make this stuff up folks. The moonbat left is alive and well in the bay area

Supervisor Ammiano drafting legislation for ID card for illegals
Wyatt Buchanan, Chronicle Staff Writer

Friday, September 7, 2007

San Francisco Supervisor Tom Ammiano is drafting legislation to create a city identification card for immigrants unable to get traditional ID cards, a move likely to anger advocates of tougher immigration enforcement.

The cards would be accepted by all city agencies and organizations that receive city funding. Ammiano plans to introduce the legislation within a couple of weeks. He also is trying to persuade financial institutions to allow residents to use the cards to open accounts.

"There is a large community who contribute, and there are not a lot of safeguards around their (immigration) status, their peace of mind and their ability to participate," Ammiano said, adding that the card would be available to all people living in San Francisco regardless of their immigration status.

San Francisco could be the first large American city to have such a card. New Haven, Conn., has such a program, and New York City is considering one.

Ammiano said the impetus for the city cards came from the immigrant community, which asked for his help. Illegal immigrants who are victims or witnesses of crime often do not report the incident because they have no identification and fear deportation. Identification also is needed for many services, such as city health care.

San Francisco already has a sanctuary policy for immigrants, which means no city agency, including the police, will assist the federal government to deport people. So-called sanctuary cities have become a major issue among Republican presidential candidates.

Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, has been attacking former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani - including during a debate Wednesday night - over his city's sanctuary status. Romney broadcast a radio advertisement in Iowa and New Hampshire, where a voice-over states, "Immigration laws don't work if they're not enforced. That's the problem with cities like Newark, San Francisco and New York."

Later in the ad, Romney himself says that as president he would "cut back federal funds to cities that provide sanctuary to illegal immigrants," a pledge he repeated at the debate.

Mayor Gavin Newsom has been resolute in defending San Francisco's sanctuary status, and on Thursday his spokesman said Newsom supports Ammiano's idea for a card, which could be used for libraries, golf courses, public transportation and other services.

"The mayor strongly believes that this identification card should be extended to all San Franciscans, regardless of their immigration status," said Nathan Ballard, the mayor's spokesman.

The card also would be available to homeless people who prove they live in the city through a letter from a social service agency, Ammiano said. Currently, single-room-occupancy hotels require guests to leave an identification card at the front desk to enter the premises, which has been a burden on homeless visitors, Ammiano said.

for the complete article

10-13-2007, 06:33 PM
Its like handing our clean needles to smack heads. Its like handing computer generated nude images of children to pedos. Its like giving a lottery ticket to a gambling addict. Its like giving a habitual drunk driver a brand new car. Its like not profiling a "people" when that "people" are the only ones at war with you.

Its worst than rain on your wedding day....

10-13-2007, 06:44 PM
Its like handing our clean needles to smack heads. Its like handing computer generated nude images of children to pedos. Its like giving a lottery ticket to a gambling addict. Its like giving a habitual drunk driver a brand new car. Its like not profiling a "people" when that "people" are the only ones at war with you.

Its worst than rain on your wedding day....Some weddings need to be rained on, and clean needles will help keep aids from getting into your bed. I agree with the rest.

red states rule
10-13-2007, 06:46 PM
Some weddings need to be rained on, and clean needles will help keep aids from getting into your bed. I agree with the rest.

Oh sure, help the drug users to break the law easier and keep their addiction :rolleyes:

10-13-2007, 06:53 PM
Some weddings need to be rained on, and clean needles will help keep aids from getting into your bed. I agree with the rest.

So why are you allowing sunshine on people who are breaking the law? You are giving them the proverbial hand in breaking the law.

Clean needles will not help aids from getting in my bed. Cleaning those druggies up and showing them how to "fish" will help me out. Fact is, you sleep with a non virgin, you run the risk. Fact is, you take a blood transfusion, you run the risk. I am sure there are more ways to spread aids, but I'll be damned if I am going to give an effin helping hand to addicts by giving them effing clean needles. Look at some asian countries and how they deal with drugs. And then you will see the real method for stopping addicts.

This country has grown soft and a soft country will fall. History has shown it, over and over.

red states rule
10-13-2007, 06:55 PM
So why are you allowing sunshine on people who are breaking the law? You are giving them the proverbial hand in breaking the law.

Clean needles will not help aids from getting in my bed. Cleaning those druggies up and showing them how to "fish" will help me out. Fact is, you sleep with a non virgin, you run the risk. Fact is, you take a blood transfusion, you run the risk. I am sure there are more ways to spread aids, but I'll be damned if I am going to give an effin helping hand to addicts by giving them effing clean needles. Look at some asian countries and how they deal with drugs. And then you will see the real method for stopping addicts.

This country has grown soft and a soft country will fall. History has shown it, over and over.

It is another social program program (that we pay for) that accomplishes nothing

But it makes liberals feel good all over

10-13-2007, 06:58 PM
So why are you allowing sunshine on people who are breaking the law? You are giving them the proverbial hand in breaking the law.

Clean needles will not help aids from getting in my bed. Cleaning those druggies up and showing them how to "fish" will help me out. Fact is, you sleep with a non virgin, you run the risk. Fact is, you take a blood transfusion, you run the risk. I am sure there are more ways to spread aids, but I'll be damned if I am going to give an effin helping hand to addicts by giving them effing clean needles. Look at some asian countries and how they deal with drugs. And then you will see the real method for stopping addicts.

This country has grown soft and a soft country will fall. History has shown it, over and over.

This nation is already on the downhill slide. If you need surgery do refuse to have a transfusion? Clean needles is not the problem. The problem is boredom in life. People who are bored have a higher tendency to try high risk behavior. As for illegals ship them all home.

red states rule
10-13-2007, 07:00 PM
This nation is already on the downhill slide. If you need surgery do refuse to have a transfusion? Clean needles is not the problem. The problem is boredom in life. People who are bored have a higher tendency to try high risk behavior. As for illegals ship them all home.

You are giving law breakers the means to break the law. Liberals have a problem holding people acccountable for their actions and make excuses for them

10-13-2007, 07:04 PM
You are giving law breakers the means to break the law. Liberals have a problem holding people acccountable for their actions and make excuses for themInjection paraphenalia is so easy to get. If that is creating the problem then shoot me! Ask those in cars about 65 MPH being the law! Do we take away the car? Get real! As for accountability, each case my friend, just like life. Just because someone wears a suit doesn't mean he is a bad man.

red states rule
10-13-2007, 07:07 PM
Injection paraphenalia is so easy to get. If that is creating the problem then shoot me! Ask those in cars about 65 MPH being the law! Do we take away the car? Get real! As for accountability, each case my friend, just like life. Just because someone wears a suit doesn't mean he is a bad man.

Why does the left coddle and excuse drug users? Possibly to get them dependent on their programs?

I have often thought liberals are like the corner drug dealer. They get their victim hooked, get them dependent on their next fix (the next handout) and get them locked into a cycle of dependency

10-13-2007, 07:10 PM
As for illegals ship them all home

Then why did you make an issue out of my first post in thread?

This nation is already on the downhill slide. If you need surgery do refuse to have a transfusion? Clean needles is not the problem. The problem is boredom in life. People who are bored have a higher tendency to try high risk behavior. .

Refusing a transfusion in a life or death situation is exactly what I am talking about. Risks are everwhere. Therefore, clean effing needles are NOT going to solve the problem, they are going to keep the problem alive. Re-read my irony post because it is clear you did not fully comprehend it.

People who are bored? Give me a break. You want to now socialize FUN as well.....

red states rule
10-13-2007, 07:12 PM
Then why did you make an issue out of my first post in thread?

Refusing a transfusion in a life or death situation is exactly what I am talking about. Risks are everwhere. Therefore, clean effing needles are NOT going to solve the problem, they are going to keep the problem alive. Re-read my irony post because it is clear you did not fully comprehend it.

People who are bored? Give me a break. You want to now socialize FUN as well.....

Not exactle. April wants them hooked, then reels them in for life

10-13-2007, 07:15 PM
Not exactle. April wants them hooked, then reels them in for life

I think you hit the marx.

red states rule
10-13-2007, 07:19 PM
I think you hit the marx.

Things have not changed since the 1970's when I said the same thing to my liberal Social Studies teacher

10-14-2007, 05:03 PM
I think you hit the marx.Groucho, zeppo, harpo or the last one whose name evades me.