View Full Version : B52s

05-17-2023, 11:42 PM
Why are so many B52s in the air lately?

05-18-2023, 12:39 AM
I believe the AIR FORCE has activated more of those squadrons across the nation
as a show of Force. My memory tells me. Not only do they always take part in
massive training operations. But because WE (The U.S.) Know Russia, and China
are always watching us the way we watch them. It's somewhat of a HUGE
reminder...even though we have a WUSS in the White House, surrounded by
WAR HAWKS who actually want us to get into another war. They want to make
sure everybody knows...SLEEPY isn't really in charge of anything...other than his ICE CREAM daily treat,
and the times when he needs a DEPENDS change.
P.S. This retired Navy veteran knows. The United States of America...Has No President or CIC.

05-18-2023, 07:44 AM
Lot more of everything in the air lately. Fighter training at Randolph appears to have ramped up a bit and there's a lot more cargo in and out of Kelly.
icansayit I thinks it's as much reminder to US citizens who has the power as it is putting on a show for the commies. They've already proven with Biden that the machine can run with an empty head at the steering wheel.

Black Diamond
05-18-2023, 10:49 AM
Lot more of everything in the air lately. Fighter training at Randolph appears to have ramped up a bit and there's a lot more cargo in and out of Kelly.
icansayit I thinks it's as much reminder to US citizens who has the power as it is putting on a show for the commies. They've already proven with Biden that the machine can run with an empty head at the steering wheel.

My wife works with someone whose husband is a drone pilot at Nellis. He says no one knows just how close we are to war.
Now in line with the conversations we've had on this board about secrets, i am not sure how good it is he told her that.
Gunny. icansayit

05-19-2023, 07:38 AM
My wife works with someone whose husband is a drone pilot at Nellis. He says no one knows just how close we are to war.
Now in line with the conversations we've had on this board about secrets, i am not sure how good it is he told her that.
@Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30). @icansayit (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3857)

Can't say. From all appearances, things are different in practice nowadays than back when icansayit and I were in. No meant NO. If you had to ask yourself "should I/Can I?", or there was even an inkling of a question, you didn't open your mouth. Not your roomy in the barracks, not to your wife -- nobody.

At no point I can think of, can I recall an instance where I would have made a statement such as the one you mention. If true, that's treading further on think ice than I'm willing to go. If it's just BS to sound important, it's stirring up unnecessary BS, because we need more of that:rolleyes:

Loose lips sink ships.

05-19-2023, 02:00 PM
I hear they're all getting new engines. Rolls Royce ones. No word on the Grey Poupon option.

05-22-2023, 08:12 AM
I hear they're all getting new engines. Rolls Royce ones. No word on the Grey Poupon option.Flying hours would explain the fighters.

Providing Ukraine with weapons/materiel would explain the increase in cargo traffic.

As far as the aforementioned rumor goes, it's no secret for anyone that looks and can do math. We're one Pooh hissy fit away from war, and have been. The US is in the way of China's expansionist policies.

05-22-2023, 09:06 PM
Why are so many B52s in the air lately? Perhaps they are on tour again. :cool: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4QSYx4wVQg

05-24-2023, 05:41 AM
RE: Reply to Thread
SUBTOPIC: "not posted on our forums in several weeks"
※→ Headline, et al,

Well, → I'll get there and contribute when I see a serious discussion and question on a topic that interests me.

Most Respectfully,

05-24-2023, 10:18 AM
RE: Reply to Thread
SUBTOPIC: "not posted on our forums in several weeks"
※→ Headline, et al,

Well, → I'll get there and contribute when I see a serious discussion and question on a topic that interests me.

Most Respectfully,
Post one. Maybe someone will respond :rolleyes:

05-24-2023, 01:36 PM
RE: Reply to Thread
SUBTOPIC: "not posted on our forums in several weeks"
※→ Headline, et al,

Well, → I'll get there and contribute when I see a serious discussion and question on a topic that interests me.

Most Respectfully,

Thirty-six posts in ten years... until the above post I'm pretty sure no one knew or remembered you were a member... you are perhaps the very last person who should be talking about a "serious discussion and question" or "contributing."

I can't speak for anyone else, but I can say that I couldn't possibly care less whether or not you darken our doorstep ever again.


05-24-2023, 03:25 PM
RE: Reply to Thread
SUBTOPIC: "not posted on our forums in several weeks"
※→ Headline, et al,

Well, → I'll get there and contribute when I see a serious discussion and question on a topic that interests me.

Most Respectfully,

Good to see Jill allowed you permission to get near a keyboard...as if you had any interest in anything...other than ICE CREAM.

05-24-2023, 03:34 PM
RE: Reply to Thread
SUBTOPIC: "not posted on our forums in several weeks"
※→ Headline, et al,

Ad hominem (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/ad-hominem)
"Ad hominem, short for argumentum ad hominem, is a term that refers to several types of arguments, most of which are fallacious. Typically this term refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself." SOURCE: Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem)

Well, → I'll get there and contribute when I see a serious discussion and question on a topic that interests me.

Thirty-six posts in ten years... until the above post I'm pretty sure no one knew or remembered you were a member... you are perhaps the very last person who should be talking about a "serious discussion and question" or "contributing."

I can't speak for anyone else, but I can say that I couldn't possibly care less whether or not you darken our doorstep ever again.


Unlike some participants, I do not, if I can avoid it, attack a fellow contributor in this fashion. I am quite sure that many of the contributors also refrain from applying a commentary on topics, discussions, and questions that does not interest them. Yes, → I'm quite sure I'm not alone in that regard. So, in that respect, I apologize and ask your forgiveness for not living up to your expectations. And I will continue to avoid injecting any of my dribble in the proximity of your posting.

Included in the decade you cited, I finished my doctorate program, and served tours in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Yemen. I very much hope that my fellow members in the forum grant me Leniency.

Most Respectfully,

05-24-2023, 03:53 PM
RE: Reply to Thread
SUBTOPIC: "not posted on our forums in several weeks"
※→ Icansayit, et al,


I am prepared for that eventuality.

Good to see Jill allowed you permission to get near a keyboard...as if you had any interest in anything...other than ICE CREAM.

I have a rather muscular iMac with dictation capability. (And a hardy laugh...)

WoW, this is more than I said in the last three months. I'll have to slow down if I want to maintain my posture.

BTW: I love the Ice Cream idea.

Most Respectfully,

05-24-2023, 04:58 PM
RE: B-52 Operations
⁜→SassyLady, et al,

Of the 700+ B-52s built, only about 10% survive to this day.

Why are so many B52s in the air lately?


In the old days, 1 Bird in each strike package was dedicated ECM and Bombays full of decoys. But today, I do not think there is a default package configuration. There is a lot of AEW&C with the heavy lifting being done by the interlocking multinational systems.


Some missions are not about early waring at all, but to determine if opponents can can be information saturated. Instead of denying hostile collection systems information - we give them more information spreading certain types of signals (unreal formats) that make the sky look like it is filled with aircraft even though there is nothing in the air at all (not even decoys). In the middle of all that a real B-52 appears out of nowhere (like magic), right on the outside edge of the PRC Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). Do enough of these type of operations and any offensive maneuvering by the opposing force begins to show their limitation. Related programs like the old Black Glass and the old Plate Glass, as well as Aurora, being to hide make it appear that a lot of missions are being flown, when actually there are fewer.

Most Respectfully,

05-25-2023, 12:36 AM
My wife works with someone whose husband is a drone pilot at Nellis. He says no one knows just how close we are to war.
Now in line with the conversations we've had on this board about secrets, i am not sure how good it is he told her that.
@Gunny (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=30). @icansayit (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3857)

I've tried not think about how close we are to war with Russia... or China.
Technically we are at war with Russia NOW.
It's just proxy war using the Ukrainians as pawns/cannon fodder.

We (U.S & NATO) supply everything but troops to the war.... so far.
Except that we did blow up the Russian pipeline.... at least that's all the direct U.S. military action that we can say with any certainty ...so far.
IF we're being honest & realistic that is.

05-25-2023, 08:34 AM
RE: B-52 Operations
⁜→SassyLady, et al,

Of the 700+ B-52s built, only about 10% survive to this day.


In the old days, 1 Bird in each strike package was dedicated ECM and Bombays full of decoys. But today, I do not think there is a default package configuration. There is a lot of AEW&C with the heavy lifting being done by the interlocking multinational systems.


Some missions are not about early waring at all, but to determine if opponents can can be information saturated. Instead of denying hostile collection systems information - we give them more information spreading certain types of signals (unreal formats) that make the sky look like it is filled with aircraft even though there is nothing in the air at all (not even decoys). In the middle of all that a real B-52 appears out of nowhere (like magic), right on the outside edge of the PRC Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). Do enough of these type of operations and any offensive maneuvering by the opposing force begins to show their limitation. Related programs like the old Black Glass and the old Plate Glass, as well as Aurora, being to hide make it appear that a lot of missions are being flown, when actually there are fewer.

Most Respectfully,
RLogical and effective tactic. We were required to pay strict attention to (attempts at) deception, even at the lowest level. Our EW operators spent countless hours trying to trip us up in the field.

In regard to the OP, the question appears to be based more on personal observation, as was my original response. I live within a few miles of a major cargo hub and repair base, and a bit further from a fighter training base. One can't help but physically observe increase/decrease in traffic.

Deceiving the enemy's surveillance either does not account for, or disregards as a negligible necessity, Farmer Brown watching take off's and landings over his corn field. Who finally blew the whistle on the Chinese surveillance balloon? Some civilian staring at the sky.