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View Full Version : Networks Ignore Revelation Joe Biden Reportedly Received $5 Million from Burisma

06-09-2023, 11:21 AM
Interesting that this news comes out the same time they decide to indict Trump.

I've been saying shit like this for years now and they are just getting around to it now.


Networks Ignore Revelation Joe Biden Reportedly Received $5 Million from Burisma

On Thursday, we learned that President Joe Biden had allegedly received $5 million dollars from an executive of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma. A company that anyone who has been paying attention knows Biden’s son Hunter was actively involved in. As was frequently the case, the three evening news broadcasts completely ignored the story.

Instead of covering the news, the big three evening newscasts of ABC's World News Tonight, CBS Evening News, and NBC Nightly News instead decided to smear Christian leader Pat Robertson on the day of his death.

Thanks to exclusive reporting from Fox News Digital’s Brooke Singman, “sources briefed Fox News Digital on the contents of the FBI-generated FD-1023 form alleging a criminal bribery scheme between then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national that involved influence over U.S. policy decisions.”

According to Signman’s reporting, “The FD-1023 form, dated June 30, 2020, is the FBI's interview with a ‘highly credible’ confidential source who detailed multiple meetings and conversations he or she had with a top Burisma executive over the course of several years, starting in 2015.”

“The Burisma executive sought the advice of the confidential source, a business professional, on gaining U.S. oil rights and getting involved with a U.S. oil company,” Fox reported.

Fox News Digital, added that “the confidential human source believes that the $5 million payment to Joe Biden and the $5 million payment to Hunter Biden occurred, based on his or her conversations with the Burisma executive.”

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kevin-tober/2023/06/08/networks-ignore-revelation-joe-biden-reportedly-received-5-million

06-10-2023, 11:46 AM
Interesting that this news comes out the same time they decide to indict Trump.

I've been saying shit like this for years now and they are just getting around to it now.


Networks Ignore Revelation Joe Biden Reportedly Received $5 Million from Burisma

On Thursday, we learned that President Joe Biden had allegedly received $5 million dollars from an executive of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma. A company that anyone who has been paying attention knows Biden’s son Hunter was actively involved in. As was frequently the case, the three evening news broadcasts completely ignored the story.

Instead of covering the news, the big three evening newscasts of ABC's World News Tonight, CBS Evening News, and NBC Nightly News instead decided to smear Christian leader Pat Robertson on the day of his death.

Thanks to exclusive reporting from Fox News Digital’s Brooke Singman, “sources briefed Fox News Digital on the contents of the FBI-generated FD-1023 form alleging a criminal bribery scheme between then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national that involved influence over U.S. policy decisions.”

According to Signman’s reporting, “The FD-1023 form, dated June 30, 2020, is the FBI's interview with a ‘highly credible’ confidential source who detailed multiple meetings and conversations he or she had with a top Burisma executive over the course of several years, starting in 2015.”

“The Burisma executive sought the advice of the confidential source, a business professional, on gaining U.S. oil rights and getting involved with a U.S. oil company,” Fox reported.

Fox News Digital, added that “the confidential human source believes that the $5 million payment to Joe Biden and the $5 million payment to Hunter Biden occurred, based on his or her conversations with the Burisma executive.”

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kevin-tober/2023/06/08/networks-ignore-revelation-joe-biden-reportedly-received-5-millionFox isn't ignoring it, that's for sure. Like a dog with a bone.

I suggest that while the MSM may be ignoring it, they aren't exactly coming to the rescue. Just a theory, but I wouldn't be at all shocked to learn (3 years after the fact, as usual) the Dems are going to allow the House Republican't's to bury Biden. Win/win. They get rid of Biden and the Republican't's do it.

I also suggest that should this come to pass and the Republican't's stay as disorganized and jacked up in general as they are now, we're going to get someone far worse that Biden occupying the WH.

06-10-2023, 12:16 PM
The "mainstream media" is not ignoring the allegation. Not much has been said because the allegations are based on one unverified report. Republican Senator Chuck Grassley reported that he has received a whistleblower complaint that alleges that the FBI has a document that describes a criminal complaint against the Biden family that dates back to the Trump administration. Republicans want to see the FD-1023 form involved. The FBI has not yet provided such. -------------------------------------------------------> https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-republican-fbi-clash-over-a-biden-related-document ----------------------------------------------------------------------------> https://socxfbi.org/SFSA/SFSA/Featured-Articles/Message-from-the-FBI-on-the-FD-1023-Request-from-Congress.aspx

06-12-2023, 01:13 PM
The "mainstream media" is not ignoring the allegation. Not much has been said because the allegations are based on one unverified report. Republican Senator Chuck Grassley reported that he has received a whistleblower complaint that alleges that the FBI has a document that describes a criminal complaint against the Biden family that dates back to the Trump administration. Republicans want to see the FD-1023 form involved. The FBI has not yet provided such. -------------------------------------------------------> https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-republican-fbi-clash-over-a-biden-related-document ----------------------------------------------------------------------------> https://socxfbi.org/SFSA/SFSA/Featured-Articles/Message-from-the-FBI-on-the-FD-1023-Request-from-Congress.aspx

That, and his son's own words and his partner as well.

06-12-2023, 07:46 PM
The "mainstream media" is not ignoring the allegation. Not much has been said because the allegations are based on one unverified report. Republican Senator Chuck Grassley reported that he has received a whistleblower complaint that alleges that the FBI has a document that describes a criminal complaint against the Biden family that dates back to the Trump administration. Republicans want to see the FD-1023 form involved. The FBI has not yet provided such. -------------------------------------------------------> https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-republican-fbi-clash-over-a-biden-related-document ----------------------------------------------------------------------------> https://socxfbi.org/SFSA/SFSA/Featured-Articles/Message-from-the-FBI-on-the-FD-1023-Request-from-Congress.aspx
Gabby ... what is it that you love so much about the Bidens?

06-12-2023, 07:52 PM
I can't wait to hear the taped conversations between Ukrainian whistle blower and the Bidens regarding the$5 million bribe.