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View Full Version : Has Anyone Been Watching Any Of CNN Town Halls?

06-13-2023, 11:23 AM
I haven't. I've seen bits and pieces, but my own bias is, "CNN," pfffttt. Well I may have to reevaluate:


Granted, only one person's pov, but I do try to cover bases, between parties and candidates. I would be very shocked to see Christie go anywhere at this point, I think his ship has sailed, but he may be the partisan foil needed today:


As a former prosecutor, Christie has strong opinions about Trump’s indictment. He does not think the DOJ has been weaponized against Trump, making him one of the few Republicans with that opinion. His take is that Trump could have just turned over the documents that he was being asked to return and none of this would have happened. He said that Trump is “voluntarily putting our country through this.” “This is all (Trump) saying … ‘I’m more important than the country.” It’s all about Trump’s ego and Christie makes Trump’s ego a frequent reference point when he speaks. Christie did not disparage any candidates except for Trump and Biden. He left the other GOP candidates alone.

Christie was asked by a young mother why the United States was financing the war in Ukraine when regular Americans are having a hard time making ends meet in Biden’s economy. Christie rightly explained that inflation was making it hard for people to make ends meet and it was brought on by Biden’s out-of-control federal spending. He spoke of his record of being a fiscal conservative and his desire to shut down the spending spree that Biden has had in Washington. Then he went on to explain that the United States can do both – stop the federal spending and give money back to the American taxpayer and support Ukraine because it is a proxy war with China. He went on to tell her that he didn’t want China coming to take over the United States and he certainly didn’t want her kids or his grandkids living under Chinese rule. Notably, Christie said that if the United States ended its involvement in Ukraine, then China would take over, along with the Russians, the Iranians, and the North Koreans. Christie said that’s a bad foursome. No arguments there.

When asked about securing the southern border, he said he would send in the National Guard. When Anderson Cooper asked if he supports a border wall, Christie said we may as well complete it because Trump only got about a quarter of the wall built. He also said that when he is elected president and brings in other Republicans into office, thus creating a Republican majority in both the House and Senate, that he and Congress would spend the first two years on immigration law reforms. He said it was the sign of a “bad executive” that Trump governed by executive orders when it came to the border and that made it easy for Biden to immediately change the orders when he came into office. “He took temporary steps, but the minute he left office, someone else could change. You know what that is? A bad executive,” he said. It’s hard to argue with that.

Christie is a pro-life Catholic man who supports states setting their own abortion laws. He supports the overturning of Roe v Wade.

He is set on asking people to stop and think before supporting Trump’s second term in office. He lodged some personal attacks on Trump because he said, having known him for 22 years, that the only thing Trump understands is force. So, he said he has to get in Trump’s face to defeat him.

Christie warned that if Trump wins another term, he would spend those four years focused on “settling scores” with his political enemies.

“He has shown himself, particularly in his post-presidency,” Christie said, “to be completely self-centered, completely self-consumed and doesn’t give a damn about the American people, in my point of view.”

He called Trump a “loser” and a “child,” comparing the former president’s refusal to accept his defeat for reelection in 2020 to a blame-deflecting tantrum from a child who had failed a test at school.

Again, no arguments with any of that. I found myself agreeing with Christie on most things.


06-13-2023, 04:51 PM
I'm waiting for CNN to have town hallz with any of the dem challengers.
I'd be especially shocked if RFK Jr is allowed to have one.
Especially one that's as NEARLY as accommodating and seemingly scripted as the portion i've overheard my wife watching with Christie.

06-14-2023, 02:21 PM
And just how many voters, me included, have said those exact same things that Christie said in that town hall? It's hard to see trump II as anything positive.

06-14-2023, 05:13 PM
Christie is an asset.

I'm an Independent and I'm going to vote in the democratic primary for RFK, Jr. I'll let you Republicans decide who your primary winner will be.

06-14-2023, 05:31 PM
Christie is an asset.

I'm an Independent and I'm going to vote in the democratic primary for RFK, Jr. I'll let you Republicans decide who your primary winner will be.

I believe you. RFK is certainly interesting and I'm certain his take on inoculation resonates, yet he seems to have some things more than half a bubble off.

He does remind me of a Ross Perot or Ron Paul, part genius, much kook-IMO!

06-14-2023, 05:34 PM
I believe you. RFK is certainly interesting and I'm certain his take on inoculation resonates, yet he seems to have some things more than half a bubble off.

He does remind me of a Ross Perot or Ron Paul, part genius, much kook-IMO!

But not corrupt like Christie.

06-14-2023, 05:35 PM
But not corrupt like Christie.
I don't think Christie has a chance, which I said. He may well prove a good foil though, which is needed.

06-14-2023, 05:35 PM
I believe you. RFK is certainly interesting and I'm certain his take on inoculation resonates, yet he seems to have some things more than half a bubble off.

He does remind me of a Ross Perot or Ron Paul, part genius, much kook-IMO!

I think you can substitute "part genius" with "money and a famous dad/name."

06-14-2023, 05:36 PM
But not corrupt like Christie.

How is he corrupt?

06-14-2023, 05:37 PM
I think you can substitute "part genius" with "money and a famous dad/name."

Granted without his dad, he wouldn't be on list of possibles. Then again, same with Rand and so many others. Hunter would probably never have done crack, but if he did, no Burisma.

06-14-2023, 05:56 PM
Sassy was one of the first with Trump, it maybe she has fine tuned on populism:


Populism May Be Driving RFK Jr. Toward the White HousePublished 06/11/23 07:00 AM ET
Douglas MacKinnon


So, for a few months before that 2016 election, I spoke with hundreds of people from across the political and socioeconomic spectrum. Those conversations told me there was a growing resentment against the entrenched elites controlling both major political parties — resentment that, at least to me, seemed to open up a lane for the outsider Trump. He found that lane because tens of millions of Americans were desperately searching for an outsider, a populist who would finally champion their concerns.

Now, eight years later, a new “outsider,” another populist, has emerged as a potential champion for millions of Americans: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

As Michael Ceraso, a Democratic strategist and former campaign aide to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, just warned President Biden and the party: “Democrats would be foolish to mock or belittle RFK Jr. Every time we make fun of those who hold fringe positions, we lose. The Democratic Party acting smug never works. … Take RFK seriously, Biden.”

On that front, Biden may be his own worst enemy. By announcing his intention to seek reelection in 2024, he has effectively frozen in place potential White House candidates such as Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary Buttigieg or California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

And while those Democrats are held in “political traction,” Kennedy is crisscrossing the nation, taking advantage of almost every media opportunity offered to him. As a result, his voice is reaching millions of voters — and potentially resonating with them.

Surprisingly, his voice also is resonating with a number of Republicans with whom I’ve spoken. One of them, a CEO and board member for several companies, told me, “I challenge anyone to read Kennedy’s Twitter page and not come to the conclusion that they agree with 80% or more of the positions this guy takes.”

In the past week or so, there have been two seismic shocks that rocked the entrenched elite political foundation. The first was when Elon Musk hosted Kennedy on Twitter Spaces, where more than 2.5 million people — and counting — tuned in. The second was that former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey not only endorsed Kennedy but predicted that he’ll become the next U.S. president.

Both of those “shocks” are huge for several reasons. Much of the liberal mainstream media have decided to ignore Kennedy, perhaps for personal or partisan reasons, or perhaps because of his criticism during COVID of lockdowns, masking, school closures and vaccines, or perhaps as a way to provide political cover for Biden in some cases.

By putting Kennedy on Twitter Spaces, Musk worked around some of that censorship to allow voters to hear Kennedy unfiltered. And Dorsey’s endorsement — and his prediction of a Kennedy win — also has the potential to open many eyes among liberals or Democrats whose initial knee-jerk reaction may have been to never give Kennedy and his policy positions a fair hearing. Many on the left respect Dorsey, and his endorsement very easily could start to ripple across those political waters.

Kennedy himself is confident, saying he believes he can beat Biden — who so far refuses to debate him — in the Democratic primary and ultimately defeat the Republican nominee in November 2024.

Are his obstacles to those victories enormous? They are almost unscalable. Kennedy must get on 50 state ballots, raise tens of millions of dollars for his campaign, assemble an army of volunteers, survive early losses, and not commit serious gaffes. And he must do it all, at least in the beginning, without the support of the party or the attention of most of the media.


06-14-2023, 06:29 PM
Sassy was one of the first with Trump, it maybe she has fine tuned on populism:

Is that a bad thing?

06-14-2023, 06:31 PM
I would pretty much vote for anyone but Biden (well not a Clinton or Obama) in the democratic primary at this point. Depends on who wins the GOP primary to decide who I'll vote for in the general election.

06-14-2023, 08:18 PM
Is that a bad thing?

I think we all make our best choices, no e if us can decide fir another. Don't have to agree on candidates or reasoning. Respect helps keep things civil.

Black Diamond
06-14-2023, 09:46 PM
I think you can substitute "part genius" with "money and a famous dad/name."

His voice may be a hindrance, which isn't fair. I don't think he's anywhere near his dad when it comes to talent.

06-15-2023, 11:14 AM
I haven't. I've seen bits and pieces, but my own bias is, "CNN," pfffttt. Well I may have to reevaluate:


Granted, only one person's pov, but I do try to cover bases, between parties and candidates. I would be very shocked to see Christie go anywhere at this point, I think his ship has sailed, but he may be the partisan foil needed today:

but my own bias is, "CNN," pfffttt :)

Even was I to ponder such a notion, the blurbs I saw last night from the usual cast of MSM suspects would drop a damp rag on it. MSM basically cherrypicked Trump indictment coverage, openly stating such with no pretense otherwise, stating words to the effect "we don't need to see any more of this" once Trump started speaking.

Not that I care much what Trump had to say. But the in your face, we don't care if you know we're doing it, cherry-picked censorship rubs me the wrong way.

What I can't figure out is that even with MSM telling everyone what they are doing, people STILL believe the swill they spew:rolleyes:

06-15-2023, 01:06 PM
Sassy was one of the first with Trump, it maybe she has fine tuned on populism:


Populism. A fickle mistress.

His voice may be a hindrance, which isn't fair. I don't think he's anywhere near his dad when it comes to talent.

Or political positions.

06-15-2023, 01:15 PM
Populism. A fickle mistress.

Or political positions.
As I said, imo he may have a bit of genius, but definitely more than a bit of kookiness.

06-15-2023, 02:11 PM
Pretty in-depth:
