View Full Version : Non-Man

06-13-2023, 11:59 AM
That's John Hopkins solution to 'what is a woman,'.



This is a great solution to the problem of defining the word “woman.” Simply ignore the fact that they exist at all.
Many of us have been arguing that the core of transgender/alphabet ideology is the erasure of the uniquely female attributes, which amounts to the erasure of women as a category. That is a theme of Matt Walsh’s excellent movie “What is a Woman?” in which no person wrapped up in alphabet ideology can provide an answer to the question.
To this day, I have yet to hear an actual answer to the question from the alphabet crowd. The answer always is “A woman is a person who thinks they are a woman,” which is no answer at all.
Johns Hopkins, at least, acknowledges the fundamental reality of the alphabet ideology: they believe men exist, but others are “non-women.”

I showed the definition to my wife and she laughed nervously. She is, according to Johns Hopkins’ definition, characterized by the absence of manhood.
There are men and non-men.


Seems like a return to Dark Ages, when the Church effectively removed many women and accomplishments from the Bible during rewrites of 'lost pages...'

06-13-2023, 11:28 PM
That's John Hopkins solution to 'what is a woman,'.


Seems like a return to Dark Ages, when the Church effectively removed many women and accomplishments from the Bible during rewrites of 'lost pages...'
Kath, its the prestigious John Hopkins University... we should just trust the science.
you and I aren't "experts" so our opinions are not valid.
Also maybe we have to wonder if having a non-man opinion is also a non-opinion?

06-14-2023, 02:01 AM
Kath, its the prestigious John Hopkins University... we should just trust the science.
you and I aren't "experts" so our opinions are not valid.
Also maybe we have to wonder if having a non-man opinion is also a non-opinion?

Here's the thing, definitely covid related. To the best of my recollection, nearly everyone here was 'following the science,' much more than anyone was following Fauci.

I've always been pro-immunization, though am not more knee jerk in acceptance of new, than anything else. As I mentioned many times, I was well aware of early breakouts in Hong Kong and reportedly China-though not Wuhan specifically. I'd been watching the Hong Kong demonstrations for nearly 6 months before the breakout. Really just as China was cracking down, the upswing in mask wearing and concern about 'pneumonia virus.' (There was always some mask wearing in Hong Kong, the increase was drastic). It was through the videos that I first heard of N95 and ordered.

Without doubt, the news from Italy, Washington state nursing, NYC, certainly made inoculation on wish list of many. Even with costs covered, I waited about 3 months before first. At this point while not turning against shots or masks, I was for opening up as much as possible. I had no problem with AZ not locking down, certainly compared to what was going on in IL. I admit to being concerned with FL opening beaches during Spring Break-while DeSantis was certainly proved correct.

I got the second shot after 4 months, after discussing with my doctor. My age and blood pressure were a concern, but I decided no more. I do regret the second shot.

Other than the shots, I don't regret masks or distancing. A new, potentially deadly virus which I suspected was intentionally sent to our country. I would choose trying to mitigate potential disease to myself or others. As the N95 proved unavailable and the shots were not working and had demonstrable ill effects on young, especially males, changes had to be made. Seeing the lockdowns on schools and geriatric DC, while everything else had opened was unbelievable.

Now we can say that those that refused any inoculations and refused to wear masks in any case were brave and much more scientific than the rest of us. Go for it.

Throughout, I had no problem with those refusing any directives. That there would be consequences seemed inevitable. Government has a duty to protect the military in all ways possible from threats, including biological. Private businesses have the right to make requirements for employment. What I do take issue with is the assumption that not wanting to go with immunization makes one anti-science.

I will say now that the shots were neither protection for self, nor for others. For some it could be dangerous even fatal, though very small numbers. The most concerning thing though is those most negatively effected by shots, were those least at risk from Covid-and THAT was known by all.

06-14-2023, 12:02 PM
The best answer to the question of "what is a woman" is an old Alice Cooper song called "Only Women Bleed." Taken literally. You are who you were born to be. Male or female. Black, white, Asian, Latino, or whatever. Blonde, brunette or redhead. Gay or straight. No, you can't suddenly decide to be gay. A lot of gay people repress their feelings due to public pressure. But there are limitations. Transgender people don't belong in sports of the other gender. Nor do they belong in bathrooms of the other gender. Mixed messages? Yes. But there has to be concessions.

06-14-2023, 05:17 PM
A woman is a female. She was not born with a penis.

06-14-2023, 05:34 PM


JK Rowling...

06-15-2023, 12:16 PM
That's John Hopkins solution to 'what is a woman,'.


Seems like a return to Dark Ages, when the Church effectively removed many women and accomplishments from the Bible during rewrites of 'lost pages...'Agreed. Not sure how all these leftist women square any of this with equality.

Not only the church erasures, but look at the sports records held by women competing against women being torn down by loser males pretending to be female. I'm more up to snuff on the sports end :)

I certainly have never been known on my day as a "women's libber". When that was in full swing, I held the door open for them and called them ma'am anyway. Just how I was raised. I see a big difference between respect and equality, and all this contrived, retarded crap. The litmus test for me is: respect and equality work both ways. This other garbage is nothing but hypocrisy, lies and even in defiance of actual science. But if you tak religion, the same hypocrites will start trying to quote pseudo-science as an argument,

The leftist ne-er do well's have run so far out of things to protest against they are now pushing against our very means of society and survival of the species by erasing any ideas of individualism right down to one's gender. Worse, 1% of the population are being allowed to drive this narrative and have a self-serving government in their pocket.

Men can't be men or it's toxic masculinity. But they can be women by saying they are and compete against them at great biological advantage.

Lot of unintended consequences going on here that no one is calling bullshit on and stopping. Our society is being controlled by sexually deviant freaks. But the real "Me too" crowd rushes right in to have the next and most non-or-opposite gender children. Keeping up with the Jonese:rolleyes:

06-15-2023, 01:15 PM
Apparently JH is backing off.

06-15-2023, 01:17 PM
Apparently JH is backing off.

Yep. 'Well that didn't go so well...'

06-16-2023, 11:10 AM
Apparently JH is backing off.

Yep. 'Well that didn't go so well...'I'm glad I'm not in business or politics nowadays. Everything anyone states, right or wrong, is followed the next day by backpedaling for whoever they offended. And someone is ALWAYS offended:rolleyes: