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View Full Version : Fbi groomed 16yo boy with 'brain development issues' to become a terrorist

06-17-2023, 10:21 PM
"The FBI reportedly groomed a 16-year-old "intellectually handicapped" boy who suffered from "brain development issues" into sending small amounts of money to fake "terrorists" overseas in order to bust him as soon as he turned 18."

I've mention this kind of stuff before.. before many thought our federal LEOs wouldn't do this kind of thing to "Americans".
I think we all know a bit better now.
Parts of the U.S. Law enforcement are rotten & corrupt and needs to be reigned in. and regularly EXPOSED.


06-18-2023, 12:26 PM
MK Uktra

Just to name a couple

06-18-2023, 06:40 PM

Basically the FBI AGAIN was more involved in (setup) the so-called TERRORIST kidnapping plot.
The domestic terrorist plot against gov Whitmer was a predominantly FBI production just like so many of the U.S. Muslim Jihad terror plots since 2001.
Same script just running the game on Americans because now ... it's all "legal" and it's put "terrorist in jail" and people are AFRAID of domestic terror. at least that what the media and some politicians wants us to be a afraid of today... and covid-19... and climate change... for our safety.


REVEALED: FBI Played Larger Role in Whitmer Kidnapping Case Than Previously Reported: FBI Informants Helped Hatch the Plot!

In October 2020, the FBI announced during a press conference that it thwarted a plot by a so-called “right-wing militia” to kidnap and kill Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and overthrow the state government.
The Whitmer kidnapping plot was in the media 24/7 and used to bludgeon Trump with just a few weeks to go until Election Day.
he FBI used at least 12 informants in the Michigan Whitmer kidnapping case.
There are 6 defendants and 12 FBI informants.
According to a new report out by BuzzFeed News, the FBI was involved in every aspect of the Whitmer kidnapping case – starting with its inception!
FBI informants/agents actually helped hatch the kidnapping plot which means there would be no conspiracy case without the FBI.
One FBI informant organized all the meetings early on and paid for hotel rooms and food to entice the patsies.
Defense lawyers are arguing the informants drew people into the conspiracy and that there is potential evidence of entrapment.

BuzzFeed reported:
An examination of the case by BuzzFeed News also reveals that some of those informants, acting under the direction of the FBI, played a far larger role than has previously been reported. Working in secret, they did more than just passively observe and report on the actions of the suspects. Instead, they had a hand in nearly every aspect of the alleged plot, starting with its inception. The extent of their involvement raises questions as to whether there would have even been a conspiracy without them.




06-18-2023, 09:22 PM
Strangely enough, the only mention I can find of this topic is on right wing blogs and opinion sites. I look at 10 different sites and they all have the same story, written the same way. Obviously the author has very little knowledge of children with cognitive disabilities. Unless there are FBI agents who are trained in special education and cognitive therapy, there is no way they can "groom" a child with intellectual disabilities. In other words, this story is a crock of shit.

06-18-2023, 11:03 PM
Strangely enough, the only mention I can find of this topic is on right wing blogs and opinion sites. I look at 10 different sites and they all have the same story, written the same way. Obviously the author has very little knowledge of children with cognitive disabilities. Unless there are FBI agents who are trained in special education and cognitive therapy, there is no way they can "groom" a child with intellectual disabilities. In other words, this story is a crock of shit.

"there is no way they can "groom" a child with intellectual disabilities."
a teen with developmental disabilities can't be groomed?
Little children can be groomed gabby.
And wouldn't the parents would know better than you?

the intercept (my link) is a "right wing" blog?
umm You should read the articles there. it ain't close to right wing.
What 'right wing' sites repeated their story I don't know.

....The arrest has shaken his family, who denied allegations that their son was a terrorist and said that he had been manipulated by the FBI. Ventura’s father, Paul Ventura, told The Intercept that Mateo suffered from childhood developmental issues and had been forced to leave his school due to bullying from other students.

“He was born prematurely, he had brain development issues. I had the school do a neurosurgery evaluation on him and they said his brain was underdeveloped,” Ventura said. “He was suffering endless bullying at school with other kids taking food off his plate, tripping him in the hallway, humiliating him, laughing at him.”...

DOJ website accusations

CBS News (https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/mateo-ventura-arrested-wakefield-isis-gift-cards-fbi/) (that right wing rag!)
"...His father Paul Ventura told reporters outside court that his son is being "railroaded" and has developmental issues that were never properly addressed.... "

Telegram (https://www.telegram.com/story/news/local/2023/06/08/mateo-ventura-of-wakefield-accused-of-selling-gift-cards-to-help-isis/70302094007/)
"...Ventura's father, Paul Ventura, said in a lengthy exchange with media that his son is being "railroaded" and that Mateo is a patriotic American with developmental issues...."

Not sure what "right wing" sites you went to that copied the LEFT wing intercepts's article.
Or why you didn't get past the AP article that only repeated the DOJ talking points. the AP article which was repeated by CNN & other DOJ echo chamber MSM News sites.
Which never mentioned the Parents comments to 'The Intercept' OR the lengthy exchange with media that you never saw.

And I don't know why the left wing intercept choose use the term "groom".
Maybe the father used the term.
But the term is used as a synonym for Manipulatively Recruiting people into to various horror shows.

Grooming Terrorist
Grooming Children for sexual abuse or trafficking
& Grooming Patsies to take the rap for crimes they didn't commit.

So no gabby, it's the FBI's story that seems to be the crock of shit.

06-19-2023, 11:44 AM
Revelarts, if you had these additional sources, why didn't you list them with your original post? Because if you dig further into this case, you will find that your original claim is misrepresented. In every instance that I read, there is no evidence that Mateo Ventura has been diagnosed with cognitive disability. Instead, his father Paul claims that Mateo has intellectual disabilities. Conveniently, after his son was arrested. While the father claimed that the FBI contacted and "groomed" the then 16 year old boy, FBI reports that it is Mateo who contacted an undercover agent that he thought was an Islamic State sympathizer. It also stated that Mateo used an encrypted messaging application favored by terrorists to contact the agent. -------------------------> There is absolutely no way that an actual child with cognitive disabilities is going to figure out and use an encrypted messaging application. Nor would he know how to book a flight to Cairo. This is a SCAM that his father is using to shield his son from prosecution. --------------------------------> https://apnews.com/article/islamic-state-terrorist-gift-cards-teen-charged-519d32af46c400ac73d979635e7620ce

06-19-2023, 07:17 PM
Revelarts, if you had these additional sources, why didn't you list them with your original post? Because if you dig further into this case, you will find that your original claim is misrepresented. In every instance that I read, there is no evidence that Mateo Ventura has been diagnosed with cognitive disability. Instead, his father Paul claims that Mateo has intellectual disabilities. Conveniently, after his son was arrested. While the father claimed that the FBI contacted and "groomed" the then 16 year old boy, FBI reports that it is Mateo who contacted an undercover agent that he thought was an Islamic State sympathizer. It also stated that Mateo used an encrypted messaging application favored by terrorists to contact the agent. -------------------------> There is absolutely no way that an actual child with cognitive disabilities is going to figure out and use an encrypted messaging application. Nor would he know how to book a flight to Cairo. This is a SCAM that his father is using to shield his son from prosecution. --------------------------------> https://apnews.com/article/islamic-state-terrorist-gift-cards-teen-charged-519d32af46c400ac73d979635e7620ce

Gabby why aren't you reading the article i posted?
It answers a few of your questions and has some links in the story.
Also, why do you trust the gov't's story so blindly? isn't the boy innocent until proven guilty?

From my original link
The only “terrorist” he is accused of ever being in contact with was an undercover FBI agent who befriended him online as a 16-year-old.

"...Contrary to the sensational narrative fed to the news media of terrorist financing in the U.S., the charging documents show that Ventura gave an undercover FBI agent gift cards for pitifully small amounts of cash, sometimes in $25 increments. In his initial bid to travel to the Islamic State, the teenager balked — making up an excuse, by the FBI’s own account, to explain why he did not want to go. When another opportunity to travel abroad arose, Ventura balked again, staying home on the evening of his supposed flight instead of traveling to the airport. By the time the investigation was winding down, he appeared ready to turn in his purported ISIS contact — an FBI agent — to the FBI....

The original link shows the FBI's known HABBIT of doing this to people. sighting a previous case from 2016
People close to Khan say he had serious mental health and developmental issues and the FBI was aware of this, having met with him regularly since he was a young teenager. According to medical records and statements from family members, former teachers, and medical documents reviewed by The Intercept. Mahin Khan was arrested July 1 on charges of plotting to support the Taliban as well as the militant group the Islamic State and commit acts of terrorism in the local community.

People close to Khan say he had serious mental health and developmental issues and the FBI was aware of this, having met with him regularly since he was a young teenager. According to medical records and statements from family members, he was first referred to the FBI after sending a threatening email to one of his teachers at the age of 15. After an initial meeting with the FBI, he spent 45 days at an inpatient psychiatric facility for evaluation. His family says this stay at the facility was coordinated with FBI officials. Agents reportedly continued to meet with Khan regularly after he returned home and continued to do so up until the time of his arrest.

A community activist told The Intercept that after Khan’s initial contact with the FBI, he began regularly meeting with the teenager in an attempt to mentor him. He said that during these meetings, Khan had exhibited obvious signs of mental illness. “He was unable to even tie his shoelaces and his mother would have to do it for him. He would say things supporting extremism and terrorist groups but then would later start crying and apologizing,” the activist said. The activist did not want to be named for fear of retribution from law enforcement....

It's a HABBIT they link older stories about
Since 9/11, the FBI has used a tactic that often entraps people who pose no substantial risk — but rarely stops real threats.

here's more examples
Free Thought Project (right wing opinion site!)
Parents Catch FBI in Plot to Force Mentally Ill Son to Be a Right Wing Terrorist (https://thefreethoughtproject.com/the-state/fbi-groom-mentally-ill-right-wing-terrorist)

Esquire magazine (that far right blog!)
The FBI Accused Him of Terrorism. He Couldn't Tie His Shoes. (https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a47390/alabama-isis-peyton-pruitt/)

Thankfully the Ventura boy will at least have a day in court & HOPEFULLY ALL the facts will come out.
But at this point I've got no reason to doubt the father's story and LOTS of reasons to doubt the FBI's.
you may think the FBI never lies, and only right wing sites think the FBI railroads or grooms people. OK fine. weird but fine.
we disagree.

(never thought i'd see the day where the left wing types love the FBI and many on conservative right mistrust them but here we are.)

the writer of the article for the intercept is interviewed by Kim Iversen in this video
Go to the 56 minute mark to skip the other sections & get to that interview.

06-19-2023, 07:52 PM
Strangely enough, the only mention I can find of this topic is on right wing blogs and opinion sites. I look at 10 different sites and they all have the same story, written the same way. Obviously the author has very little knowledge of children with cognitive disabilities. Unless there are FBI agents who are trained in special education and cognitive therapy, there is no way they can "groom" a child with intellectual disabilities. In other words, this story is a crock of shit.Strangely enough, the fact you can't find any info on anything that involves Bobblehead and his weaponized stooges anywhere but right wing sites is not surprising in the least. Your leftist MSM appears to not cover anything this loser admin does.

I find the specific accusation dubious at best. Not because I think the FBI is above such antics. But that it would be a lot of hard work not worth the time and effort when they can scoop 18 years old mentally challenged wokesters off the street their card board box are on by the armloads. Hell, they aren't just mentally challenged, but already brainwashed as well. Why go to the trouble to actually work at it?

I put nothing past the FBI, especially when it comes to justifying its own existence.

06-20-2023, 10:45 AM
I think both of you are missing my point. Yes, I did read the Intercept story. And several others. Not one of them produced any medical records stating that Mateo Ventura had cognitive disabilities. Most deferred to his father or unnamed others. My point is that you would need to be fairly lucid and intelligent to use an encrypted messaging application known to be frequented by terrorists. Poor judgement itself is not a defense. Also, stating that "the only terrorist he is accused of ever being in contact with was an undercover FBI agent" is akin to a suspect in an underage sex procurement case stating that "the only underage girl he is accused of ever being in contact with was an undercover FBI agent." Of course the FBI is going to string him along. They need to get as much evidence as possible. This kid is not "mentally challenged." He is a wannabe terrorist who was radicalized on line. His father shares equal guilt for not knowing what was going on.

06-20-2023, 06:31 PM
I think both of you are missing my point. Yes, I did read the Intercept story. And several others. Not one of them produced any medical records stating that Mateo Ventura had cognitive disabilities. Most deferred to his father or unnamed others. My point is that you would need to be fairly lucid and intelligent to use an encrypted messaging application known to be frequented by terrorists. Poor judgement itself is not a defense. Also, stating that "the only terrorist he is accused of ever being in contact with was an undercover FBI agent" is akin to a suspect in an underage sex procurement case stating that "the only underage girl he is accused of ever being in contact with was an undercover FBI agent." Of course the FBI is going to string him along. They need to get as much evidence as possible. This kid is not "mentally challenged." He is a wannabe terrorist who was radicalized on line. His father shares equal guilt for not knowing what was going on.I'm not missing any point at all.

Entrapment is against the law, but not above the FBI when it needs to justify all the money and time it is wasting, and the need for spying on American citizens. There's a fine line between stringing along a crook and entrapping someone, mentally challenged or not. If true, this crosses that line and the only criminal I see is the FBI agent.

So far you have defended that worthless hag Plaskett, and justify FBI entrapment today. Got anything else?