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View Full Version : RFK, Jr interview with Joe Rogan

06-19-2023, 01:24 AM
Good interview on Rumble.. 3 hours. Already taken down of YouTube.


06-19-2023, 01:54 AM
yes, GREAT interview.
if anyone has spotify can listen it to there as well.


covers a lot
•talks about how he got into environmentalism because of working on fishing boat in the Hudson river seeing it catching fire and the river turning colors depending on paints from motor plant that day. And how they sued polluters and bought the river back to pristine levels.
•the toxins (mercury) in rivers & foods
•He & Rogan touch on His Faucii book, mainly the parts about Faucii knowingly killing people with "new" AIDS drugs which were already shown to be killing cancer patients.
•His intro in the Vaccine debate by persistent mothers armed with studies & convinced the vaccines disabled their healthy children.
•History he discovered about vaccines, the mercury in them and why.
•talking to regulators discovering ignorance & the capture
•transcripts from secret Pharma meetings after studies showing links to autism likely from Hep B vaccine in certain conditions
•Trump arranged meeting with Facuii & Kennedy (after Facuii call Kennedy a liar about no testing) where Facuii was asked for the placebo control studies that show vaccines are more effective than NOTHING. Facuii shuffled some paper said he get them to him later. after 1 year and finally a legal demand for the info the govt wrote a letter admitting that there ARE NO placebo control studies for ANY of the 16+ mandated vaccines showing that they are effective.
•Cell Wifi radiation
•the CIA and his family
•the beatdown of middle class

and more...
and in cogent and compelling detail.

06-19-2023, 05:18 PM
I'm not willing to go a 3 hour interview for anyone. I intend to at least check out what RFK Jr has to say somewhere I can get the cliff notes :)

06-19-2023, 06:02 PM
I'm not willing to go a 3 hour interview for anyone. I intend to at least check out what RFK Jr has to say somewhere I can get the cliff notes :)
You won't get the truth because he's being shut down. Cliff notes is why there's so much misinformation. No one wants to take the time to watch anything from beginning to end so they get what other people feel is important.

Do the interview in shorter segments.

06-19-2023, 08:33 PM
You won't get the truth because he's being shut down. Cliff notes is why there's so much misinformation. No one wants to take the time to watch anything from beginning to end so they get what other people feel is important.

Do the interview in shorter segments.

Unless there's captioning, I can't hear enough. Auditory learning is not for me. I need text.

06-20-2023, 08:53 AM
Unless there's captioning, I can't hear enough. Auditory learning is not for me. I need text.

Text is verifiable. Audio, not so much.

06-20-2023, 10:43 AM
Text is verifiable. Audio, not so much.
Could you clarify this? I don't think I'm getting your point.

06-20-2023, 07:29 PM
Could you clarify this? I don't think I'm getting your point.

It's well nigh impossible to validate information spread via video. I'm thinking that might be partly the idea. /cynic

06-20-2023, 07:52 PM
It's well nigh impossible to validate information spread via video. I'm thinking that might be partly the idea. /cynic

As in if you see a video where someone that says "there's a book called "Cujo" by Stephen King. That's about a rabid dog."
That Saying it on video makes it impossible to validate?

I'm just not getting it, sorry man.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-21-2023, 10:29 AM
As in if you see a video where someone that says "there's a book called "Cujo" by Stephen King. That's about a rabid dog."
That Saying it on video makes it impossible to validate?

I'm just not getting it, sorry man.

HAHA. My friend that is called side stepping the issue when it doesnt agree with ones argument/views.
Almost like saying. " so is yo mama"....
Either one refutes the premise or else say nothing at all, imho.
fl seems to prefer the side-stepping method, -Tyr

06-21-2023, 02:13 PM
As in if you see a video where someone that says "there's a book called "Cujo" by Stephen King. That's about a rabid dog."
That Saying it on video makes it impossible to validate?

I'm just not getting it, sorry man.

No. I'm talking about important stuff. If nobody can take the time to write the stuff down then it's not very high on the reliability index.

HAHA. My friend that is called side stepping the issue when it doesnt agree with ones argument/views.
Almost like saying. " so is yo mama"....
Either one refutes the premise or else say nothing at all, imho.
fl seems to prefer the side-stepping method, -Tyr

Videos. They're the easy way out. I've spent plenty of time tracking down questionable information in text links that I know video links aren't going to be any more reliable.

06-21-2023, 02:38 PM
No. I'm talking about important stuff. If nobody can take the time to write the stuff down then it's not very high on the reliability index.

Videos. They're the easy way out. I've spent plenty of time tracking down questionable information in text links that I know video links aren't going to be any more reliable.

"Important stuff"
C'mon fj ,
The format , written or audio or video does not determine anything's validity.
In fact, (until AI) having a video was BETTER than writing in some cases.
"Pictures worth a thousand words."
The format is not the problem.
There are books that have info that "can't be validated" that take hours to pour through and try to find corroboration for.

So please don't say that someone speaking on video is by default less credible than raw text, audio, or in person conversation.

Sounds like to me you just have bias against what RFKjr has to say. And you're making up excuses not to believe him before you even listen.

If not I have to wonder if youve never watch that 'video' called the news, or that audio called radio that has "impossible" to validate info called news shows and the like?

BTW RJKjr has books available (with foot notes) and text on websites with links to text based studies, and other books that make his points.
So you can validate it, or not.

06-21-2023, 05:51 PM
Text is verifiable. Audio, not so much.

It's an interview with Joe Rogan. How do you verify it without watching it?

06-21-2023, 05:52 PM
Unless there's captioning, I can't hear enough. Auditory learning is not for me. I need text.
I don't think Rumble has closed captioning.

06-21-2023, 09:05 PM
I don't think Rumble has closed captioning.

Most don't. You know my hearing, just not possible.

06-21-2023, 09:57 PM
Most don't. You know my hearing, just not possible.
I use closed captioning on everything I can these days as well.

06-22-2023, 10:50 AM
"Important stuff"
C'mon fj ,
The format , written or audio or video does not determine anything's validity.
In fact, (until AI) having a video was BETTER than writing in some cases.
"Pictures worth a thousand words."
The format is not the problem.
There are books that have info that "can't be validated" that take hours to pour through and try to find corroboration for.

So please don't say that someone speaking on video is by default less credible than raw text, audio, or in person conversation.

Sounds like to me you just have bias against what RFKjr has to say. And you're making up excuses not to believe him before you even listen.

If not I have to wonder if youve never watch that 'video' called the news, or that audio called radio that has "impossible" to validate info called news shows and the like?

BTW RJKjr has books available (with foot notes) and text on websites with links to text based studies, and other books that make his points.
So you can validate it, or not.

You tend to believe what you hear, I don't. I believe what I can read and look up. Nobody is less credible if they're on video, they're less credible if they only provide the information via video. I didn't comment on RFK Jr and what he said, my only position here is that text is verifiable, video is not.

It's an interview with Joe Rogan. How do you verify it without watching it?

I'm guessing he hasn't said anything new.

06-22-2023, 12:07 PM
You tend to believe what you hear, I don't. I believe what I can read and look up. Nobody is less credible if they're on video, they're less credible if they only provide the information via video. I didn't comment on RFK Jr and what he said, my only position here is that text is verifiable, video is not.

I'm guessing he hasn't said anything new.

I "tend to believe what i hear..."?!?
you're "guessing?!?"

06-22-2023, 12:36 PM
You tend to believe what you hear, I don't. I believe what I can read and look up. Nobody is less credible if they're on video, they're less credible if they only provide the information via video. I didn't comment on RFK Jr and what he said, my only position here is that text is verifiable, video is not.

I'm guessing he hasn't said anything new.

Of course he is. He's running for president and he's telling us what his policies will be.

One of his first policies will be to stop the cronyism between big pharma and our government agencies. Like CDC staff becoming pharma board members and vice versa. That's a huge one for me.

06-22-2023, 07:53 PM
I "tend to believe what i hear..."?!?
you're "guessing?!?"

Of course I'm guessing. I've made no comment on RJK Jr.

Of course he is. He's running for president and he's telling us what his policies will be.

One of his first policies will be to stop the cronyism between big pharma and our government agencies. Like CDC staff becoming pharma board members and vice versa. That's a huge one for me.

I'm guessing his policies are the same as what he's espoused for decades. There may come a time when he will rank higher in my daily life.

06-23-2023, 10:03 AM
I'm guessing his policies are the same as what he's espoused for decades. There may come a time when he will rank higher in my daily life.
Well, you won't know if you don't listen now will you. You will probably wait until some biased reporter condenses it down enough for you to take the time to read it instead of listening to the man explain it himself.

He is still passionate about the chemicals being dumped into the environment and used on our food changing our health and also passionate about the safety of vaccines. However, the last 3 years and the utter failure of current administration has him focusing on more than environmental law and vaccine transparency. He's just as anti war as his dad and uncle. He truly wants to end the corruption in the intelligence community and big pharma.

I think he's a good man. As I said before ... I'll be voting for him in the primary.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-23-2023, 10:54 AM
Well, you won't know if you don't listen now will you. You will probably wait until some biased reporter condenses it down enough for you to take the time to read it instead of listening to the man explain it himself.

He is still passionate about the chemicals being dumped into the environment and used on our food changing our health and also passionate about the safety of vaccines. However, the last 3 years and the utter failure of current administration has him focusing on more than environmental law and vaccine transparency. He's just as anti war as his dad and uncle. He truly wants to end the corruption in the intelligence community and big pharma.

I think he's a good man. As I said before ... I'll be voting for him in the primary.

He wants to make things right. And that is a huge gigantic no no for the powers that be.
So those that are buddies with the powers that be, are out to discredit /destroy him.
So they make comments that are sometimes silly, imho..Tyr

06-23-2023, 11:26 AM
Well, you won't know if you don't listen now will you. You will probably wait until some biased reporter condenses it down enough for you to take the time to read it instead of listening to the man explain it himself.

He is still passionate about the chemicals being dumped into the environment and used on our food changing our health and also passionate about the safety of vaccines. However, the last 3 years and the utter failure of current administration has him focusing on more than environmental law and vaccine transparency. He's just as anti war as his dad and uncle. He truly wants to end the corruption in the intelligence community and big pharma.

I think he's a good man. As I said before ... I'll be voting for him in the primary.

Your own bias betrays you. I don't care what he says if he says stupid things or things that don't stand up. You don't know those things by listening to him, you know those things by verifying what he says. That is my point here and that is why I don't typically watch videos because validation is easier by text.

He wants to make things right. And that is a huge gigantic no no for the powers that be.
So those that are buddies with the powers that be, are out to discredit /destroy him.
So they make comments that are sometimes silly, imho..Tyr

Who here has attempted to discredit/destroy him?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-23-2023, 12:39 PM
Your own bias betrays you. I don't care what he says if he says stupid things or things that don't stand up. You don't know those things by listening to him, you know those things by verifying what he says. That is my point here and that is why I don't typically watch videos because validation is easier by text.

Who here has attempted to discredit/destroy him?

I was speaking about those in the general public setting, not any member here.--Tyr

06-23-2023, 04:19 PM
Your own bias betrays you. I don't care what he says if he says stupid things or things that don't stand up. You don't know those things by listening to him, you know those things by verifying what he says. That is my point here and that is why I don't typically watch videos because validation is easier by text.

Who here has attempted to discredit/destroy him?

What bias? I'm not a Democrat.

06-25-2023, 12:52 PM
I was speaking about those in the general public setting, not any member here.--Tyr


What bias? I'm not a Democrat.

Everybody has bias.

06-26-2023, 09:01 PM
Interesting 'opinion' piece in WSJ regarding RFK Jr and his appeal to so many non-Democrats:


The Partisan Press Unwittingly Boosts RFK Jr.’s Campaign
What good is a ‘fact check’ from news organizations with a record of promoting ideology over the truth?
Allysia Finley June 25, 2023 1:28 pm ET


A New York Times news article described Mr. Kennedy as “a longtime amplifier and propagator of baseless theories, beginning nearly two decades ago with his skepticism about the result of the 2004 presidential election as well as common childhood vaccines,” and claimed “his audience for such misinformation ballooned during the coronavirus pandemic.”

Much of this is true. Yet some of Mr. Kennedy’s “baseless” theories—say, that Covid lockdowns harmed lower-income Americans while enriching billionaires like Jeff Bezos—have a kernel of truth. They resonate with those who distrust what he calls a “corrupt merger of state and corporate power.”

To describe Mr. Kennedy’s political views as heterodox is an understatement. He opposes flu and Covid vaccines, pharmaceutical companies, lockdowns, the administrative state, fossil fuels, global elites, gun restrictions, social-media censorship and U.S. assistance to Ukraine. He wants to “seal” the Mexican border permanently.

Polls show Mr. Kennedy draws more support from Republicans and independents than from Democrats. According to a recent Quinnipiac poll, voters view him more favorably than not. The same isn’t true of other presidential contenders including Mr. Biden, Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, Mike Pence and Nikki Haley. The Democratic dark horse’s strong show of support no doubt owes partially to his name recognition and to the public’s unfamiliarity with some of his positions.

On the other hand, it’s also possible that some of his iconoclastic views appeal to the disaffected voters who form Mr. Trump’s base. In the aforementioned poll, Mr. Kennedy has a larger favorability margin than Mr. Trump among whites without college degrees. Perhaps they see Mr. Kennedy as a fighter for the common man against the “man” just as they once thought of the former president. Attempts by liberals to silence and discredit Mr. Kennedy merely enhance his appeal.

Last week YouTube removed his 95-minute interview with Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson. In a bit of irony, Mr. Peterson had noted in the interview that “YouTube has left me alone. It’s quite surprising.” After the video went viral, the site pulled it down citing its “vaccine misinformation policy.”


Liberals deride Mr. Kennedy for his antivaccine activism, but it flows from the same fanatical font as the environmental zealotry they too have embraced. No doubt the mainstream press would deny the similarity, but Mr. Kennedy affirms it. In interviews he has traced his vaccine activism to his work on mercury pollution from coal plants, which he claims based on thin evidence cause brain damage and cancer. He also claims a tenuous link between thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative used in some vaccines, and childhood autism.

Most of his claims about vaccine dangers aren’t any kookier than those that he and his green allies have made about fossil fuels. Both are based on flawed research and ignore countervailing evidence. But only Mr. Kennedy’s vaccine claims are fact-checked and suppressed. Americans have no doubt picked up on this disparate treatment.


Like Mr. Trump, Mr. Kennedy gives voice to Americans who feel scorned, silenced and dismissed. “They tried to ignore me and that strategy has failed,” Mr. Kennedy tweeted on June 15. “Now their coordinated attacks in Time, WaPo, NYT, Guardian, etc. using the same language exposes fear in the ranks of the corporate oligarchy.”

There’s a sliver of truth to this, but the real problem is the merger of politicized media with leftist government.

06-28-2023, 07:37 PM
Could you clarify this? I don't think I'm getting your point.

Most publicly available AI tools can sample and do a pretty decent job of recreating the voice presenting whatever you want it to say.

Services like OverDub and ElevenLabs sell the function for social media and recreational use.