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View Full Version : READ: Sotomayor dissent in Supreme Court affirmative action ruling

06-30-2023, 06:57 PM

So Sotomayor states that since race is considered in everything/there's a racial problem/yada yada yada (read link), that the Court's decision is wrong to assume colorblindness. Isn't that exactly what the US Constitution states?

A little tidbit I heard/saw yesterday: Who has benefitted most from AA? White women. Do not recall the source, but it makes sense. Professional white women in the work place who have gotten doors open that in the past were closed.

Reading between the lines: because they went out and took advantage of the opportunity instead of sitting around waiting on a handout because they are considered a "minority". Or a free ride on the color of their skin and the threat of screaming racist anytime someone questions their subpar work ethic.

How the leftwingnuts whine at true equality:rolleyes:

07-01-2023, 09:53 AM
Another gem for this political hack.
