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07-29-2023, 02:10 AM
So, the writer has some advice for the Dems, Reps should be listening:


A Lot of Voters Who Dislike Trump Dislike Biden TooWhich Way They Swing Could Decide the 2024 Election

JUL 27, 2023
Back in 2016, neither Trump nor Clinton were widely liked. But Trump got some important help among a key group that amounted to about a fifth of voters: those who didn’t like either of them. Trump’s advantage among these “double haters” helped him win the presidency. This cycle a key role will likely be played by a similar group, also amounting to about a fifth of voters: those who like neither Trump nor Biden.

These “double haters” at this point seem to lean toward Biden. But closer scrutiny of this group, afforded by a 6,000 person survey from the Survey Center on American Life (SCAL), suggests Democrats’ hold on this group is not at all secure. First, while the SCAL survey also finds that double haters lean toward Biden against Trump, a matchup of Biden against DeSantis finds the same group leaning toward DeSantis and even more heavily. So the Biden support here is quite soft.

Moreover, a huge swathe of these double haters—about 40 percent—at this point are noncommittal when asked to choose between Biden and Trump. This group, like double haters in general, displays jaundiced attitudes toward both parties in most areas. But there are some notable divergences in these attitudes that indicate considerable vulnerability for Biden and the Democrats. Consider the following.

Undecided double haters consider both parties “too extreme” but more (59 percent) think that about the Democrats than think that about the Republicans (54 percent).

Among this group, a mere 28 percent think the Democratic Party “shares my values;” a considerably larger share (42 percent) think Republicans share their values.

About half think the Democrats “look down on people like me”. Less (42 percent) feel that way about the Republicans.

Just 36 percent think Democrats “look out for the working class” compared to 45 percent who think that about the Republicans.

On patriotism and valuing hard work, attitudes toward the parties are essentially inversions of each other. By 63 to 37 percent, undecided double haters say “patriotic” does not describe the Democratic Party. But by 59 to 41 percent they say patriotic does describe the Republicans. Similarly, by 60 to 40 percent, they say “values hard work” does not describe the Democrats. In stark contrast, by 64-36 percent, they believe Republicans do value hard work.


Democrats’ vulnerability is underscored by views among this group on contentious issues dividing Republicans and Democrats. Take the issue of racism in our society. Is racism “built into our society, including into its policies and institutions”, as Democrats contend, or does racism “come from individuals who hold racist views, not from our society and institutions?” In the SCAL survey, by 64 to 34 percent, our undecided double haters chose the latter view, that racism comes from individuals, not society.

Or consider the question of transgender athletes participating in team sports. Should “transgender athletes… be able to play on sports teams that match their current gender identity” or should they “only be allowed to play on sports teams that match their birth gender?” By a staggering 75 to 20 percent, those who dislike both Trump and Biden but currently can’t choose between them, choose the second option, that sports team participation should be determined by birth gender.

The same pattern can be observed on issues ranging from the funding of police departments to the “greatness of America” to the continued use of fossil fuels: views associated with the Republicans are much more popular with this swing group than those associated with the Democrats. On the latter issue, when given a choice between the country using “a mix of energy sources including oil, coal and natural gas along with renewable energy sources” and the current Democratic approach, phasing “out the use of oil, coal and natural gas completely, relying instead on renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power only”, they endorse the continued use of fossil fuels by a thumping 80 to 20 percent.

All this suggests Democrats have much work to do—and Republicans have considerable opportunity to take advantage of their vulnerablities. Right now, Plan A for the Democrats seems to rely on the projected success of “Bidenomics,” along with an intransigent refusal to compromise on cultural and green issues beloved by the party’s liberals and aggressive attacks on Republicans as racist reactionaries, if not fascists. The success of Bidenomics, especially as it might translate into a sunny mood about the economy among voters, remains speculative. That puts a lot of weight on the intransigent refusal and aggressive attacks part of the strategy.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-29-2023, 06:03 AM
So, the writer has some advice for the Dems, Reps should be listening:


That is great news my friend. Problem is we are too far away from election day and the dems have not yet turned on their lying, propaganda machine full blast.

They have a bag of dirty lying schemes/tricks as big as New York. And will use all of them. The vermin have no morals. A fact...--Tyr

07-29-2023, 06:10 AM
That is great news my friend. Problem is we are too far away from election day and the dems have not yet turned on their lying, propaganda machine full blast.

They have a bag of dirty lying schemes/tricks as big as New York. And will use all of them. Th vermin have no morals. A fact...--Tyr

Mom advice: don't worry about the others, take care of your own house.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-29-2023, 07:04 AM
Mom advice: don't worry about the others, take care of your own house.

That madam, I always have and always will do... :saluting2:--Tyr

07-29-2023, 07:56 AM
That madam, I always have and always will do... :saluting2:--Tyr

I didn't mean you per se, rather worrying about liberals and what they may or may not do.

07-29-2023, 08:21 AM
So, the writer has some advice for the Dems, Reps should be listening:



we're winning.

sticking with trump is the obvious strategy.

07-29-2023, 08:23 AM
Mom advice: don't worry about the others, take care of your own house.

what does that mean on a practical level?

like, what are you talking about exactly?

trump is the only one who can hold the block together.

trump is so unique he made voters out of life long cynics, just for telling the most truth.

trumpers will not vote for desantis no matter how much deep state pushes.

07-29-2023, 08:30 AM
Trumps hard stance on trade is the real backbone.

07-29-2023, 11:32 AM
So, the writer has some advice for the Dems, Reps should be listening:

https://www.liberalpatriot.com/p/a-lot-of-voters-who-dislike-trumpExcellent article. Should be required reading for voters.

Have to admit, I definitely fall into the "Hate Both" category :) The part about 2016 is oh so true. Only that fat slob from NJ ranked lower than Trump out of the 15 prospective candidates. Hitlery ranked lower enough to vote against.

07-29-2023, 11:33 AM
Excellent article. Should be required reading for voters.

Have to admit, I definitely fall into the "Hate Both" category :)
what is the takeaway advice for republicans besides "clean your own house" or whatever mysterious bromide was offered?

07-29-2023, 11:48 AM
what is the takeaway advice for republicans besides "clean your own house" or whatever mysterious bromide was offered?The article is informative and does not offer advice.