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View Full Version : How much mfm should be tolerated?

Sir Evil
10-12-2007, 07:39 PM
The guy tells a member with cancer to enjoy the chemo treatments! He constantly derails topics with his vulgar or homosexual tendencies. Get rid of this turd before he can stink up the place any further. Some have already left because of him so how much more must people be subjected to?

10-12-2007, 07:49 PM
The guy tells a member with cancer to enjoy the chemo treatments! He constantly derails topics with his vulgar or homosexual tendencies. Get rid of this turd before he can stink up the place any further. Some have already left because of him so how much more must people be subjected to?

I know Jim likes to give people the benefit of the doubt and is all about free speech, but when someone becomes a nuicance to the board its time to let them go.

10-12-2007, 07:51 PM
a poll

Sir Evil
10-12-2007, 07:53 PM
This is beyond nuicance:

Originally Posted by manfrommaine
you have stated on numerous occasions that I rejoice in the bad news from Iraq. I am insulted by that and I have asked you on numerous occasions to raise the level of your discourse to not include such insulting comments to me. You have routinely refused to do so. I really don't care what you say anymore. Have a fun time with the chemo. asshole. I hear it is nauseating.

and considering how sick you make me, that is only appropriate.


10-12-2007, 08:00 PM
and a board dominated by conservatives will vote how?

look. there is a bit of a double standard here and I cannot get anyone to understand it or understand my perspective on it.

I consider myself, first and foremost, a patriot. a naval officer and a patriot. and then a democrat...but patriot first. It drives me absolutely BATSHIT when posters proclaim that I rejoice when our troops die... or that I am rooting for the terrorists to win... or that I don't care about winning. I HATE it. It is, from my perspective, the most egregious insult you can throw at me. And no one on here ever bothers to tell the posters that say that to cool it and knock off insulting other board members. no one. and I don't really care all that much if any of you come to my defense.... I am not here to make friends and the conservatives here have made it clear that they would really prefer a site where liberals are to be seen and not heard, unless they speak with meekness and civility whilst the dominating conservatives insult every democrat on the block....I am just here to say that when someone insults me, whether anyone else comes to my defense or not, I will insult back.

I guess I will be forced to put the offending party on ignore like I have the author of this thread... but after a while, if I keep putting assholes from the right on ignore because no one else will tell them to keep a civil tongue, there will be no one left on here to debate with.

Sir Evil
10-12-2007, 08:03 PM
look. there is a bit of a double standard here and I cannot get anyone to understand it or understand my perspective on it.

You are a sorry excuse for a human being. Eveytime you have a meltdown you reach to even lower depths with your attacks. There is absolutely no excuse for what you said to RSR, and you should be banished from here on a permanent basis period.

10-12-2007, 08:14 PM
thats because you stoop to levels that are off the map , if you cant win an argument without that sort of thing then you have problems if you cant see how gross it is you have serious problems .
it comes down to decency and respect for others and unfortunately i dont think you have any of it you commented in another thread that all the other boards call you a....
if all these boards say the same thing dont you get it

10-12-2007, 08:23 PM
how does one "win" an argument with someone who will never argue with you and will only insult your patriotism, cut and paste newsbusters articles or Limbaugh oneliners? He is like the tarbaby.

He is an insulting tarbaby, but, I guess, because conservatives don't think that HIS insults are "off the map", he gets a free pass and a positive reputation pat on the back while I get calls for permanent banishment.

If you all want to have a board where the only liberals are casper milquetoasts, and sit idly by while you idolize dubya and demonize hillary 24/7..... you should, by all means, ban me, and any other liberal who doesn't roll over and beg for more when one of you insults him.

but I ain't leavin' unless you ban me....and I ain't gonna play nice with assholes like RSR who insult me.

take your poll. do your worst. I am here until I am blocked from doing so.

Sir Evil
10-12-2007, 08:27 PM
Insults, and inflammatory comments are one thing, saying what you did crossed the line. I am about as abrasive as they come but I would'nt cross that line.

You are bad for any community that exchanges opinions on anything as you have done stuff like this before. I despised you before, and even more now.

10-12-2007, 08:34 PM
Even though I think you're a putz, I don't think you should be banned. You should be allowed to spew your beliefs just as much as I should mine.(or at least until Jimmy tires of me)

I would love to hear why you think you are patriotic and what is required for membership in the Patriotic Club.

Finally, I think it is funny that you get your panties in a bunch over this when it is you that told me this is just the internet.

10-12-2007, 08:36 PM
basic insult trading is learned in the playground ( at kindergaden ) it starts at the base of the insult ladder and the replies move on in kind
you seem to go from a your momma is .... to the top (well almost ) and bypass the lot

Sir Evil
10-12-2007, 08:39 PM
basic insult trading is learned in the playground ( at kindergaden ) it starts at the base of the insult ladder and the replies move on in kind
you seem to go from a your momma is .... to the top (well almost ) and bypass the lot

Hey now, I'm king of the those kind of kindergarten attacks so don't even equate me to the same level as that turd.:D

10-12-2007, 08:41 PM
Hey now, I'm king of the those kind of kindergarten attacks so don't even equate me to the same level as that turd.:D

i thought you'd passed the exam for junoior high attacks :laugh2:

Sir Evil
10-12-2007, 08:43 PM
i thought you'd passed the exam for junoior high attacks :laugh2:

I'm always open to learning more. :D

10-12-2007, 08:46 PM
Are you talking about running him out of town on a rail or using the guidelines we have?

Board Discipline - From time to time it is necessary to remove people from participation on the forums. Most of the time this is just temporary. Consider it a "time out" period where the member can cool off and hopefully return in a better frame of mind. These will be issued when a member receives a warning about their actions, and continues to act inappropriately as per the rules. Permanent bans are very rare, and reserved for those joining just to spam the forums, or if a member goes off the deep end and only returns here to start trouble. Again, these decisions will not be discussed on the forums, not by the banned member and not by other members.

Sir Evil
10-12-2007, 08:48 PM
Are you talking about running him out of town on a rail or using the guidelines we have?

Well Dillo you been around long enough so seeing his comment to RSR what would you suggest?

10-12-2007, 08:50 PM
The following is my PERSONAL view - not in ANY WAY the 'official' view of this forum or any of it's staff:

Insulting somebody is one thing. Getting vulgar is one thing. Wishing and Hoping and apparently taking DELIGHT in the fact a member has a very serious condition? that's beyond Low. MFM you aren't a "lib". If you were 'just' a Lib, you'd be like a few of our VERY intelligent, reasonable libs. Typo, for instance, is a raving mad liberal, IMO, but I RESPECT him. Missileman...another VERY respectable liberal on the board. In fact, I'd like to have him 'on staff' some day.

MFM, you are a despicable person - as betrayed by your posts here. I also suspect you're a liar about your military service and your political 'connections' or scope. If you weren't so horrible a person online, I believe I'd have a much easier time believing you are a retired field-grade officer AND a minister/preacher AND a patriot.

10-12-2007, 08:52 PM
Well Dillo you been around long enough so seeing his comment to RSR what would you suggest?

When in doubt, follow the rules or ask the owner.

Sir Evil
10-12-2007, 08:55 PM
When in doubt, follow the rules or ask the owner.

Now Dillo, I know first hand how you feel about the rules, and how they are handled.
You asked the question so tell me why this guy should be given the benefit of those guidlines?

10-12-2007, 09:01 PM
and a board dominated by conservatives will vote how?

look. there is a bit of a double standard here and I cannot get anyone to understand it or understand my perspective on it.

I consider myself, first and foremost, a patriot. a naval officer and a patriot. and then a democrat...but patriot first. It drives me absolutely BATSHIT when posters proclaim that I rejoice when our troops die... or that I am rooting for the terrorists to win... or that I don't care about winning. I HATE it. It is, from my perspective, the most egregious insult you can throw at me. And no one on here ever bothers to tell the posters that say that to cool it and knock off insulting other board members. no one. and I don't really care all that much if any of you come to my defense.... I am not here to make friends and the conservatives here have made it clear that they would really prefer a site where liberals are to be seen and not heard, unless they speak with meekness and civility whilst the dominating conservatives insult every democrat on the block....I am just here to say that when someone insults me, whether anyone else comes to my defense or not, I will insult back.

I guess I will be forced to put the offending party on ignore like I have the author of this thread... but after a while, if I keep putting assholes from the right on ignore because no one else will tell them to keep a civil tongue, there will be no one left on here to debate with.

dude you are so far out of bounds on this one.... it is not even real.....

10-12-2007, 09:05 PM
Now Dillo, You asked the question so tell me why this guy should be given the benefit of those guidlines?

You might wanna explain to me what you mean by:

I know first hand how you feel about the rules, and how they are handled.

I figure eveyone got the benefit of at least pretending to use guidelines.

Sir Evil
10-12-2007, 09:11 PM
You might wanna explain to me what you mean by:

As a former admin here are you saying that I would'nt be aware of the way you feel about the rules, and how they are enforced?

I figure eveyone got the benefit of at least pretending to use guidelines.

And rightfully so. Had it been the first time it would be one thing but still above, and beyond. How many times does one go to such a level, and people should just overlook it? Yeah they are just words but put yourself in RSR position for a moment, that comment went beyond a simple flame of retaliation.

10-12-2007, 09:15 PM
basic insult trading is learned in the playground ( at kindergaden ) it starts at the base of the insult ladder and the replies move on in kind
you seem to go from a your momma is .... to the top (well almost ) and bypass the lot

His momma is so fat that she has smaller fat women orbiting around her.


10-12-2007, 09:19 PM
As a former admin here are you saying that I would'nt be aware of the way you feel about the rules, and how they are enforced?

And rightfully so. Had it been the first time it would be one thing but still above, and beyond. How many times does one go to such a level, and people should just overlook it? Yeah they are just words but put yourself in RSR position for a moment, that comment went beyond a simple flame of retaliation.

I have learned from experience to say nothing about issues such as these or somehow those "rules" will turn around and bite me in the ass.

As I have said----it's up to the boss and those with more influence than I have.

Sir Evil
10-12-2007, 09:23 PM
I have learned from experience to say nothing about issues such as these or somehow those "rules" will turn around and bite me in the ass.

As I have said----it's up to the boss and those with more influence than I have.

lol, but you already have said something. :poke:

Sir Evil
10-12-2007, 09:23 PM
His momma is so fat that she has smaller fat women orbiting around her.



Now thats funny!

10-12-2007, 09:32 PM

Now thats funny!

Funny is your screen name and post count.

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Sir Evil
10-12-2007, 09:35 PM
Funny is your screen name and post count.


Someone is just messin' with me now as I saw that same thing earlier this evening, and I know I have made more post since. Ok, which one of ya think that I don't already know I'm a evil bastard?

10-12-2007, 09:41 PM

Someone is just messin' with me now as I saw that same thing earlier this evening, and I know I have made more post since. Ok, which one of ya think that I don't already know I'm a evil bastard?

It's because posts in the "steel cage" don't count towards your post count!

10-12-2007, 10:05 PM
I don't suppose it would do any good to point out that either MFM, nor RSR know any limits, and that having watched them go at it for quite some time, they deserve each others company?

10-12-2007, 10:16 PM
I guess I am confused a bit by the responses to date.

How does anyone here really know the veracity of what anyone else says or claims?

We are all disembodied persona whose only real evidence of existence is words on a computer monitor. I might not be a retired commander in the navy from maine, and might be, instead, a teenaged girl from new jersey pretending to be a retired naval officer from maine. jimnyc might be the adult owner of this site, or he might be a precocious twelve year old with a rich daddy.... dmp might be an eighty three year old lesbian with no teeth. We are who we say we are and we ask that others accept who we are and to respect our identities.

RSR fails to respect MY identity at each and every turn. If he so disrespects and marginalizes who I say I am, why am I so incredibly out of bounds by disrespecting and disbelieving who he says HE is? I say I am a man who raised his hand and signed on to this country's armed services in 1968 and retired in 1993. RSR, dmp, and others disbelieve that and basically call me a liar for making that assertion. So be it. RSR claims to have some form of intestinal cancer. I happen to disbelieve that. RSR insults the shit out of me and suggests that a man who spent the vast majority of his adult life serving this country would rejoice at the deaths of Americans on the battlefield...and he clearly does so out of his disbelief that I ever DID serve our nation. NO ONE calls him on that. NO ONE castigates him for that, because, hey...it's an internet message board and who the hell knows the validity of anyone else's online persona. I understand that. I insult him and I do so clearly out of MY disbelief that he even has cancer in the first place. But when I do THAT...everyone calls ME on it...everyone claims that I am lower than low and that I have crossed some "line" into despicable inappropriate behavior and I should be banned for that.

RSR is someone or something that creates words on my computer screen. and the words "he" creates insult the hell out of me. I should be a bigger man and just ignore them. You all should realize the unreality of internet communications and apply your standards of ethics equally and accordingly.

10-12-2007, 10:24 PM
dude.......rationalize what you said however you like.....you are still way out of bounds.....

I guess I am confused a bit by the responses to date.

How does anyone here really know the veracity of what anyone else says or claims?

We are all disembodied persona whose only real evidence of existence is words on a computer monitor. I might not be a retired commander in the navy from maine, and might be, instead, a teenaged girl from new jersey pretending to be a retired naval officer from maine. jimnyc might be the adult owner of this site, or he might be a precocious twelve year old with a rich daddy.... dmp might be an eighty three year old lesbian with no teeth. We are who we say we are and we ask that others accept who we are and to respect our identities.

RSR fails to respect MY identity at each and every turn. If he so disrespects and marginalizes who I say I am, why am I so incredibly out of bounds by disrespecting and disbelieving who he says HE is? I say I am a man who raised his hand and signed on to this country's armed services in 1968 and retired in 1993. RSR, dmp, and others disbelieve that and basically call me a liar for making that assertion. So be it. RSR claims to have some form of intestinal cancer. I happen to disbelieve that. RSR insults the shit out of me and suggests that a man who spent the vast majority of his adult life serving this country would rejoice at the deaths of Americans on the battlefield...and he clearly does so out of his disbelief that I ever DID serve our nation. NO ONE calls him on that. NO ONE castigates him for that, because, hey...it's an internet message board and who the hell knows the validity of anyone else's online persona. I understand that. I insult him and I do so clearly out of MY disbelief that he even has cancer in the first place. But when I do THAT...everyone calls ME on it...everyone claims that I am lower than low and that I have crossed some "line" into despicable inappropriate behavior and I should be banned for that.

RSR is someone or something that creates words on my computer screen. and the words "he" creates insult the hell out of me. I should be a bigger man and just ignore them. You all should realize the unreality of internet communications and apply your standards of ethics equally and accordingly.

10-12-2007, 10:30 PM
dude.......rationalize what you said however you like.....you are still way out of bounds.....

be sure to tell jimnyc to ban me...and give your butt buddy RSR a positive rep while you're at it!:fu:

10-12-2007, 10:35 PM
RSR fails to respect MY identity at each and every turn.

Respect is earned, not given.

10-12-2007, 10:37 PM
Respect is earned, not given.

so when I do not respect RSR because, in my opinion, he has not earned it, I am not allowed that right? I, apparently have not "earned" his respect so he can insult the shit out of me, and all the rest of you approve and applaud his efforts, yet, when I insult him because he has not "earned" MY respect, I am villified?


10-12-2007, 10:46 PM
Lets ban all the liberals, then we can talk to ourselves. I've seen just as bad stuff from people besides MFM who got nothing, why start banning now.

10-12-2007, 10:51 PM
Lets ban all the liberals, then we can talk to ourselves. I've seen just as bad stuff from people besides MFM who got nothing, why start banning now.

you are clearly in the minority.... stay away, or they'll target you next! :lol:

10-12-2007, 10:51 PM
so when I do not respect RSR because, in my opinion, he has not earned it, I am not allowed that right? I, apparently have not "earned" his respect so he can insult the shit out of me, and all the rest of you approve and applaud his efforts, yet, when I insult him because he has not "earned" MY respect, I am villified?


Blow me. You're the one clamoring for respect. If you want it, you need to earn it. It doesn't mean squat to me if you're a screen name or a naval officer, you need to earn the respect that you seek. Heck, you of all people should know that. You should also seek to take the high road in all situations, especially if you are or were an officer.

10-12-2007, 10:54 PM
so when I do not respect RSR because, in my opinion, he has not earned it, I am not allowed that right? I, apparently have not "earned" his respect so he can insult the shit out of me, and all the rest of you approve and applaud his efforts, yet, when I insult him because he has not "earned" MY respect, I am villified?


but your attacks are not based on what you claim.....you are wishing pain and agony on someone based on their misfortune about their health.....

10-12-2007, 10:54 PM
I am not clamouring for respect. I merely stated that I HATED it when RSR accused me of rejoicing at the death of americans. I responded. If you think I was over the line...like I said..be sure to PM jimnyc and tell he to ban me. Your call.

10-12-2007, 10:57 PM
but your attacks are not based on what you claim.....you are wishing pain and agony on someone based on their misfortune about their health.....

I am prodding someone about what they CLAIM to be their misfortune. I don't believe him because I do not respect him enough to trust what he says to be true. How is that different than him not respecting me or believing me?

10-12-2007, 11:00 PM
I am prodding someone about what they CLAIM to be their misfortune. I don't believe him because I do not respect him enough to trust what he says to be true. How is that different than him not respecting me or believing me?

well then you should be pleased with your efforts to lower yourself to RSR's level.....actually, you should be thrilled, for you have stooped far lower than he.....well done....

10-12-2007, 11:02 PM
gosh... I never noticed your giving RSR status reports on HIS way down. DId I miss that?

10-12-2007, 11:09 PM
gosh... I never noticed your giving RSR status reports on HIS way down. DId I miss that?

i had higher hopes for you.....

10-12-2007, 11:11 PM
and you should not summarily abandon them.

I have added RSR to my ignore list and will try to elevate my discourse with those who seem willing to do likewise.

10-12-2007, 11:14 PM
and you should not summarily abandon them.

I have added RSR to my ignore list and will try to elevate my discourse with those who seem willing to do likewise.

seems like a reasonable course of action......life is too short to let some twit on a message board get the best of you.....

10-13-2007, 12:19 AM
Missileman...another VERY respectable liberal on the board. In fact, I'd like to have him 'on staff' some day.

Hate to ruin your point, but I'm not a liberal...not even close.

10-13-2007, 01:05 AM
I think people would be more receptive to you, if you didnt say such horrible things with someone with cancer. Ill respond to your actual statement in just a minute.

and a board dominated by conservatives will vote how?

look. there is a bit of a double standard here and I cannot get anyone to understand it or understand my perspective on it.

I consider myself, first and foremost, a patriot. a naval officer and a patriot. and then a democrat...but patriot first. It drives me absolutely BATSHIT when posters proclaim that I rejoice when our troops die... or that I am rooting for the terrorists to win... or that I don't care about winning. I HATE it. It is, from my perspective, the most egregious insult you can throw at me. And no one on here ever bothers to tell the posters that say that to cool it and knock off insulting other board members. no one. and I don't really care all that much if any of you come to my defense.... I am not here to make friends and the conservatives here have made it clear that they would really prefer a site where liberals are to be seen and not heard, unless they speak with meekness and civility whilst the dominating conservatives insult every democrat on the block....I am just here to say that when someone insults me, whether anyone else comes to my defense or not, I will insult back.

I guess I will be forced to put the offending party on ignore like I have the author of this thread... but after a while, if I keep putting assholes from the right on ignore because no one else will tell them to keep a civil tongue, there will be no one left on here to debate with.

10-13-2007, 01:33 AM
and a board dominated by conservatives will vote how?

Me: probably against you

look. there is a bit of a double standard here and I cannot get anyone to understand it or understand my perspective on it.

I hope you understand the way you say things matter. But yeah, I think some may have stopped listening to you

I consider myself, first and foremost, a patriot. a naval officer and a patriot. and then a democrat...but patriot first. It drives me absolutely BATSHIT when posters proclaim that I rejoice when our troops die...

me: I told you, that poster used his words poorly, and he should not have done that. I did confront him.

or that I am rooting for the terrorists to win...

Me: again.. I confront him about it.

If you want people to understand what your point is, you should allowed people to give that poster the benefit of the doubt, and see what they are saying behind the words. their point so to spek.

or that I don't care about winning. I HATE it.

Me: i understand anger. I understand why youre angry. The words were poor in taste. Perhaps, you were challenged because your liberal and he wasnt , i dont know.

It is, from my perspective, the most egregious insult you can throw at me.

me: I agree, that it was not right.

And no one on here ever bothers to tell the posters that say that to cool it and knock off insulting other board members.

Me: I think everyone should be called to higher standard, not just you, or that poster.

no one. and I don't really care all that much if any of you come to my defense....

Me: I am not here to defend anyone, just be honest. I have friends from all over, and everyone could be nicer, not just me

I am not here to make friends and the conservatives here have made it clear that they would really prefer a site where liberals are to be seen and not heard,

Me: perhaps some have, and that is very unfortunate. i want to, and i like to hear what you and other liberals have to say, it challenges my beliefs, and makes me smarter/learn and grow.

unless they speak with meekness and civility whilst the dominating conservatives insult every democrat on the block....

Me: I think everyone should be meek and civil.

Me: I dont support bullies of any stripe.

I am just here to say that when someone insults me, whether anyone else comes to my defense or not, I will insult back.

Me: thats fine, but dont bring up someone's cancer, that is the same reason we shouldnt bring up peoples families or rape, it crosses the line.

I guess I will be forced to put the offending party on ignore like I have the author of this thread...

Me: im sorry you feel you have to do that.

but after a while, if I keep putting assholes from the right on ignore because no one else will tell them to keep a civil tongue,

Me: i have always told people to keep a civil tongue.

there will be no one left on here to debate with.

Me: I hope that doesnt happen

10-13-2007, 03:34 AM
I'm not usually one for banning someone...........But???

Naaaaa...We need all kinds........Just my itty biddy toooooo since.....:laugh2:


Sir Evil
10-13-2007, 04:11 AM
be sure to tell jimnyc to ban me...and give your butt buddy RSR a positive rep while you're at it!:fu:

No simple "hey, I was wrong on this one" "My apology for such a low comment"
Just more crap trying to defend his sorry ways.

Gotta love the whole "he picks on me but gets away with it because this is a predominantly conservative board" whine which is another pile of dookie as I was just banned from a thread for flaming him.

Again flamming is one thing but to say what he did goes beyond flaming, and not once but twice he has attcked with theses comments towards a ill person.

Sir Evil
10-13-2007, 04:18 AM
Lets ban all the liberals, then we can talk to ourselves. I've seen just as bad stuff from people besides MFM who got nothing, why start banning now.

I challenge you to find one comment that equals "Have a fun time with the chemo. asshole. I hear it is nauseating." that was said to him. I don't think it exists but maybe I'm wrong.

10-13-2007, 06:04 AM
I have to agree, LN, whether action has been taken or not, I fail to see what any of this has to do with politics. I see it as 2 members taking shots at one another. IMO though, I see a huge difference in the types of attacks that were made.

Toss your 2 cents in about the disagreement or attacks if you like but I would appreciate it if you would stop bringing the board into this and trying to make it a liberal/conservative issue, and again trying to make implications about how or why we make our decisions.

10-13-2007, 08:04 AM
Its as simple as this: you have two douchebags, RSR who is a proven lying douchebag on the right and Maine who is a total loser on the left.........let them go at it and not worry about what the hell it is they say.

RSR has zero opinions of his own, only snippets from various conservative commentators, he's a fucking parrot and a shitty one at that, he lied about his occupation so even though it would seem to be a farfetched thing to do to lie about a sickness such as cancer I do not see it to be outside the realm of possibility with RSR, liar is as liar does.

Maine...............what can I say about him that I haven't said before? He's a dirtbag who thinks that because of his claim of military service his words carry more weight......although he refuses to simply post some proof of service, pluse he's from Maine, basically he's a fucking Canuck.

Banning these two? Yeah i'd like to see it happen just because it is depressing to log in and see every forum littered with RSR's inane cut and pastes, could be a part of why my participation here is becoming very limited.......that and its the same shit daily.

red states rule
10-13-2007, 08:11 AM
The guy tells a member with cancer to enjoy the chemo treatments! He constantly derails topics with his vulgar or homosexual tendencies. Get rid of this turd before he can stink up the place any further. Some have already left because of him so how much more must people be subjected to?

I really did not expect anything else from MM. With the other liberals on the board here (TM, Obama08, BP, April15, LN and others) he was the only one to make fun of this

For what it is worth, I do not want him banned. MM is a perfect example of what is wrong with the Dem party.

He makes up smears like Media matters did to Rush, and plays the insult card. MM cannot back up his arguments and thinks attacking his opponent makes his argument look better

Let him stay

red states rule
10-13-2007, 08:11 AM
Its as simple as this: you have two douchebags, RSR who is a proven lying douchebag on the right and Maine who is a total loser on the left.........let them go at it and not worry about what the hell it is they say.

RSR has zero opinions of his own, only snippets from various conservative commentators, he's a fucking parrot and a shitty one at that, he lied about his occupation so even though it would seem to be a farfetched thing to do to lie about a sickness such as cancer I do not see it to be outside the realm of possibility with RSR, liar is as liar does.

Maine...............what can I say about him that I haven't said before? He's a dirtbag who thinks that because of his claim of military service his words carry more weight......although he refuses to simply post some proof of service, pluse he's from Maine, basically he's a fucking Canuck.

Banning these two? Yeah i'd like to see it happen just because it is depressing to log in and see every forum littered with RSR's inane cut and pastes, could be a part of why my participation here is becoming very limited.......that and its the same shit daily.

Please, do not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out

10-13-2007, 11:19 AM
I challenge you to find one comment that equals "Have a fun time with the chemo. asshole. I hear it is nauseating." that was said to him. I don't think it exists but maybe I'm wrong.
Well people threatening to kill each other. Another poster that's no longer here said his daughter had been raped, people didn't like him and made some nice comments on that one. People threatening to beat the shit outa each other, sexual stuff, you name it.

10-13-2007, 11:21 AM
I have to agree, LN, whether action has been taken or not, I fail to see what any of this has to do with politics.

Everythings political on a political board even the member vs member dramas.

10-13-2007, 03:35 PM
Their is nothing wrong with posting news articles that back up your point, when liberals demand facts, where do you get proof. Its called articles.

And you dont have to write a dissertation, one sentence is fine.

if it doesnt break the rules, quit whining like a little bitch oca

Its as simple as this: you have two douchebags, RSR who is a proven lying douchebag on the right and Maine who is a total loser on the left.........let them go at it and not worry about what the hell it is they say.

RSR has zero opinions of his own, only snippets from various conservative commentators, he's a fucking parrot and a shitty one at that, he lied about his occupation so even though it would seem to be a farfetched thing to do to lie about a sickness such as cancer I do not see it to be outside the realm of possibility with RSR, liar is as liar does.

Maine...............what can I say about him that I haven't said before? He's a dirtbag who thinks that because of his claim of military service his words carry more weight......although he refuses to simply post some proof of service, pluse he's from Maine, basically he's a fucking Canuck.

Banning these two? Yeah i'd like to see it happen just because it is depressing to log in and see every forum littered with RSR's inane cut and pastes, could be a part of why my participation here is becoming very limited.......that and its the same shit daily.

10-13-2007, 03:49 PM
Everythings political on a political board even the member vs member dramas.

So when Darin and I discuss the Steelers and the Seahawks, that's political? And what about when you discuss school or your motorcycle, that's political too? Or when Sitarro and Obama08 disagree over how good the White Stripes are, that's political too? And when members start a thread wishing someone a happy birthday, all political well wishes? What about when Dan reviews the latest DVD he rented, political? And when a member shares with the rest of us that he has been diagnosed with cancer, you believe that's political?

And I guess in your eyes if I go to one of the NFL forums I frequent, and start a thread in their chat section complaining about Hillary Clinton and her plans for America that it would therefore be related to the NFL and not political.


10-13-2007, 06:24 PM
Everythings political on a political board even the member vs member dramas.

Really?? Thats interesting considering I openly spoke out about the daughter issue.

10-13-2007, 06:48 PM
Unless someone is blatently breaking the stated rules of the forum, I think they should stay.

We may think they are the bits that make up dog shite, but, they add to the forum. Do they add only dog shite? Maybe most of the time, but, they add to the forum and make the forum more diverse and by extension, a more fun place to be.

Let's be honest, we have enjoyed "where is homo" by the great legend himself, Sir Evil. I have. SE has taken a somewhat hostile situation and made it funny, even MFM showed SE's thread to his "wife." It makes the world go round.

If we have a forum where only people who agree or speak as we think people should speak, then it will be a dead forum. Life is not made up of people who agree or think like us. We have rude a-holes in life. People like MFM are everywhere. Good lord, locking them out of forum is not going to make them go away. They must be allowed to stay. You cannot simply conquer by building walls, you must conquer by assimilating those around you to your society/POV/etc...

I say let HFM stay.

10-13-2007, 06:49 PM
So when Darin and I discuss the Steelers and the Seahawks, that's political? And what about when you discuss school or your motorcycle, that's political too? Or when Sitarro and Obama08 disagree over how good the White Stripes are, that's political too? And when members start a thread wishing someone a happy birthday, all political well wishes? What about when Dan reviews the latest DVD he rented, political? And when a member shares with the rest of us that he has been diagnosed with cancer, you believe that's political?

The issues themselves may not be political but the people responding to them are. Your an evil lib so whatever you say even on non-political stuff I;m gona oppose and vice versus. Normally not to say in all cases but many a time that's the way it goes.

red states rule
10-13-2007, 07:22 PM
Unless someone is blatently breaking the stated rules of the forum, I think they should stay.

We may think they are the bits that make up dog shite, but, they add to the forum. Do they add only dog shite? Maybe most of the time, but, they add to the forum and make the forum more diverse and by extension, a more fun place to be.

Let's be honest, we have enjoyed "where is homo" by the great legend himself, Sir Evil. I have. SE has taken a somewhat hostile situation and made it funny, even MFM showed SE's thread to his "wife." It makes the world go round.

If we have a forum where only people who agree or speak as we think people should speak, then it will be a dead forum. Life is not made up of people who agree or think like us. We have rude a-holes in life. People like MFM are everywhere. Good lord, locking them out of forum is not going to make them go away. They must be allowed to stay. You cannot simply conquer by building walls, you must conquer by assimilating those around you to your society/POV/etc...

I say let HFM stay.

MM may solve the problem and leave on his own

10-13-2007, 07:44 PM
The issues themselves may not be political but the people responding to them are. Your an evil lib so whatever you say even on non-political stuff I;m gona oppose and vice versus. Normally not to say in all cases but many a time that's the way it goes.

That is SO not true.

10-13-2007, 08:49 PM
It is so true.

10-13-2007, 09:19 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. I really don't like a person who attacks another person who is sick.
2. I think thats very Un~Christian.
3. I think its very inhuman, actually.
4. I think in every reality on Earth, that when a person is ill, that person is shown concern, as a basic human trait.
5. And I wonder about peoples humanity, if they attack others who are sick.
6. I do not respect anyone who can not show normal human traits, when others are sick.
7. To, *The Great CWN*, I think people who have no sympathy for ill people may be a candidate for doing mass murders.
8. This isn't meant as a personal attack on MofM, but just my prospective on people who do what he has done to RSR.


10-13-2007, 09:50 PM
It is so true.

Is not.

10-13-2007, 09:52 PM
How about we treat everyone on here like they are sick and be done with it ?

10-13-2007, 09:52 PM
Sorry bout that,

1. I really don't like a person who attacks another person who is sick.
2. I think thats very Un~Christian.
3. I think its very inhuman, actually.
4. I think in every reality on Earth, that when a person is ill, that person is shown concern, as a basic human trait.
5. And I wonder about peoples humanity, if they attack others who are sick.
6. I do not respect anyone who can not show normal human traits, when others are sick.
7. To, *The Great CWN*, I think people who have no sympathy for ill people may be a candidate for doing mass murders.
8. This isn't meant as a personal attack on MofM, but just my prospective on people who do what he has done to RSR.


So if this was a literal forum, we are all sitting in chairs around the proverbial bonfire, how would you banish MFM? If we were all sitting down in a circle facing each other over a fire, and there was no chance of banishment, I propose that we would ....... deal with it.

10-13-2007, 09:55 PM
Is not.

to, to, to, to. :p

10-13-2007, 10:27 PM
Sorry bout that,

So if this was a literal forum, we are all sitting in chairs around the proverbial bonfire, how would you banish MFM? If we were all sitting down in a circle facing each other over a fire, and there was no chance of banishment, I propose that we would ....... deal with it.

1. I didn't say ban him.
2. I don't think he should be banned for what is in his heart and mind.
3. He has a right to be insensitive towards ill people.
4. And show everyone whom he really is.
5. Let him say his peace.
6. Anyway, its not up to me to ban him, its up to the powers that be on this board.
7. He should have a right to remain explaining his side of the story.
8. Maybe he can even explain why he attacks ill people so we could understand him, who knows???


10-13-2007, 10:40 PM
to, to, to, to. :p



10-13-2007, 11:04 PM


now now ladies decorum please

Sir Evil
10-14-2007, 07:11 AM
Glad many have took the time to reply in this thread as well as the others who have just read it.

I guess the banning of this turd would'nt serve it's purpose quite as much as having this thread for all that may of missed his charming ways. I would say now my effort to expose him for what he really is has been accomplished, and that in itself is good enough for me. :D

Sir Evil
10-14-2007, 07:15 AM
The issues themselves may not be political but the people responding to them are. Your an evil lib so whatever you say even on non-political stuff I;m gona oppose and vice versus. Normally not to say in all cases but many a time that's the way it goes.

The very moment that you took the opportunity to throw your two cents in here on the topic shows indeed that everying becomes political to you. To suggest it was not a big deal that many people here make attacks just shows that regardless what a fellow lib says, it will always be the right thing as far as you are concerned. :rolleyes:

10-14-2007, 09:02 AM
Please, do not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out


Just a matter of time before you run again, I stress the word "again".........coward.

red states rule
10-14-2007, 09:04 AM

Just a matter of time before you run again, I stress the word "again".........coward.

I am still here jackass

I will be out for about a weekor so, but I will be back to brighten your days

10-14-2007, 09:09 AM
Their is nothing wrong with posting news articles that back up your point, when liberals demand facts, where do you get proof. Its called articles.

And you dont have to write a dissertation, one sentence is fine.

if it doesnt break the rules, quit whining like a little bitch oca

You think i'm gonna take advice from a fucking wood chewing autistic headcase such as you? Why don't you go recount your fucking Star Wars figurine collection again.

I'll write however long a fucking dissertation I want, when I want and where I want. Go crawl in a hole and decay.

Or better yet go start one of your faggoty little "why do guys like tits?" threads. Hey we like them because we are straight, Acts don't like them because Acts likes a brownhole creampie running down his crack.

Sir Evil
10-14-2007, 09:10 AM
You think i'm gonna take advice from a fucking wood chewing autistic headcase such as you? Why don't you go recount your fucking Star Wars figurine collection again.

I'll write however long a fucking dissertation I want, when I want and where I want. Go crawl in a hole and decay.

Or better yet go start one of your faggoty little "why do guys like tits?" threads. Hey we like them because we are straight, Acts don't like them because Acts likes a brownhole creampie running down his crack.

Quit hijacking my thread, go make your own!:finger3:

10-14-2007, 09:10 AM
I am still here jackass

I will be out for about a weekor so, but I will be back to brighten your days

Gotta reup your S.S. disability again, eh?

Thing is...............you ran............like a bitch..............after a 24 hr ban.


What a fucking pussy.

red states rule
10-14-2007, 09:11 AM
You think i'm gonna take advice from a fucking wood chewing autistic headcase such as you? Why don't you go recount your fucking Star Wars figurine collection again.

I'll write however long a fucking dissertation I want, when I want and where I want. Go crawl in a hole and decay.

Or better yet go start one of your faggoty little "why do guys like tits?" threads. Hey we like them because we are straight, Acts don't like them because Acts likes a brownhole creampie running down his crack.

Typical of OCA's contribution to the board

10-14-2007, 09:11 AM
Quit hijacking my thread, go make your own!:finger3:

I'm hitting my stride with this one Evil! Props to you for gathering all the board scumfucks in one place.

Sir Evil
10-14-2007, 09:13 AM
board scumfucks


Thats a new one!

10-14-2007, 09:14 AM
Typical of OCA's contribution to the board

I've earned the right to contribute whatever in the hell I want. What have you done besides cut and paste........bot?

"Baaak, Polly says Rush said baaaaaak, baaaaaaak, Polly says Sean said baaaaaaaak".

10-14-2007, 09:15 AM

Thats a new one!

I do try to stay original.

Lol, watch as all the fingerlings try to crawl up my legendary ass., little do they know its impossible, they will die on Mt. OCA.

10-14-2007, 12:32 PM
To suggest it was not a big deal that many people here make attacks just shows that regardless what a fellow lib says, it will always be the right thing as far as you are concerned. :rolleyes:
lol yeah you don't seem to have such a prob with attacks from your buddy OCA. Why's that.

and no I disagree with a lot of libs. A lot of libs don't think I'm lib enough.

Sir Evil
10-14-2007, 12:42 PM
lol yeah you don't seem to have such a prob with attacks from your buddy OCA. Why's that.

and no I disagree with a lot of libs. A lot of libs don't think I'm lib enough.

Silly child, quick to point this out but the fact is that I have indeed attacked OCA over his attacks before. Interstingly it was to the defense of a lib.

Again the point I was making was you equating a flame to what the bottom feeder here said. If you wanna see his statement as a simple flame, well it would'nt surprise me.