View Full Version : Ahz

08-19-2023, 11:36 AM

You are a perfect example of a discussion going on in a thread on the board: government. More specifically, why government is needed. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year the member s of this board run it and themselves. Then we occasionally get a "you". YOU force board staff to act, then like a good little lefty, cry like a bitch that we're fascists, tyrants, etc when you give us no choice but act "for the greater good". When you reach the point where you are more trouble than you are worth, constantly wrecking everyone else's conversations you leave us no choice.

Per Kathianne, your ban was 24 hours and was lifted. Next time, you'll ride out the week the system defaults progressively to. I told you not to fuck with her but like everything else you're smarter. See how that worked for you?

Try using your brain and some manners.

08-25-2023, 02:14 AM
@AHZ (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=5048)

You are a perfect example of a discussion going on in a thread on the board: government. More specifically, why government is needed. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year the member s of this board run it and themselves. Then we occasionally get a "you". YOU force board staff to act, then like a good little lefty, cry like a bitch that we're fascists, tyrants, etc when you give us no choice but act "for the greater good". When you reach the point where you are more trouble than you are worth, constantly wrecking everyone else's conversations you leave us no choice.

Per Kathianne, your ban was 24 hours and was lifted. Next time, you'll ride out the week the system defaults progressively to. I told you not to fuck with her but like everything else you're smarter. See how that worked for you?

Try using your brain and some manners.

She gave me a week.

I have done nothing to any of you but have good points.

08-25-2023, 03:24 AM
She gave me a week.

I have done nothing to any of you but have good points.
Automated system did, bans are progressive, we shortened it to 24 hours, but you didn't check back.

09-05-2023, 04:36 AM
Automated system did, bans are progressive, we shortened it to 24 hours, but you didn't check back.

at least you acknowledge the ban was wrong.

09-05-2023, 04:55 AM
at least you acknowledge the ban was wrong.
No, the ban was right, I was wrong to the idea of shortening. Won't happen again. Read the rules, especially the one about questioning moderation decisions. Warning.

09-05-2023, 05:42 PM
at least you acknowledge the ban was wrong.If you keep pushing, you'll get banned again. I don't see much sympathy for you this time around and the second ban defaults to 2 weeks.

Might want to consider that.

09-11-2023, 09:09 AM
If you keep pushing, you'll get banned again. I don't see much sympathy for you this time around and the second ban defaults to 2 weeks.

Might want to consider that.

you will come to my truths slowly, then all at once.

09-12-2023, 03:09 PM
you will come to my truths slowly, then all at once.If I start thinking like you Kathianne has my permission to permanently ban me and erase my phone # :rolleyes:

09-12-2023, 03:58 PM
If I start thinking like you Kathianne has my permission to permanently ban me and erase my phone # :rolleyes:

I promise!

09-12-2023, 04:02 PM
If I start thinking like you Kathianne has my permission to permanently ban me and erase my phone # :rolleyes:

Don't worry. Haven't seen any "truth" yet, have you?

09-13-2023, 05:35 AM
If I start thinking like you Kathianne has my permission to permanently ban me and erase my phone # :rolleyes:

you're a simp.

you let people program your mind, especially women.

oh kathianne "doesn't agree" we modelled our system after the prussian statist/monarchist psychotics.

well it must not be true then.


09-16-2023, 12:02 PM
you're a simp.

you let people program your mind, especially women.

oh kathianne "doesn't agree" we modelled our system after the prussian statist/monarchist psychotics.

well it must not be true then.

pathetic.Your alligator mouth continually overloads your bumblebee ass. Here's the part you can't figure out: unlike your dumb as a box of rocks ass, I don't start running off at the mouth on topics I am not educated in. I try this innovative method obviously beyond your ability to grasp called "listening".

You on the other hand just bust out your short list of hackneyed cliches, red herrings and personal attacks/insults thinking you are somehow masking the fact you are just flat stupid and have absolutely nothing to offer on any topic. Frankenstein's monster on SNL has a bigger vocabulary than you.

You're fucking up the threads on this board with your incessant crap. Stop or get banned. I'm tired of babysitting your punk ass.

09-16-2023, 01:02 PM
Not to mention you're a racist piece of shit, and I have a high tolerance for racial remarks. You do that again and you're gone.

09-16-2023, 02:29 PM
Not to mention you're a racist piece of shit, and I have a high tolerance for racial remarks. You do that again and you're gone.

oh, keep your girdle on, Bertha.

09-16-2023, 04:42 PM
oh, keep your girdle on, Bertha.Don't need one. Racism will not be tolerated. As I stated, I've got a high bar for racial insensitivity/remarks concerning race, based on context. If you've exceeded my tolerance level, you've gone way past what most will accept.

Personally, I have no problem with you showing everyone you're a racist. Like all else you post, you're just putting who and what you are on display.

09-16-2023, 08:07 PM
I thought the U.S. Supreme court decided WHO is racist.
Are You qualified to determine Just who is, or isn't because you now run D.P.?

Just asking?

09-17-2023, 02:55 PM
I thought the U.S. Supreme court decided WHO is racist.
Are You qualified to determine Just who is, or isn't because you now run D.P.?

Just asking?Jim runs DP. You ask him of calling Asians gooks is racist or not.

The dictionary defines racism, not the Supreme Court.

09-17-2023, 04:01 PM
Jim runs DP. You ask him of calling Asians gooks is racist or not.

The dictionary defines racism, not the Supreme Court.

The FIRST AMENDMENT...Freedom of Speech...OVERRULES everything.

NOT EVEN JIM can tell any member here what they CAN or CANNOT say.
Did You Miss The 1ST Amendment?

So now you are in charge? Let's ask Jim. Last time I talked with him. He was OPEN to
ALL OF US USING FREE SPEECH. Who died and told you the 1st amendment was dead Kathianne?

09-17-2023, 04:19 PM
The FIRST AMENDMENT...Freedom of Speech...OVERRULES everything.

NOT EVEN JIM can tell any member here what they CAN or CANNOT say.
Did You Miss The 1ST Amendment?

Wrong you are. Private board owner makes the rules. No likkee, which you've made very clear, no need to patronize. Off to greener pastures that fit you better.

09-17-2023, 05:19 PM
Wrong you are. Private board owner makes the rules. No likkee, which you've made very clear, no need to patronize. Off to greener pastures that fit you better.

I just looked above and I hate seeing so many dang rules.

Here's what I would love to see:

1 - Freedom of Speech - as it's always been, don't care where you stand politically or on any subject, everyone is welcome to chime in and nothing is censored. We are all adults here, mixed between gents and ladies. Please act and post accordingly.

2 - Whatever is private stays private

3 - Enjoy!

09-17-2023, 05:36 PM
I just looked above and I hate seeing so many dang rules.

Here's what I would love to see:

1 - Freedom of Speech - as it's always been, don't care where you stand politically or on any subject, everyone is welcome to chime in and nothing is censored. We are all adults here, mixed between gents and ladies. Please act and post accordingly.

2 - Whatever is private stays private

3 - Enjoy!

Don't try to shine me or anyone else on. Freedom of speech has limitations and you of all people know that. Or did you just walk around in the Navy saying whatever the f- you wanted? You surely wouldn't be retired from the Marine Corps doing it.

Let's be real and get down to brass tacks. You got a burr up your ass about Trump. Some people don't like him. I don't like him. Some do. Too bad. Freedom of speech, remember?

Black Diamond
09-17-2023, 05:55 PM
I've Said before. This is not the usa. It's the united states of jim. :cool:

I think musk and suckerberg can set whatever freedom of speech or lack thereof rules they want and so can jim. Has to do with terms of service methinks.
I saw a message board once that had to do with Hiroshima. It said in the terms of service If you say usa was justified in dropping the bombs you get banned.
Constitution doesn't protect one from getting 86d from messageboards.

09-17-2023, 06:09 PM
Don't try to shine me or anyone else on. Freedom of speech has limitations and you of all people know that. Or did you just walk around in the Navy saying whatever the f- you wanted? You surely wouldn't be retired from the Marine Corps doing it.

Let's be real and get down to brass tacks. You got a burr up your ass about Trump. Some people don't like him. I don't like him. Some do. Too bad. Freedom of speech, remember?

FREEDOM of speech HAS NO LIMITATIONS...Except Yelling Fire in a theater.
Matter of fact. You are right. YES. I walked around the navy saying whatever I wanted
when Not in Uniform, or on a Ship. As for the Burr up my ass. Wrong.
The BURR I have is how D.P. has given so much power to people who NEED TO LEARN THE CONSTITUTION.

09-17-2023, 07:11 PM
I just looked above and I hate seeing so many dang rules.

Here's what I would love to see:

1 - Freedom of Speech - as it's always been, don't care where you stand politically or on any subject, everyone is welcome to chime in and nothing is censored. We are all adults here, mixed between gents and ladies. Please act and post accordingly.

2 - Whatever is private stays private

3 - Enjoy!

Keep reading. He mentions racism and some foul words re women. Pretty sure written, I know his stance as does Gunny

09-17-2023, 07:32 PM
Since this is where the old curmudgeon likes to hang with his lame buddy ahz, I figured this is a good place to discuss about no time or I can say what I no nothing about. He figured private messages and piss off rep are good ideas. Whatever.

As long as he wants to get all honest and stuff, let's just do that
Nasty little man, bitter about whatever it is. A few years older than quite a few of us, but seems to act, think, and express himself as decades older.

Always complaining he's ignored, because of his age
Nope, it's because he posts crap, often literally. When many thought, 'just shut up already!' They didn't say it. He's a vet, he says so every two posts. He still sucks. So whatever you wish to call yourself today Matey, no more pm to me. Go to someone else.

09-17-2023, 08:53 PM
You are so right. Whatever happened to you. Maybe it will heal.
Just trying to be Like YOU in every way.

https://icansayit.com/icsi/name calling.png

09-17-2023, 09:39 PM
You are so right. Whatever happened to you. Maybe it will heal.
Just trying to be Like YOU in every way.

https://icansayit.com/icsi/name calling.png

Golden rule that your self-proclaimed God pushes.

09-17-2023, 11:47 PM
My apologies for you Kathianne.

https://icansayit.com/icsi/athiest thank god.png

09-17-2023, 11:50 PM
Hey, you wanted to go this way, got to expect you'll get your wish. I've written plenty of nice posts about and to you over the years, especially when you seemed down.

Not anymore. You've made it crystal that there are no nice feelings between us or Gunny and yourself. I don't like being mean, but certainly will respond in kind when repeatedly provoked.

I have no problem dropping all of this, now, but won't hold my breath.

09-18-2023, 12:11 AM
Hey, you wanted to go this way, got to expect you'll get your wish. I've written plenty of nice posts about and to you over the years, especially when you seemed down.

Not anymore. You've made it crystal that there are no nice feelings between us or Gunny and yourself. I don't like being mean, but certainly will respond in kind when repeatedly provoked.

I have no problem dropping all of this, now, but won't hold my breath.

wanted to go this way?


09-18-2023, 03:54 AM
Hey, you wanted to go this way, got to expect you'll get your wish. I've written plenty of nice posts about and to you over the years, especially when you seemed down.

Not anymore. You've made it crystal that there are no nice feelings between us or Gunny and yourself. I don't like being mean, but certainly will respond in kind when repeatedly provoked.

I have no problem dropping all of this, now, but won't hold my breath.

you're a real sad bully you know that?

09-18-2023, 03:56 AM
The FIRST AMENDMENT...Freedom of Speech...OVERRULES everything.

NOT EVEN JIM can tell any member here what they CAN or CANNOT say.
Did You Miss The 1ST Amendment?

So now you are in charge? Let's ask Jim. Last time I talked with him. He was OPEN to
ALL OF US USING FREE SPEECH. Who died and told you the 1st amendment was dead Kathianne?

gunny has lost himself in his big globalist sellout to the ccp.

09-18-2023, 03:57 AM
Don't try to shine me or anyone else on. Freedom of speech has limitations and you of all people know that. Or did you just walk around in the Navy saying whatever the f- you wanted? You surely wouldn't be retired from the Marine Corps doing it.

Let's be real and get down to brass tacks. You got a burr up your ass about Trump. Some people don't like him. I don't like him. Some do. Too bad. Freedom of speech, remember?
don't shine me?

grow up.

why did you grow to hate free speech?

09-18-2023, 04:04 AM
Your alligator mouth continually overloads your bumblebee ass. Here's the part you can't figure out: unlike your dumb as a box of rocks ass, I don't start running off at the mouth on topics I am not educated in. I try this innovative method obviously beyond your ability to grasp called "listening".

You on the other hand just bust out your short list of hackneyed cliches, red herrings and personal attacks/insults thinking you are somehow masking the fact you are just flat stupid and have absolutely nothing to offer on any topic. Frankenstein's monster on SNL has a bigger vocabulary than you.

You're fucking up the threads on this board with your incessant crap. Stop or get banned. I'm tired of babysitting your punk ass.

sending all the jobs away is dum dum sauce, not "educated".

you people are ccp patsies.

is it true the cia was paying people to not say "wuhan lab leak"? or is that fake news.

09-18-2023, 02:42 PM
I keep giving the same response:

Anyone who has a problem with the rules -- the same rules we've had since Jim started USMB 22 years ago -- can PM Jim, or e-mail the board and Jim will get it. Members agree they have read, understand and agree to abide by those rules when they join.

Anyone who has a problem with the moderators, who have pretty much been the same for most of those 22 years, and/or how they enforce the rules can PM Jim, or e-mail the board and Jim will get it.

Unless or until instructed otherwise by the board owner, admins/mods will enforce the rules according to our individual or collective judgement.

If this was about FOS, I would remind you this is a privately owned message board, not the US Federal Government. Think private cake shop owner the Supreme Court ruled did not have to make cakes for fags. Jim makes the rules and, once again, you agreed to follow them.

Since it's not about FOS, you can shove your grasping at straws trying to hide behind the Constitution up your asses. The adults here who conduct themselves as such don't seem to have problem year-in and year-out with speech.

You two wannabe dictators want rules that cater to just you and fuck everyone else. Sure was funny and thanks/likes worthy when one or more of the staff was having this same argument with liberals wasn't it, hypocrites? But when it's you? Oh fuck no. The Constitution is being violated :rolleyes:

Let me help you out @jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1), Abbey Marie, @NightTrain (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=89)

Black Diamond
09-18-2023, 03:08 PM
you're a real sad bully you know that?

Tissue ?

09-18-2023, 03:21 PM
I keep giving the same response:

Anyone who has a problem with the rules -- the same rules we've had since Jim started USMB 22 years ago -- can PM Jim, or e-mail the board and Jim will get it. Members agree they have read, understand and agree to abide by those rules when they join.

Anyone who has a problem with the moderators, who have pretty much been the same for most of those 22 years, and/or how they enforce the rules can PM Jim, or e-mail the board and Jim will get it.

Unless or until instructed otherwise by the board owner, admins/mods will enforce the rules according to our individual or collective judgement.

If this was about FOS, I would remind you this is a privately owned message board, not the US Federal Government. Think private cake shop owner the Supreme Court ruled did not have to make cakes for fags. Jim makes the rules and, once again, you agreed to follow them.

Since it's not about FOS, you can shove your grasping at straws trying to hide behind the Constitution up your asses. The adults here who conduct themselves as such don't seem to have problem year-in and year-out with speech.

You two wannabe dictators want rules that cater to just you and fuck everyone else. Sure was funny and thanks/likes worthy when one or more of the staff was having this same argument with liberals wasn't it, hypocrites? But when it's you? Oh fuck no. The Constitution is being violated :rolleyes:

Let me help you out @jimnyc (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1), @Abbey Marie (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=11), @NightTrain (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=89)

I'm hoping AT is done with being nasty. I was going to use example of going into someone's home and bitchin about food, decorating, etc. Being shocked when shown the door.

09-18-2023, 04:58 PM
Who is this schmuck?

Black Diamond
09-18-2023, 05:05 PM
Who is this schmuck?

I think it's Russ.

Black Diamond
09-18-2023, 05:07 PM
No it's a guy from a long time ago

Abbey Marie
09-18-2023, 05:07 PM
I think it's Russ.


09-18-2023, 05:12 PM

09-18-2023, 05:57 PM
Who is this schmuck?He posted it on the board himself so it's no secret. He was RightWingAvenger or some abbreviated version of that name.

09-18-2023, 06:00 PM
He posted it on the board himself so it's no secret. He was RightWingAvenger or some abbreviated version of that name.

Huh... name doesn't ring a bell. Guess he didn't leave much of an impression... kind of like now.

09-18-2023, 06:01 PM
Huh... name doesn't ring a bell. Guess he didn't leave much of an impression... kind of like now.

I got into months long disagreement over nationalism. He went nuts.

Black Diamond
09-18-2023, 09:52 PM
Huh... name doesn't ring a bell. Guess he didn't leave much of an impression... kind of like now.

I think he was before my time.

09-19-2023, 08:04 AM
I think he was before my time.

I couldn't find evidence of a "right wing avenger," or derivation thereof, username here. He probably spread his ignorance on some other debate site.

Black Diamond
09-19-2023, 10:02 AM
I couldn't find evidence of a "right wing avenger," or derivation thereof, username here. He probably spread his ignorance on some other debate site.

I think he was at usmb

09-19-2023, 10:08 AM
I think he was at usmb
Yes, he was. USMB seems to have purged many posts, I know many of mine are gone. It's been a couple years since I looked in there.

09-19-2023, 10:09 AM
I think he was at usmb

Gotcha. I was never there.

09-19-2023, 06:34 PM
Gotcha. I was never there.Something like: RgtWngAvgr

Not listed. We don't know what deal he cut with Jim when he showed up as AHZ.

09-21-2023, 05:15 PM

Out of patience. You create another thread that is a dupe of one you got yourself banned from for your unacceptable conduct you're going home for a week.

You got your ass banned from the thread. You can get yourself unbanned from it via Kathianne.

Black Diamond
09-21-2023, 11:01 PM
Ahz doesn't know how good he has it.


09-22-2023, 06:50 AM
@AHZ (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=5048)

Out of patience. You create another thread that is a dupe of one you got yourself banned from for your unacceptable conduct you're going home for a week.

You got your ass banned from the thread. You can get yourself unbanned from it via Kathianne.

So i just can't discuss certain topics. f that.

quit banning me just for not agreeing with your dumb neocon romney republican bullshit.

09-22-2023, 07:20 AM
So i just can't discuss certain topics. f that.

quit banning me just for not agreeing with your dumb neocon romney republican bullshit.

DO try to get this through that block of granite sitting on your shoulders:

I don't care if you worship Baal. You got threadbanned for unacceptable behavior. You're not going to end-around the thread ban. You have one way to get back in that thread and that is through the moderator that thread banned you. YOU put yourself in this position. Quit trying to blame everyone else for YOUR behavior.

09-22-2023, 07:50 AM
DO try to get this through that block of granite sitting on your shoulders:

I don't care if you worship Baal. You got threadbanned for unacceptable behavior. You're not going to end-around the thread ban. You have one way to get back in that thread and that is through the moderator that thread banned you. YOU put yourself in this position. Quit trying to blame everyone else for YOUR behavior.

what was the unacceptable behavior?

you got nothing.

you're just a petty tyrant.

please consider doing better.

09-22-2023, 08:02 AM
I saw your latest contribution on Populism good or bad?

everything goes back to word games with you doesn't it?

cheap sophistry.