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View Full Version : It May Be That The MSM Is Beginning To See

08-20-2023, 11:20 AM
that the people do NOT want Biden or Trump and certainly not Harris. I'm noticing more and more editorials and even news stories that are just undermining all 3 of these folks. Here's the latest this morning, note the source:


I know I've put up some from CBS, all from Catherine Herridge. VOX has now had several articles.

Eventually there maybe some 'oxygen' in the room for other voices...

08-20-2023, 11:32 AM
that the people do NOT want Biden or Trump and certainly not Harris. I'm noticing more and more editorials and even news stories that are just undermining all 3 of these folks. Here's the latest this morning, note the source:


I know I've put up some from CBS, all from Catherine Herridge. VOX has now had several articles.

Eventually there maybe some 'oxygen' in the room for other voices...Problem is, the damage is done. Wonder how 2020 would have turned out had the Biden stories not been suppressed by both partisan government and the media.

Where I see the issue here is not with water under the bridge, but that they are still rolling right along doing the same thing. IMO, these stories are coming out for the reason you stated: even the MSM is tired of being part and parcel to suppressing the most obvious crap that everyone can see. The Bidens are as much tainted goods as Trump anymore. There is no future, left or right, with any of them.

08-20-2023, 11:37 AM
Problem is, the damage is done. Wonder how 2020 would have turned out had the Biden stories not been suppressed by both partisan government and the media.

Where I see the issue here is not with water under the bridge, but that they are still rolling right along doing the same thing. IMO, these stories are coming out for the reason you stated: even the MSM is tired of being part and parcel to suppressing the most obvious crap that everyone can see. The Bidens are as much tainted goods as Trump anymore. There is no future, left or right, with any of them.

Perhaps those of us, including the MSM are too entrenched to note the regular voters? Polls, on near daily bases, over a year until election. Not 1st debate down. Lawsuits and trials pending-on both sides. Even those supporting each of main candidates admit to it being 'soft' and truly would prefer a different one.

All the Halloween decor in stores today will NOT make 10/31 come sooner.

08-20-2023, 12:01 PM
Perhaps those of us, including the MSM are too entrenched to note the regular voters? Polls, on near daily bases, over a year until election. Not 1st debate down. Lawsuits and trials pending-on both sides. Even those supporting each of main candidates admit to it being 'soft' and truly would prefer a different one.

All the Halloween decor in stores today will NOT make 10/31 come sooner.

Just sayin' but I would not be surprised to find something nefarious behind all this crap coming together last minute, ensuring all but the most focused voters don't have time to make a well-thought-out decision and knee-jerk vote for what appears the lesser of two evils? There are conspiracy theories and then there is the obvious.

I can't escape the feeling we are somehow going to have Newsome foisted on us. Position is ripe for the picking, especially if Trump, convictions and all is the Republican candidate. He's got just enough followers to capture the primary and lose the election. Again.

08-20-2023, 12:10 PM
Just sayin' but I would not be surprised to find something nefarious behind all this crap coming together last minute, ensuring all but the most focused voters don't have time to make a well-thought-out decision and knee-jerk vote for what appears the lesser of two evils? There are conspiracy theories and then there is the obvious.

I can't escape the feeling we are somehow going to have Newsome foisted on us. Position is ripe for the picking, especially if Trump, convictions and all is the Republican candidate. He's got just enough followers to capture the primary and lose the election. Again.

Totally agree. Unless all the candidates start reflecting"with Trump we lose,' It's a disaster. Time to take a stand on why You and not Trump. Sooner the Rs were to do that, more likely to beat anyone the Ds put up.

08-20-2023, 12:25 PM
Totally agree. Unless all the candidates start reflecting"with Trump we lose,' It's a disaster. Time to take a stand on why You and not Trump. Sooner the Rs were to do that, more likely to beat anyone the Ds put up.Completely agree. The party itself as a whole needs to disavow him. Let him run 3rd party if he wants.

Suppose the Republicans cut Trump now. He's swinging in the wind and the Republicans have only to come up with a candidate (daunting enough), but the Dems and MSM who have spent 8 years militarizing against Trump suddenly have all that air let out and the legacy of Joe to fall back and make a stand on. Suddenly his and Hunter's dealings are the biggest show in town for the MSM.

One can dream anyway :)

08-22-2023, 12:00 AM
Eli Lake isn't exactly MSM, but he is well known and a leftist. This is along the lines of what I've been noticing for a few weeks now:


Why Democrats are all-in on protecting Joe Biden
by Eli Lake

When the drip-drip of the Hunter Biden influence-peddling scandal became a downpour this summer, leading Democrats threw caution to the wind. They chose almost as one to say that the allegations and imputations relating both to the president of the United States and his son were all smoke and no fire. Not since the party circled the wagons around Hillary Clinton and her conduct relating to the attack on Americans in Benghazi had we seen such a stalwart defense of a leading Democrat under attack.

Representative Dan Goldman, a freshman member and heir to the Levi Strauss fortune, has been the Baghdad Bob: Nothing to see here, according to Goldman; every bombshell was a nothingburger. After Hunter’s former business partner, Devon Archer, testified in a closed-door interview that Hunter put his father, the then–vice president, on speakerphone at least 20 times in meetings with various foreign businessmen, Goldman informed Morning Joe’s audience that the hearing had been a bust.

The investigation, Goldman said, “is now very clearly a fishing expedition”—which you could also say of the events in the second half of Jaws. Goldman then went on to declare that Hunter hadn’t been selling access to his father. Rather, Goldman declared, Hunter had been selling the illusion of access. This argument, taken to its logical conclusion, would mean Joe Biden chose to abet his son’s deceptive schemes by allowing Hunter’s interlocutors to believe they could influence the vice president.

Archer’s testimony is only one arm of an elaborate scandalabra, and Goldman’s denials only one aspect of a definite effort to blow out the illumination. Over the past few months, the world has heard the testimony of two senior IRS investigators with impeccable nonpartisan credentials who reported under oath that the Justice Department probe into Hunter’s tax violations had been corrupted by political appointees. Their story was partially confirmed in July when a federal judge in Delaware voided the plea agreement reached between Hunter Biden’s lawyers and Justice Department prosecutors because the agreement could be read to provide immunity in perpetuity for crimes the Justice Department claims it is still investigating. And that all stands beside the multiple confirmations—from the FBI and mainstream press outlets—that information found on Hunter’s Biden’s abandoned laptop is authentic. Those confirmations discredit a last-minute effort in 2020 on the part of the Biden presidential campaign to persuade news outlets and social-media platforms that the laptop story was the fruit of Russian fakery.

One might think this pattern would be a warning to Democratic politicians. They are sticking their necks out when the facts keep getting worse.


...Historically, at least, one path for ambitious politicians and pundits in the face of scandal was to wait until the facts came in and prepare to turn on one’s side if those facts warranted. In 1956, John F. Kennedy claimed authorship of a ghostwritten Pulitzer Prize–winning book called Profiles in Courage, about senators so enamored of the truth that they were willing to attack their own fellow party members and party positions. Two decades later, Senator Howard Baker, the ranking Republican on the Senate’s Watergate Committee, followed the profiles-in-courage playbook. He informed the Nixon White House of what his committee was learning but did not defend him vigorously. Eventually, Baker voted with the rest of his committee to subpoena the audio tapes that ultimately sank Nixon. Baker is best known today for asking the prescient question: “What did the president know and when did he know it?”

Baker’s calculation paid off. Indeed, he was rewarded for turning on the leader of his own party. When Republicans won back the Senate in 1980, his colleagues made him majority leader. Senator Joseph I. Lieberman was chosen as Al Gore’s running mate in 2000 after proposing that the Senate censure Bill Clinton for his affair with an intern.

Recounting these acts in 2023 is an exercise in nostalgia...

Now there is credible evidence that the Justice Department’s investigation into Hunter’s crimes has been stained by political interference. There is also credible evidence that, at the very least, executives from Ukrainian and Chinese energy firms believed they were purchasing Joe Biden’s influence by lavishing his son with money and positions for which Hunter was not qualified. And it remains an open question whether some of the fortune Hunter squeezed out of his foreign clients enriched his father.

Those are damning facts whether Trump is running for president or not. For Democrats, it might be worth taking a longer view. How much credibility can a political party have with voters if its members are unwilling to acknowledge mounting evidence of heinous corruption from its leader’s family? That question is often posed to the party of Donald Trump. What we’ve learned in the summer of 2023 is that it also applies to the party of Joe Biden. The evidence, though, is that the longer view just isn’t as thrilling as the post-resistance porn. Daniel Goldman is now the most famous freshman in his House class. And his one-time boss, Adam Schiff, is rolling in campaign contributions as Schiff pursues a Senate seat he is likely to win in 2024. Perhaps one of them can update the JFK playbook and ask a staffer to ghostwrite a new volume that extols the virtues of defending the indefensible: Profiles in Kool-Aid.

08-22-2023, 12:01 AM
I particularly like the ending paragraphs. Trump's wrongs to not negate Biden's wrongs, nor vice versa.

08-22-2023, 08:02 AM
^ Just did a search of that link. No reference to the emoluments clause was found.

08-22-2023, 08:20 AM
^ Just did a search of that link. No reference to the emoluments clause was found.
