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08-25-2023, 11:13 AM
Hope they are told to pound ...
I'm with the author, those sanctuary mayors and governors should come to TX, AZ borders-that is what this crisis is about:


NY Governor Hochul begs Biden for migrant work permitsKAREN TOWNSEND 12:01 PM on August 25, 2023

New York is a sanctuary state. New York City is a sanctuary city. The governor and the mayor are on record saying so over and over again. It was all fun and games while they were trashing Governor Abbott and others like then-Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona.

Abbott and Ducey worked together and sent busloads of illegal aliens to big cities in the Northeast. Washington, D.C., New York City, Philadelphia, then to Chicago, and Denver, and Los Angeles. All sanctuary cities, according to their leftist mayors. Okay. Surely these mayors will welcome a few illegal aliens from crowded facilities in South Texas or Arizona, right?

Nope. Now there isn’t room for illegal aliens in New York City. Governor Hochul (Democrat) sent a letter to Joe Biden Thursday. She demanded Biden take action on the flood of illegal aliens into New York. It is her first public appeal to the White House since the Biden border crisis began in New York. She preferred to work with the White House behind closed doors. She blames the administration for the unmanageable influx and asked him to take ownership.


Black Diamond
08-25-2023, 11:17 AM
Hope they are told to pound ...
I'm with the author, those sanctuary mayors and governors should come to TX, AZ borders-that is what this crisis is about:


08-25-2023, 06:00 PM
Hope they are told to pound ...
I'm with the author, those sanctuary mayors and governors should come to TX, AZ borders-that is what this crisis is about:

https://hotair.com/karen-townsend/2023/08/25/ny-governor-hochul-begs-biden-for-migrant-work-permits-n573531Migrant work permits is not a solution to the issue, but dumbass Hochul has put Biden's ass out on the line. A normal person might care:rolleyes:.

Sanctuary cities are also demanding financial relief. Relief denied Border states. I would say I can't wait to see the follow-up spin on this but unless someone stumbles over it like a corpse, we'll probably not hear anything until something illegal/unethical is already done.

08-26-2023, 04:26 PM
Taking Hochul to task:


NY Gov blames Biden without blaming Biden for migrant crisisJAZZ SHAW 4:01 PM on August 26, 2023

A seemingly hopeful moment in New York this week, as highlighted by Bob McManus at the New York Post, turned out to be significantly more underwhelming than it first appeared. During a speech delivered in Albany on Thursday, Governor Kathy Hochul finally appeared to call out Joe Biden and the open southern border as the root cause of the migrant crisis that is currently overwhelming New York City and is quickly spreading to the suburban and upstate regions of the state. But she never actually mentioned Biden by name. Nor did she address the other serious issues that are feeding into this mess. It was, as McManus put it, “One small step for Kathy Hochul and one big mistake for New York.”

To be sure, Hochul called out Washington’s abandonment of those states and localities shellacked by America’s shameful — and exceeding dangerous — border breakdown.

“This crisis originated with the federal government,” she quite correctly noted in an Albany speech Thursday, “and it must be resolved through the federal government.”

So, two cheers for Krazy Kat…

And a truly serious governor would have minced no words proclaiming a solution to the crisis — a reversal of Biden’s effective open-border doctrine.

Rather than calling out all of the bad actors and proposing concrete solutions, Hochul fell back on doing just what Big Apple Mayor Eric Adams has done in the recent past. She described the problem (correctly) as originating with the federal government. But the “resolution” she is seeking from Washington is just more money for more housing for migrants. She wants more work permits for migrants – which will obviously only give them an additional incentive to stay and act as catnip to attract even more of them from the border. She wants more federal land set aside for shelters, which would do precisely the same.

There is no solution to this crisis that doesn’t begin with sealing the southern border and beginning to round up and ship out the millions of illegal aliens that have already flooded the country. Everything else under discussion is nothing more than bandaids on a wound inflicted with a chainsaw. You can’t keep adding more housing even if you somehow come up with the money to pay for it because those new rooms will immediately fill up and you’ll be right back where you are now.


08-26-2023, 05:38 PM
Taking Hochul to task:


NY Gov blames Biden without blaming Biden

Democrats can do that :laugh: