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08-29-2023, 11:04 AM
About time someone stood up to these tools. Europe could take a lesson. Seems DC police arrested a bunch over the weekend too, after just 1 warning, instead of the normal 3:


Nevada Rangers Plow Through Burner Blockade, Arrest Climate ActivistsNV Rangers: ‘You have 30 seconds to get off the f*cking road’

By Megan Barth, August 28, 2023 10:38 am

Anti-capitalist, environmental activists found themselves in handcuffs after Nevada rangers, with guns drawn, arrested them for “trespassing on tribal land” after the group caused a traffic jam spanning several miles on a major thoroughfare into the Burning Man festival located in Black Rock City in Northern Nevada.

Video shows the rangers plowing through their blockade after giving them a 30-second warning to “get off the fucking road.” With guns drawn, the activists were then told to “get on the ground” and arrested. During the arrests, one woman said through tears, “We are nonviolent. We are environmental protestors.”

“Drugs and Rave” journalist for The Guardian Michelle Lhooq–who was on the scene—tweeted that the rangers told her they had received an emergency 911 call saying that someone in the crowd was going to start shooting at the activists.

The activists from Seven Circles and Extinction Rebellion blocked the rural state highway with a trailer displaying banners reading, “Burners of the World, Unite!,” “Abolish Capitalism” and “General Strike for Climate.”

According to reports, the blockade was intended to “to draw attention to capitalism’s inability to address climate and ecological breakdown” and to protest the “commodification” of Burning Man.

The group wants Burning Man to adopt a more political stance concerning climate change, encouraging participants to take part in protests and banning private jets, single-use plastics, unnecessary propane burning and unlimited generator use during the nine-day annual event.