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View Full Version : While Conviction Unlikely, Impeachment Is Coming

09-02-2023, 12:46 PM
Need supermajority for conviction, not going to happen. What will go on though is the trial and history. This will be Biden's, MSM, and Democrats legacy:


White House prepares a war room for the inevitable Biden impeachmentKAREN TOWNSEND 7:21 PM on September 01, 2023

White House prepares a war room for the inevitable Biden impeachment

The impeachment of Joe Biden is coming and Democrats know it. Even the White House knows it. They are preparing for the war.

A war room of two dozen lawyers, legislative aides, and communications staffers have been assembled to lead an aggressive response to a likely Republican impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. With so much information coming forward (finally), it is hard to ignore the mounting evidence that President Joe Biden is compromised. The evidence coming forward shows a corrupt career politician who traded access for big money through his son, Hunter. Everything Democrats accused Trump of as they went through not one but two impeachments against him, was not true. However, we are learning that suspicions against Biden are true. He, his son, and other members of his family benefitted handsomely from the fact that he was in high political office. It certainly explains how a career politician and a community college teacher can own two homes, one on the beach, and also rent a place in northern Virginia during Jill’s school year. I’m not sure they still do that since Joe is president.

The likelihood of impeachment being successful is not good, given the slim Republican majority in the House and the slim Democrat majority in the Senate. Plus, Biden will have the media on his side. Impeachment proceedings against Biden are justifiable. He likely took bribes to influence or alter U.S. policy. Bribery and treason are both specifically named in the Constitution as impeachable offenses. Millions of dollars exchanged hands while Joe was vice president. Now there comes bank records that shell companies were established and the money was even divided up, to some extent, to Biden’s grandchildren and his son Beau’s widow. It was a family enterprise with Hunter being the salesman and CEO and Joe the company board president.

The White House says there is no evidence, which is what you would expect an aide to say.

“Comparing this to past impeachments isn’t apples to apples or even apples to oranges; it’s apples to elephants,” the White House aide said. “Never in modern history has an impeachment been based on no evidence whatsoever.”

The stacks of evidence lay in the bank records, Hunter’s laptop computer, and emails. Joe Biden assumed not one but three pseudonyms in order to disguise his identity in emails. The pseudonyms are connected to over 5400 emails that we know of now.

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy said it looks like there is “a culture of corruption that’s been happening within the entire Biden family.” It truly looks to be a crime family.

“If you look at all the information we’ve been able to gather so far, it is a natural step forward that you would have to go to an impeachment inquiry,” McCarthy said Sunday in a Fox News interview. “That provides Congress the apex of legal power to get all the information they need.”

The war room for the impeachment proceedings, if that materializes, is taking guidance from 1998 and Bill Clinton’s impeachment. Democrats want to make Republicans pay a political price for launching impeachment proceedings. Oh no, you don’t think they are promising Jill Biden a Senate seat if she plays the devoted wife in public and rallies Democrats to Joe’s defense, do you? You never know. Jill is Edith Wilson at this point.

The Biden White House’s response unit includes defense attorney Richard Sauber and Russ Anello, the former staff director of the House Oversight Committee. Its public face is the sharp-elbowed communications operative and presidential campaign veteran Ian Sams, who frequently attacks Republican claims on social media, and the pro-Biden group Building Back Together’s former communications director Sharon Yang. It also will soon add incoming White House counsel Ed Siskel, who worked in the Obama-era White House counsel’s office and dealt with GOP probes.

The Biden team’s war room is structured to wall off impeachment and other Republican-led investigations from the broader White House to help allow other administration officials to focus on governing without getting “bogged down in the minutia of ongoing investigations,” as a White House aide described it.

All of the evidence mounting against the Biden family wasn’t dreamed up by a Republican campaign, like Hillary’s campaign did to Trump. Republicans didn’t pay for phony dossiers. The coming evidence against Biden is strong.

I’m skeptical that Republicans will pull it off. Democrats have the majority in the Senate. I think they are concentrating too much on Hunter Biden’s corruptness and not enough on tying Joe to it. The Big Guy is the one who will face impeachment. And, time is running out. We are already into the presidential election season with primary contests coming up in a little more than three months.

Biden still deserves the impeachment proceedings set into motion against him. He’s the poster child of corrupt politicians and should be held accountable.

09-02-2023, 01:17 PM
Need supermajority for conviction, not going to happen. What will go on though is the trial and history. This will be Biden's, MSM, and Democrats legacy:


It'll never get the past the Senate, even if it does pass the House.

So is it worth it?

IMO, DOJ should be as hot on this as it is Trump.

09-02-2023, 01:22 PM
It'll never get the past the Senate, even if it does pass the House.

So is it worth it?

IMO, DOJ should be as hot on this as it is Trump.

It's worth it. Unfortunately the typical politician today is as partisan as AHZ, thus dishonest to the Nth degree. We will not see the type of leaders we saw going to Nixon and telling him, 'Resign or be convicted, it will happen.'

Nixon had to resign.

Biden will have the actual transcript of what has been found-during the trial. That conviction fails, will be a partisan failure. It will be history.

Black Diamond
09-02-2023, 01:23 PM
Well. If it gets past the house we can say "impeached forever "
Waste of time.

09-02-2023, 01:24 PM
It's worth it. Unfortunately the typical politician today is as partisan as AHZ, thus dishonest to the Nth degree. We will not see the type of leaders we saw going to Nixon and telling him, 'Resign or be convicted, it will happen.'

Nixon had to resign.

Biden will have the actual transcript of what has been found-during the trial. That conviction fails, will be a partisan failure. It will be history.

Pending revision:rolleyes:

09-02-2023, 01:25 PM
Pending revision:rolleyes:

I figure that there will be some equivalent of Renaissance out of Dark Ages. We need a record.

Black Diamond
09-02-2023, 01:25 PM
Pending revision:rolleyes:

Orwellian it is.

Black Diamond
09-02-2023, 01:27 PM
Conviction means Harris. No one wants that.

09-02-2023, 01:31 PM
I figure that there will be some equivalent of Renaissance out of Dark Ages. We need a record.

Having young ones around and trying to teach them decent values while getting around society's message from public schools is definitely a challenge. Have to be creative and that's one thing I am not very. Just trying to get them to read good books on history and society is hard enough without battling a wall of stupid.

We have a record. Books. Most of mine were written before the garbage generations got hold of information.

09-02-2023, 01:31 PM
It's worth it. Unfortunately the typical politician today is as partisan as AHZ, thus dishonest to the Nth degree. We will not see the type of leaders we saw going to Nixon and telling him, 'Resign or be convicted, it will happen.'

Nixon had to resign.

Biden will have the actual transcript of what has been found-during the trial. That conviction fails, will be a partisan failure. It will be history.

bipartisan just means something fascists left and right agree on, like open borders and fearmongering about tariffs.

09-02-2023, 01:39 PM
bipartisan just means something fascists left and right agree on, like open borders and fearmongering about tariffs.No.

09-02-2023, 02:41 PM
and on cue:


Exclusive — McCarthy Details Impeachment Inquiry Process: ‘If We Move Forward,’ It ‘Would Occur Through a Vote’ on House Floor

McCarthySamuel Corum
MATTHEW BOYLE 1 Sep 2023 Washington, DC

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy made clear to Breitbart News on Friday that if House Republicans move forward with an impeachment inquiry into Democrat President Joe Biden, the move would come not as an announcement from him or anyone else, but from a formal vote on the floor of the House.

“To open an impeachment inquiry is a serious matter, and House Republicans would not take it lightly or use it for political purposes. The American people deserve to be heard on this matter through their elected representatives,” McCarthy told Breitbart News. “That’s why, if we move forward with an impeachment inquiry, it would occur through a vote on the floor of the People’s House and not through a declaration by one person.”

Doing so would require a majority—at least 218 votes, assuming the House is at full attendance for such a vote—of members of the House to vote for such a move. While opening a formal impeachment inquiry is not a vote to impeach the president, it is a massive escalation by the lower chamber of Congress towards doing so—and it would also provide the House with extraordinary new investigative and law enforcement powers in terms of compelling testimony, enforcing subpoenas, and digging into Biden’s behavior and the culture of corruption surrounding the president.

McCarthy’s statement here is significant in multiple respects. First, the speaker has been taking steps towards building up to an impeachment inquiry in the fall—previewing such a move before and during the August recess in interviews and public remarks. Continued revelations through a variety of avenues—from the House Oversight Committee and House Judiciary Committee to federal courts, including, especially, the collapsed plea agreement between the president’s son, Hunter Biden, and the Justice Department and more—have also increased the likelihood of the House moving in such a direction. This latest statement from the speaker makes clear that an impeachment inquiry is on his mind and that the House is seriously considering such a move.

Secondly, and perhaps equally importantly, the speaker is making clear the process by which the House would pursue such an escalation—and also differentiating the possible House GOP impeachment inquiry from the House Democrats’ first such impeachment inquiry into then-President Donald Trump in 2019. For the opening of that one, then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi simply announced by proclamation that the House was conducting an impeachment inquiry into Trump—and only weeks later did the House formally vote on such a development. McCarthy is making clear that is not how the House GOP would operate, thereby lending more credence and credibility to any eventual such move. The Democrats’ first impeachment of Trump was mired in political controversy and eventually fell down on partisan lines leading to Trump’s acquittal. Trump was impeached a second time later at the end of his presidency and was also acquitted on that one by the Senate, but that second impeachment had bipartisan support, with ten House Republicans voting for it and several Senate Republicans joining them.

That is not to say that even doing everything properly and correctly would mean that an eventual possible impeachment of Biden would cross party lines; it probably would not, as Democrats are much more likely to be partisan animals and, regardless of the facts, stick with their guy. However, doing it properly and orderly allows McCarthy and House Republicans the ability to dismiss Democrat nonsense criticisms from the outset—and structure it in such a way that maximizes exposure politically for Biden heading into an election year.

If the House were to move forward with opening an impeachment inquiry in September or October, for what it is worth, the investigation would likely take months before any vote on Articles of Impeachment against Biden—if such a vote ever comes. That could mean an impeachment and a trial for Biden in the Senate—Senate rules require a trial quickly after an impeachment is delivered from the House—could come right before the November 2024 election in the summer or fall of 2024.

Establishment media outlets, meanwhile, are currently obsessed with Trump’s various legal processes and the timing that those could play out under in 2024 in and around key moments throughout the election. Surely, Trump’s various legal woes are important and should command a level of interest, especially if he hangs on to his essentially insurmountable lead and wins the GOP nomination for president again.

But if this whole impeachment inquiry and eventual possible impeachment process play out as it could with Biden, it’s possible that the bigger story in 2024 will be the corruption of the sitting president, Democrat Joe Biden, and the efforts of Congress to hold Biden accountable up to and including a trial in the United States Senate. Whether or not Biden is eventually convicted in the Democrat-controlled Senate on any Articles of Impeachment the House may pass after an impeachment inquiry may also be irrelevant because the real jury Biden would face would be the American voting public at the polls in November 2024—if it all plays out like that.

09-03-2023, 11:43 AM
and on cue:

https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/09/01/mccarthy-details-impeachment-inquiry-process-if-we-move-forward-would-occur-vote-house-floor/So, we're going to come down to the wire, with an indignant, outraged and galvanized left vs half a party sitting home because its own candidate split it in two.

This is looking great:rolleyes: