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View Full Version : stay at home moms and dads not valued

10-13-2007, 05:12 AM
our society has no morals, or common sense. But hey, strangers can do a better job of raising kids, then their own flesh and blood right?

Apparently mommy and daddy, have to work, that big house, two cars, and bad finacial planning, make it impossible right?

wrong :slap:

anyone can be a stay at home mom and dad

breeders, i dont get them :poke:

10-13-2007, 03:34 PM
our society has no morals, or common sense. But hey, strangers can do a better job of raising kids, then their own flesh and blood right?

Apparently mommy and daddy, have to work, that big house, two cars, and bad finacial planning, make it impossible right?

wrong :slap:

anyone can be a stay at home mom and dad

breeders, i dont get them :poke:

Your calling people who have kids breeders???

Who says stay at home parents or parents that work part time arn't valued??? Besides you that is.

Are you quoting a poll or someting??

10-13-2007, 03:37 PM
by definition people who have kids are breeders. Youre breeding. Dont be so sensitive.

im not quoting anything, except news,and personal experience.

Your calling people who have kids breeders???

Who says stay at home parents or parents that work part time arn't valued??? Besides you that is.

Are you quoting a poll or someting??

10-13-2007, 03:40 PM
by definition people who have kids are breeders. Youre breeding. Dont be so sensitive.

im not quoting anything, except news,and personal experience.

It's an insensitive way of putting it, or don't you see that? It also sounds insulting.

I personnally don't know anyone who thinks staying at home is not valued.

10-13-2007, 03:42 PM
I am sorry, it is not meant to be insulting. It is a term used in child free by choice circles. I dont mean to be insensitive to you.

I still think our society doesnt value stay at home moms and dads

It's an insensitive way of putting it, or don't you see that? It also sounds insulting.

I personnally don't know anyone who thinks staying at home is not valued.

10-13-2007, 03:46 PM
I am sorry, it is not meant to be insulting. It is a term used in child free by choice circles. I dont mean to be insensitive to you.

I still think our society doesnt value stay at home moms and dads

In your other thread you say "having kids is the worse mistake you can make".

If people choose to not have children, that is of course their choice. Why do they feel the need to think up insulting discriptions for those of us who choose to have them?

If you think they are a huge mistake why do you care if people value stay at home parents??

10-13-2007, 03:48 PM
I personally believe having kids is a mistake. I support loving, nuturing parents who wants to have them, doesnt mean I understand it.

Its not meant to be insulting. Dont take me so personally.

Im really more mad about people who have kids and cant take care of them.

I meant no harm :P

Just a little ribbing

In your other thread you say "having kids is the worse mistake you can make".

If people choose to not have children, that is of course their choice. Why do they feel the need to think up insulting discriptions for those of us who choose to have them?

If you think they are a huge mistake why do you care if people value stay at home parents??

10-13-2007, 03:49 PM
Cause i value good parents.

we need kids, we just have too many out there

If you think they are a huge mistake why do you care if people value stay at home parents??[/QUOTE]

10-13-2007, 04:02 PM
I personally believe having kids is a mistake. I support loving, nuturing parents who wants to have them, doesnt mean I understand it.

Its not meant to be insulting. Dont take me so personally.

Im really more mad about people who have kids and cant take care of them.

I meant no harm :P

Just a little ribbing

I simply do not understand why people who choose not to have children need to think of insulting names for those of us who have them. If you think children are a mistake, than by all means don't have them.

Personnally I think more people are choosing to stay home at least part time with their children. For a time people thought they needed to have it all (the 80"s and early 90's come to mind). Now, from what I see, more people are starting to stay home completely or part-time while the kids are young.

Many families can't afford to have one parent work part-time though, kids are expensive. IMO even if I did have to work full time to support them I'd still have decided to have them. They're worth the sacrifice, IMHO

10-13-2007, 04:07 PM
Because you people, cricize us, and demean us. You get tax breaks, for what having sex?

its ridiculous

It goes both ways sweetie :lol:

I simply do not understand why people who choose not to have children need to think of insulting names for those of us who have them. If you think children are a mistake, than by all means don't have them.

Personnally I think more people are choosing to stay home at least part time with their children. For a time people thought they needed to have it all (the 80"s and early 90's come to mind). Now, from what I see, more people are starting to stay home completely or part-time while the kids are young.

Many families can't afford to have one parent work part-time though, kids are expensive. IMO even if I did have to work full time to support them I'd still have decided to have them. They're worth the sacrifice, IMHO

10-13-2007, 04:20 PM
Because you people, cricize us, and demean us. You get tax breaks, for what having sex?

its ridiculous

It goes both ways sweetie :lol:

Exactly who insults people who choose not to have children? You stated that breeders is a word used by childless by choice people. It seems "we" are the ones being criticized for no good reason other than we have children.

For the record if people don't want children than they shouldn't have them. Some people arn't maternal.

People get tax breaks and European countries encourage births with bonuses because to many people are choosing not to have children and the populations aren't sustaining themselves. Russia, Germany and Japan to name a few are loosing population every year because of this.

10-13-2007, 04:26 PM
The tax credits and exemptions are nice yes. But they only last until the child is 18 for exemptions and 17 for the credit and it isn't that much anyway. Certainly not enough to convince someone to have a child.

The gov. does this because we are creating future tax payers who are going to pay for your and my benefits and retirement plans when we get older.

10-13-2007, 04:26 PM
but your not getting my point. People on your side of the fence, have ridiculed us, and demonized us for a long time.

I dont see what is so offensive about the term breeders.

thats what people do when they have kids

Please dont be so sensitive.

Im not criticizing you personally. I believe their are too many kids, overpopulation, people shouldthink about whether they can handle having kids before they have them.

Exactly who insults people who choose not to have children? You stated that breeders is a word used by childless by choice people. It seems "we" are the ones being criticized for no good reason other than we have children.

For the record if people don't want children than they shouldn't have them. Some people arn't maternal.

People get tax breaks and European countries encourage births with bonuses because to many people are choosing not to have children and the populations aren't sustaining themselves. Russia, Germany and Japan to name a few are loosing population every year because of this.

10-13-2007, 04:44 PM
actsnoblemartin, I think it wise you not breed. On the other hand, you should be encouraging others more able to have children, not only for your benefits, but to counter those groups that are having children. Illegal immigrants and Muslims come to mind, both have way more children than replacement, which is what your average American family is up to.

10-13-2007, 04:47 PM
Actually that is a good point. I am considering that. Americans do need to have more kids, to counter muslims, china,

I guess my beef is more with, not everyone should have kids, im not up to it, im not ashamed of that.

im tired of feeling ridiculed by society for it.

actsnoblemartin, I think it wise you not breed. On the other hand, you should be encouraging others more able to have children, not only for your benefits, but to counter those groups that are having children. Illegal immigrants and Muslims come to mind, both have way more children than replacement, which is what your average American family is up to.

10-13-2007, 04:53 PM
but your not getting my point. People on your side of the fence, have ridiculed us, and demonized us for a long time.

I dont see what is so offensive about the term breeders.

thats what people do when they have kids

Please dont be so sensitive.

Im not criticizing you personally. I believe their are too many kids, overpopulation, people shouldthink about whether they can handle having kids before they have them.

Well I don't criticize people who don't want kids. If people don't want kids than don't have them. The term breeders is being used as an insult and a put down. If you feel demonized by someone confront that person, why create a group to think up insults.

You are right about people needing to realize that kids are a lot of work and whether they are ready for the committment before having them. You'll get no argument from me about that.

Overpopulation on the other hand is not happening in Europe/Canada etc. since NO European country right now is replenishing itself. The 3 I mentioned earlier are actually loosing population because they have more deaths than births. The US right now is just at 2.1 children which is replacement.

10-13-2007, 04:55 PM
Its not meant as a put down :dance:

Just playful teasing.

I agree with you on europe completely.

I think we agree, ill quit using the breeder term

Well I don't criticize people who don't want kids. If people don't want kids than don't have them. The term breeders is being used as an insult and a put down. If you feel demonized by someone confront that person, why create a group to think up insults.

You are right about people needing to realize that kids are a lot of work and whether they are ready for the committment before having them. You'll get no argument from me about that.

Overpopulation on the other hand is not happening in Europe/Canada etc. since NO European country right now is replenishing itself. The 3 I mentioned earlier are actually loosing population because they have more deaths than births. The US right now is just at 2.1 children which is replacement.

10-13-2007, 05:21 PM
I think we agree, ill quit using the breeder term

It's a deal...and I will be carefull to defend a persons choice to not have children.

10-13-2007, 05:33 PM
It's an insensitive way of putting it, or don't you see that? It also sounds insulting.

I personnally don't know anyone who thinks staying at home is not valued.

Look at the source Trigg. Dont worry about it.

10-13-2007, 05:54 PM
Its not meant as a put down :dance:

Just playful teasing.

I agree with you on europe completely.

I think we agree, ill quit using the breeder term

You weren't teasing. You tone certainly suggests otherwise. Venting perhaps, but not teasing.

You should also take note: When you make derogatory statements about parents, in a generalized manner, you're treading on very dangerous ground.

And yes, Jackass. I have considered the source. His threads usually start with "I hate......." and end with "NO. I didn't mean it". I'm paraphrasing of course. :laugh2:

10-14-2007, 02:45 AM
thanks, i feel bad that i upset you, i have always respect and valued what you have to say.

It's a deal...and I will be carefull to defend a persons choice to not have children.

10-14-2007, 02:46 AM
dont start shit weasel :slap:

we dont need your meddling

Look at the source Trigg. Dont worry about it.

10-14-2007, 02:48 AM
yeah, its against the law to say things you dont like :lol:

and dont threaten me, I will tread on whatever ground i am confortable with, i dont need your permission or approval to say what i wanna say.

My posts rarely start out with i hate, maybe you should grow a pair, and make more posts, instead of playing the pc games

You really are and idiot :slap:

You weren't teasing. You tone certainly suggests otherwise. Venting perhaps, but not teasing.

You should also take note: When you make derogatory statements about parents, in a generalized manner, you're treading on very dangerous ground.

And yes, Jackass. I have considered the source. His threads usually start with "I hate......." and end with "NO. I didn't mean it". I'm paraphrasing of course. :laugh2:

10-14-2007, 02:49 AM
nobody is forcing either one of you to open your mouths jackass and said.

If you cant debate the issue, your just another smear merchant i.e. asshole.

10-14-2007, 11:41 AM
nobody is forcing either one of you to open your mouths jackass and said.

If you cant debate the issue, your just another smear merchant i.e. asshole.

Listen you little nob sucker...nobody is forcing you to read what I say. Dont like? Tough shit.
When you come up with something worth debating then we maybe we will.

10-14-2007, 02:35 PM
nobody is forcing either one of you to open your mouths jackass and said.

If you cant debate the issue, your just another smear merchant i.e. asshole.

Debate what? That you are a mysoginistic asswipe?

Go fuck yourself loner.

10-14-2007, 02:39 PM
I make many threads that are worth debating, but your entitled to your opinion. What you were trying to do was stir up trouble, not debate

Listen you little nob sucker...nobody is forcing you to read what I say. Dont like? Tough shit.
When you come up with something worth debating then we maybe we will.

10-14-2007, 02:41 PM
I make many threads that are worth debating


Name one.

10-14-2007, 02:41 PM
I never said i think im better then woman. I dont like certain things about them, but i feel the same way about men. Please dont put words in my mouth. If i honestly thought i was better then women, i would say so.

Debate what? That you are a mysoginistic asswipe?

Go fuck yourself loner.

10-14-2007, 02:43 PM
I dont have too, just ask anyone on this board, Ive pos repped many people (on both sides of the aisle) for making good posts.

Including women, dousche bag.

Also, ask anyone on the board about my posts, and theyll tell you i make excellent posts most the time, but then i forgot, your perfect lol


Name one.

10-14-2007, 02:47 PM
I never said i think im better then woman. I dont like certain things about them, but i feel the same way about men. Please dont put words in my mouth. If i honestly thought i was better then women, i would say so.

Lol, you think we can't see that you hold some anger towards the female race? What happened? Did Mary Lou whom you took to the senior ball end up having a bigger cock than you?

Also if you have anger towards the human race which are basically comprised of males and females who do you like? Groundhogs?

Also since you are basically saying you are the perfect male could you pm me some tips? I'm lacking in some of the selflessness areas.

10-14-2007, 02:51 PM
but your not getting my point. People on your side of the fence, have ridiculed us, and demonized us for a long time.

I dont see what is so offensive about the term breeders.

thats what people do when they have kids

Please dont be so sensitive.

Im not criticizing you personally. I believe their are too many kids, overpopulation, people shouldthink about whether they can handle having kids before they have them.

who are "us" ? and who are people on "your side of the fence?"

10-14-2007, 02:53 PM
who are "us" ? and who are people on "your side of the fence?"

I was thinking the same thing, the only people who use the term "breeder" are the militant queers, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.:gay:

10-14-2007, 02:59 PM
I was thinking the same thing, the only people who use the term "breeder" are the militant queers, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.:gay:

so i guess if the term breeder is simple used to identify those that have children and is not intended to be mean.....the the terms pole smoker, ass bandit, fudgepacker, carpet muncher and clam slapper are simple descriptive as well and not intended to be mean....:poke:

10-14-2007, 03:04 PM
so i guess if the term breeder is simple used to identify those that have children and is not intended to be mean.....the the terms pole smoker, ass bandit, fudgepacker, carpet muncher and clam slapper are simple descriptive as well and not intended to be mean....:poke:

No problem with the term breeder but i've got a problem with him referring to children as "mistakes". I do think that where he picked up the term breeder would be an interesting find though.

As fo the other descriptive terms you mentioned that I use frequently...........they are definitely intended to be mean.:laugh2:

10-14-2007, 04:06 PM
People who want kids = youre side of fence. my side of fence is people who dont want kids.

who are "us" ? and who are people on "your side of the fence?"

10-14-2007, 04:07 PM
I admit the term mistakes was inappropriate, wrong, and offensive.

I am sorry about that.

No problem with the term breeder but i've got a problem with him referring to children as "mistakes". I do think that where he picked up the term breeder would be an interesting find though.

As fo the other descriptive terms you mentioned that I use frequently...........they are definitely intended to be mean.:laugh2:

10-14-2007, 04:08 PM
it depends, breeder can be offensive if you call someone who wants kids that.

It was offensive, which is why im not using it anymore

so i guess if the term breeder is simple used to identify those that have children and is not intended to be mean.....the the terms pole smoker, ass bandit, fudgepacker, carpet muncher and clam slapper are simple descriptive as well and not intended to be mean....:poke:

10-14-2007, 04:12 PM
I admitted I have anger issues, with people in general and women. Ive stopped watching porn for 2 weeks.

You just like looking for excuses to judge people, when you find out their flawed, guess your perfect, and cant be honest about your flaws.


Lol, you think we can't see that you hold some anger towards the female race? What happened? Did Mary Lou whom you took to the senior ball end up having a bigger cock than you?

Also if you have anger towards the human race which are basically comprised of males and females who do you like? Groundhogs?

Also since you are basically saying you are the perfect male could you pm me some tips? I'm lacking in some of the selflessness areas.

10-14-2007, 04:48 PM
our society has no morals, or common sense. But hey, strangers can do a better job of raising kids, then their own flesh and blood right?

Apparently mommy and daddy, have to work, that big house, two cars, and bad finacial planning, make it impossible right?

wrong :slap:

anyone can be a stay at home mom and dad

breeders, i dont get them :poke:

Way to many assumptions in this thread to even bother repyling to. Why don't you consider their lives before trying to transplant your own life unto theirs?

10-14-2007, 04:50 PM
I was thinking the same thing, the only people who use the term "breeder" are the militant queers, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.:gay:

Actually this is true. I don't think I have ever heard anyone else use the term in this way.

10-14-2007, 05:06 PM
I admitted I have anger issues, with people in general and women. Ive stopped watching porn for 2 weeks.

You just like looking for excuses to judge people, when you find out their flawed, guess your perfect, and cant be honest about your flaws.


What flaws?

10-14-2007, 05:11 PM
People who want kids = youre side of fence. my side of fence is people who dont want kids.

I guess we should be happy for small favors...

10-14-2007, 05:14 PM
I admitted I have anger issues, women. Ive stopped watching porn for 2 weeks.

You just like looking for excuses to judge people, when you find out their flawed, guess your perfect, and cant be honest about your flaws.


HOLY SHIT!! Who would have guessed it???

YOU are trying to tell people how to live their lives when you cant differentiate between porn and reality??? Classic!

10-14-2007, 07:09 PM
People who want kids = youre side of fence. my side of fence is people who dont want kids.


ahhhhhhhhhhh.......fertile vs sterile

10-14-2007, 07:22 PM
ahhhhhhhhhhh.......fertile vs sterile

I think its more sexually active vs cant get any.

10-14-2007, 07:48 PM
I admitted I have anger issues, with people in general and women. Ive stopped watching porn for 2 weeks.

You just like looking for excuses to judge people, when you find out their flawed, guess your perfect, and cant be honest about your flaws.



10-14-2007, 10:32 PM
In general that is what happens :P

Way to many assumptions in this thread to even bother repyling to. Why don't you consider their lives before trying to transplant your own life unto theirs?

10-14-2007, 10:43 PM
In general that is what happens :P

so what are your isues beyond what you already stated im curious
though, you have opened up once and that was very comendable it also took guts (same thing i know )

10-14-2007, 10:48 PM
i had a best friend who was like the male barbie, and I was constantly ignored, so ever since i can remember till now, i have basically hated women for ignoring me, porn fueled that hatred, along with being ignored, and no matter what i do, i am still ignored.

Im worrking on it.

so what are your isues beyond what you already stated im curious
though, you have opened up once and that was very comendable it also took guts (same thing i know )

10-14-2007, 10:48 PM
Cheap shots are all you got. and for the record if i wanna banging a different girl every night of the week, i still would never want kids.

I think its more sexually active vs cant get any.

10-14-2007, 11:15 PM
i had a best friend who was like the male barbie, and I was constantly ignored, so ever since i can remember till now, i have basically hated women for ignoring me, porn fueled that hatred, along with being ignored, and no matter what i do, i am still ignored.

Im worrking on it.

thanks for being honest
i think your an ok guy u got issues ( we all have )

10-14-2007, 11:29 PM
I think your an honest, considerate, admirable person.

I commend you for that.

thanks for being honest
i think your an ok guy u got issues ( we all have )

10-15-2007, 02:08 PM
i still would never want kids.

We all thank you!

10-15-2007, 02:09 PM
porn fueled that hatred,
Im worrking on it.

Ya know. Ive watched alot of porn, and it never made me dislike them. Quite the reverse actually.

10-15-2007, 03:00 PM
i had a best friend who was like the male barbie, and I was constantly ignored, so ever since i can remember till now, i have basically hated women for ignoring me, porn fueled that hatred, along with being ignored, and no matter what i do, i am still ignored.

Im worrking on it.

You have serious mental problems.

10-15-2007, 03:20 PM
but your not getting my point. People on your side of the fence, have ridiculed us, and demonized us for a long time.

I dont see what is so offensive about the term breeders.

thats what people do when they have kids

Please dont be so sensitive.

Im not criticizing you personally. I believe their are too many kids, overpopulation, people shouldthink about whether they can handle having kids before they have them.

I can pretty much guarantee you, without asking, nobody is ridiculing you for not having children.

Remember that when you get your first girlfriend, as well..

Hagbard Celine
10-15-2007, 04:08 PM
I have trouble getting women to pay attention to me too :(



10-15-2007, 04:19 PM
I have trouble getting women to pay attention to me too :(



That's just gross :puke3:

10-15-2007, 04:24 PM
You have serious mental problems.

He most certainly does, here probably isn't the best place for him, not cognizant enough.

10-15-2007, 04:25 PM
I have trouble getting women to pay attention to me too :(



Way to falsely represent yourself. You can only wish that was you. :laugh2:

10-15-2007, 04:26 PM
i had a best friend who was like the male barbie, and I was constantly ignored, so ever since i can remember till now, i have basically hated women for ignoring me, porn fueled that hatred, along with being ignored, and no matter what i do, i am still ignored.

Im worrking on it.

Couple of suggestions here, feel free to ignore them.

If you have trouble meeting girls, and are shy, avoid the bar scene people there only notice looks and not the person.

Just go out and do what you enjoy, sooner or later you'll meet a girl at one of those places who will take the time to get to know you.

I would imagine that the women who do porn have very low oppinions of themselves since they are being seen as sex objects to be used and discarded.

10-15-2007, 05:20 PM
I really appreciate your kindness trigg. Your a top notch first, and all class.

kudos to you :clap:

Couple of suggestions here, feel free to ignore them.

If you have trouble meeting girls, and are shy, avoid the bar scene people there only notice looks and not the person.

Just go out and do what you enjoy, sooner or later you'll meet a girl at one of those places who will take the time to get to know you.

I would imagine that the women who do porn have very low oppinions of themselves since they are being seen as sex objects to be used and discarded.

10-15-2007, 05:21 PM
Thanks Shattered. I do need to stop sabotaging.

I can pretty much guarantee you, without asking, nobody is ridiculing you for not having children.

Remember that when you get your first girlfriend, as well..

10-15-2007, 05:23 PM
Not everybody becomes addicted to porn, or has it affect that as negatively as it affects me. We all have our vices. some can drink one drink and stop, sme cant stop till they black out or puke.

Ya know. Ive watched alot of porn, and it never made me dislike them. Quite the reverse actually.

10-15-2007, 05:24 PM
I know, thats why im working on them :lol:

Let me know when your problem-free a.k.a. perfect and then you get a cookie


You have serious mental problems.

10-15-2007, 05:25 PM
im just as intelligent as you. :lame2:

He most certainly does, here probably isn't the best place for him, not cognizant enough.

10-15-2007, 05:44 PM
im just as intelligent as you. :lame2:

Ummm, actually you are not.

10-15-2007, 07:48 PM
:laugh2: actually youre right

Im smarter then you :slap:


Have a nice day, you bitter bitter man

Ummm, actually you are not.

10-15-2007, 08:05 PM
:laugh2: actually youre right

Im smarter then you :slap:


Have a nice day, you bitter bitter man

not given that you used "then" wrong......:poke:

10-15-2007, 08:06 PM
where did you get the picture of bullypulpit?

I have trouble getting women to pay attention to me too :(

