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View Full Version : Megan Kelly To Interview Donald Trump

09-08-2023, 12:52 PM
Yep, the moderator he hated vehemently. 'Bleeding from wherever...' Yeppers. Going to copy with links, so you all can read as much as you like or not.


Trump agrees to interview with ... Megyn KellyCONSERVATIVE BRIEF (https://conservativebrief.com/kelly-announces-76269/)1:40 PM on September 08, 2023

“I am really looking forward to bringing you this one and many more to come,” Kelly explained. “I’m very glad that he agreed to do it. He’s not saying yes to everyone and to his credit Donald Trump knows that I’m not somebody that suffers from Trump derangement syndrome like the vast majority of people in the media but I’m also not a sycophant.
“So I’m not going to go in there and be a boot licker,” she concluded, adding, “It’s going to be fun, and he can handle it perfectly well.”
[Can he? Trump did a tough interview with Bret Baier and arguably damaged his defense in the obstrtuction/classified materials case. But clearly Trump is feeling the need to expand past the softball-media interviews to which he normally sticks as part of his primary campaign. He did an interview with Hugh Hewitt this week and that produced some real headline moments. Accepting an invite from Megyn Kelly also runs some risks that Trump didn’t have to take with Tucker. — Ed]

09-08-2023, 01:17 PM
Yep, the moderator he hated vehemently. 'Bleeding from wherever...' Yeppers. Going to copy with links, so you all can read as much as you like or not.


lol @ periods!


09-08-2023, 01:19 PM
Yep, the moderator he hated vehemently. 'Bleeding from wherever...' Yeppers. Going to copy with links, so you all can read as much as you like or not.

https://hotair.com/headlines/2023/09/08/trump-agrees-to-interview-with-megyn-kelly-n576626Add two-faced to my opinion of him :rolleyes:

09-08-2023, 01:22 PM
lol @ periods!


Little boy giggling at naughty-naughty no-no words. So you:rolleyes:

09-08-2023, 01:50 PM
Little boy giggling at naughty-naughty no-no words. So you:rolleyes:


09-08-2023, 01:58 PM
Yep, the moderator he hated vehemently. 'Bleeding from wherever...' Yeppers. Going to copy with links, so you all can read as much as you like or not.

https://hotair.com/headlines/2023/09/08/trump-agrees-to-interview-with-megyn-kelly-n576626I disagree with Megyn. Trump has already proven he CAN'T handle it coming from her:)