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09-13-2023, 10:00 AM
Unilaterally taking a page out of the Don's book, declared that her oath wasn't absolute nor were the rights, especially the 2nd amendment guaranteed under the Constitution. So she suspended the 2nd for 30 days.

Some argued that the case would become moot before it would be heard, but would still set a precedent.

Seems some were wrong, even the Democrats are bailing big time:


Emperor Michelle I: A lawyer, a lawyer, my kingdom for a lawyer! UPDATE: Showdown at 1 MTED MORRISSEY 10:01 AM on September 13, 2023

Emperor Michelle I: A lawyer, a lawyer, my kingdom for a lawyer!
(AP Photo/Morgan Lee)
Suspending the Constitution is all fun and games until you look around and even your allies won’t return your calls. Such is life at the moment for Emperor Michelle I of New Mexico, formerly known as Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, who thought she could score some virtue-signaling points on the cheap at the expense of law-abiding gun owners. The Emperor and the state now face a slew of lawsuits seeking federal intervention to enforce the US Constitution and punitive measures against a tinpot dictator who claims her oath to the Constitution is “not absolute.”

Late yesterday, the emperor discovered that she had no legal clothes — or at least no legal cover. Attorney General and fellow Democrat Raúl Torrez informed Lujan Grisham that he will refuse to represent her office and the state in these lawsuits, proclaiming that he takes his oath to the Constitution more seriously:

In a letter to Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-NM) regarding four impending lawsuit cases, Torrez shared the same sentiments from Democratic and Republican lawmakers and law enforcement, saying the ban violates the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens.

“Though I recognize my statutory obligation as New Mexico’s chief legal officer to defend state officials when they are sued in their official capacity, my duty to uphold and defend the constitutional rights of every citizen takes precedence,” Torrez wrote. “Simply put, I do not believe that the Emergency Order will have any meaningful impact on public safety but, more importantly, I do not believe it passes constitutional muster.” …

“While I understand that frustration may have led you to undertake a unilateral approach to addressing the heart-wrenching challenge of gun violence in our community, I urge you to reconsider this course of action,” Torrez wrote.

This prompts a serious question about Lujan Grisham: Did she even bother to check with her allies and legal experts about this move before announcing the suspension of constitutional rights? Bernalillo County sheriff John Allen alluded to talks held with local Albuquerque police, his office, and the governor’s team prior to the announcement and said he’d warned them not to do it. Did no one think to pick up the phone and talk to the ally and the one state official that would have to defend this in court, or did Torrez also warn Lujan Grisham not to proceed?

Torrez’ announcement yesterday makes it appear that Lujan Grisham cowboyed this one from the beginning. But it’s not just the lack of political cover that Torrez’ refusal makes plain and public. Under normal circumstances, the AG and his office would represent the state even in losing causes. By refusing to do so, Torrez leaves Lujan Grisham without an attorney to fight these lawsuits.

And even worse, Torrez’ declaration will certainly enter the court record via the plaintiffs. That makes finding an attorney to take this case on behalf of the state even more problematic. First off, what attorney wants to go on record as having told a federal judge that fealty to the US Constitution is optional? And second, good luck finding an attorney with any enthusiasm when the state AG has already declared that the plaintiffs are right and refuses to take the case on principle on the basis that Lujan Grisham is violating her oath of office.

I’m sure Lujan Grisham will find some attorney to debase in that manner, if she pays them enough. If she can’t, the state will have to default, so Lujan Grisham will beg for help from gun-control groups and pay through the nose. The new attorney won’t have just two strikes against him, though — he’ll be facing a Nolan Ryan no-hitter in the top of the ninth, down 20 runs or so.

So yes, Emperor Michelle I needs an attorney, and we can expect a Help Wanted signal immediately. She may want to leave that signal up for another kind of trial, too — an impeachment/removal trial. With Torrez breaking this publicly with her and declaring her act unconstitutional, that puts additional pressure on fellow Democrats in the state legislature to take action to depose Emperor Michelle I. Let’s get that process started immediately, and return constitutional order and civil rights to the citizens — not subjects — of New Mexico.

Addendum: It looks like the New Mexico state police are also bailing on Emperor Michelle I:

Many law enforcement officials in the state have said they will not enforce the order.

Even New Mexico State Police officers have not issued citations, a spokesman said Tuesday, despite protests in Albuquerque in which demonstrators openly carried firearms.

“I think all of us agree this is unconstitutional,” Brandt said. “There’s a lot of things that have to be done to control crime in Albuquerque, and this isn’t one of them.”

A revolt by law enforcement against the governor/emperor should also prompt the legislature to end this crisis ASAP.

Update: My pal Cam Edwards reports this morning that Lujan Grisham had better find someone fast. All parties in the lawsuit are due in court today at 1 pm MT, which suggests that US District Judge David Urias isn’t waiting around for New Mexico to argue mootness:

On Tuesday afternoon, not long after the original hearing in Donk v. Grisham was supposed to take place, Urias issued a new order in that case and the other lawsuits that have been filed alerting the parties to a new hearing date: today at 1 p.m. Mountain Time.

With New Mexico Attorney General Raul Torrez refusing to defend the governor’s order, it’s still unclear who will be on hand to represent Grisham in federal court this afternoon, but whoever it is will be facing a bevy of plaintiffs attorneys with the same message for Urias: put Grisham’s order on ice because it’s violating the Second Amendment rights of their clients.

09-13-2023, 10:19 AM
Since everyone is getting impeached these days she should be impeached and removed for violating her oath.

09-13-2023, 10:28 AM
Since everyone is getting impeached these days she should be impeached and removed for violating her oath.

It certainly is looking more likely that she's going to pay a price.

09-13-2023, 11:10 AM


New Mexico Governor Flouts 2nd AmendmentCOMMENTARY
By John R. Lott Jr.September 13, 2023
New Mexico Governor Flouts 2nd AmendmentAP
After several road rage cases claimed the lives of children this summer, New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham suspended the open and concealed carry of firearms in Albuquerque and throughout Bernalillo County for the next 30 days. Grisham’s response will not make New Mexicans safer. Indeed, the opposite is true.

None of the attacks that Grisham can point to involved permit holders. That’s not too surprising – permit holders in New Mexico and the rest of the country are exceptionally law-abiding. In 2021, there was just one revocation for every 45,000 permit holders in New Mexico. Nor was that an outlier. In 2019 and 2020, there were no revocations.

For criminals, it is already illegal to carry guns. All Grisham’s edict does is make it illegal for law-abiding citizens to carry.

Academic research shows that police are the most important factor in reducing crime. However, the police understand that they virtually always arrive at the crime scene after the crime occurs, as one recent road rage incident illustrates. At the end of August, a law-abiding citizen with a permit used his gun to protect himself from a road rage attack near Isleta Pueblo, New Mexico.

The Albuquerque police department doesn’t have enough officers to answer every call for help. Police Chief Harold Medina acknowledges that Albuquerque ranks at the bottom of cities in police officers per capita. And by the end of 2021, Albuquerque had only 70% of the number of police officers that it should have. When the police cannot protect people, the solution is not to disarm law-abiding citizens.

Albuquerque’s murder rate has soared by 70% while Grisham has been governor. But instead of addressing the problems created by Democrats’ attitudes toward law enforcement, Grisham blames the crime surge on law-abiding gun owners.

There are now over 22 million concealed handgun permit holders nationwide, and we have decades of data on the behavior of permit holders. Some other states have especially detailed data. In Florida and Texas, permit holders are convicted of firearms-related violations at one-twelfth the rate at which police officers are. And police are convicted at just one-twentieth of the rate for the general population at large.

The average concealed carry permit revocation rate in the 19 states with comprehensive data is one-tenth of one percent. Usually, revocations occur because someone moves, dies, or forgets to bring the permit while carrying.

Academics have published 52 peer-reviewed empirical studies on concealed carry. Of these, 25 found that allowing people to carry reduces violent crime, and 15 found no significant effect. A minority (12) observed increases in violent crime. These 12, however, suffer from systematic errors to varying degrees: They tend to focus on the last 20 years and compare states that recently passed concealed carry laws with earlier states that already had those laws. The latter states, where it was more difficult to obtain a permit, had smaller, sustained growth in permits over the past two decades. The finding that crime rose relatively in the recently adopting states is consistent with the states having the biggest increase in permit holders having the greatest reduction in crime.

While the Supreme Court would likely strike down Grisham’s 30-day executive order, the governor may have calculated that the suspension period was too short for the courts to successfully intervene. Assuming that Grisham doesn’t get a sympathetic trial judge, there might still be time to get a preliminary injunction. But the case would be moot by the time it would get to the circuit court, let alone the Supreme Court.

Police are essential to keeping the peace and bringing criminals to justice, but in most cases, they can’t directly protect people. That’s why Gov. Grisham owes the residents of her state the chance to protect themselves.

John Lott is the president of the Crime Prevention Research Center and the author of "Gun Control Myths."

09-13-2023, 11:16 AM
No surprise that Covid powers underlay the governor's belief in her powers:


09-13-2023, 12:33 PM
The reason this matters so much:


09-13-2023, 02:23 PM
Unilaterally taking a page out of the Don's book, declared that her oath wasn't absolute nor were the rights, especially the 2nd amendment guaranteed under the Constitution. So she suspended the 2nd for 30 days.

Some argued that the case would become moot before it would be heard, but would still set a precedent.

Seems some were wrong, even the Democrats are bailing big time:


the don's book?


please explain. or don't. of course it;s up to you. and if you dont have time i understand.

Black Diamond
09-13-2023, 02:37 PM
Hopefully her security detail has also disarmed.

09-13-2023, 03:45 PM
Since everyone is getting impeached these days she should be impeached and removed for violating her oath.Beat me to it.

Glad I no longer live in Albuquerque. For more than one reason, but this one tops the rest. That place is blue Hell already without an unconstitutional governor.

09-13-2023, 06:44 PM
The judge issued temporary restraining orde preventing implementation for 3 weeks til full court can here. Will nearly be moot by then, but not Constitutional.