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View Full Version : Megyn Kelly Interview With The Don

09-14-2023, 11:00 AM
I think I'll try to find this, but it doesn't sound like Covid part went well, though fair. What's weird is Trump seeming to claim that like Biden, others were telling him what to do, it was outside of his control:


Megyn Kelly Interview With Donald Trump Produces Some Very Interesting and Sought After ExchangesBy Bonchie | 10:44 AM on September 14, 2023The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of RedState.com.

Credit: Twitter
Donald Trump sat down with Megyn Kelly recently for an interview and it produced some very interesting exchanges.

Kelly, perhaps most known for her time at Fox News, has seen a resurgence in popularity over the last several years after departing NBC News and starting what is now a highly-rated podcast. She's also become much more outwardly conservative compared to her days as a hard news anchor.

While speaking to Trump, several contentious topics came up that other interviewers have avoided asking the former president about but that many primary voters have been waiting to hear. Specifically, he was pressed on why he awarded a presidential commendation to Dr. Anthony Fauci. In response, the former president claimed to not know who made that decision.

KELLY: You said the reason that you didn't fire Anthony Fauci is that he'd be there for a long time, it would have created a firestorm, quoting your words. Then, for the first time in May...

TRUMP: Listen, I also said that I didn't listen to him too much.

KELLY: I'm getting there, but in May, you started saying that he's a civil servant, so I couldn't, technically. The truth is, though, not only did you not fire Fauci, who is loathed by many, many, millions of Republicans in particular, but also some Democrats. You made him a star, you made him a star, this is the criticism of you. That you made him the face of the White House coronavirus task force, that he was out at every presser, that he was running (inaudible) for the administration on COVID, and that you actually gave him a presidential commendation before you left office. Wouldn't you like a do-over on that?

TRUMP: I don't know who gave him the commendation, I really don't know who gave him the commendation, I wouldn't have done it.

KELLY: A presidential commendation went out for Milley too.

For clarity, Trump personally awarded Fauci a presidential commendation on January 19th, 2021, just two days before Joe Biden took was inaugurated. The commendation was related to Fauci's involvement in Operation Warp Speed, the Trump administration's push to develop and distribute a vaccine for COVID-19.

The former president was also asked to address his overall response to COVID-19. He responded by saying "I never got the credit I deserved on COVID."

TRUMP: But I have people on the other side, I don't, not my side, though there are probably some on my side too. They say "You saved 100 million people" because I got it done in nine months as opposed to five years to 12 years. A lot of people...

KELLY: You're proud of it?

TRUMP: No, I'm not proud of it, I'm saying what Democrats think. Democrats...

KELLY: I get it, and I'm not somebody who denies some of the good the vaccines did too, I lived through that too, but of course, a lot of people have been vaccine injured. And that's one of the question. Those people are mad that they were rushed through and that they can't sue.

TRUMP: Well, I never gave mandates, and people have to make up their own, you know, make their own decision, as far as I'm concerned.

Kelly's question centered on the fact that Operation Warp Speed along with an emergency declaration was used to push through the vaccines while denying those injured by it the right to sue. That was a decision made by the Trump administration. In response, he noted that he didn't push mandates, which is a different issue.

The former president continued by again citing Democrat praise for his policies and by bringing up the First World War, presumably drawing a comparison to the Spanish Flu.

TRUMP: There are Democrats that say, "Why aren't you talking about that?" They really believe strongly. One said, you said, and this is very smart people, they said "You saved 100 million people worldwide." In 1917, you know, it could have been as much as 100, it ended the First World War because all the soldiers were dying of this horrible disease of 1917. You know, it actually ended the First World War, the soldiers were dying. There was (inaudible). They're fighting, and they're dying of this horrible disease.

They said, "You might have saved 100 million people, 50 million people, why aren't you talking about it?" I'm not talking about it, but what I did do is I got something done for that specific thing. I also got Regeneron, and I got a lot of therapeutics done, I also got the robes, and the leather, and the rubber, and all of the different things, the ventilators. We did a tremendous job, and it's never, you know, they appreciated what I did with the economy, I got a lot of good marks on the economy, I got a lot of good marks on a lot of things, rebuilding the military, getting rid of ISIS, the biggest tax cuts in history. I never got, I think, the credit that I deserve on COVID.

In the end, it will be up to Republican voters to decide whether the above answers show a sufficient level of awareness, understanding, and regret regarding what went wrong during the Trump administration's COVID-19 response, including Operation Warp Speed.

Regardless, Kelly conducted a fair, engaging interview. Credit to her for doing so.

09-14-2023, 11:13 AM
I think I'll try to find this, but it doesn't sound like Covid part went well, though fair. What's weird is Trump seeming to claim that like Biden, others were telling him what to do, it was outside of his control:


so i guess he's not a strongman dictator, he can acknowledge the authority of the scientists.

09-14-2023, 11:17 AM
so i guess he's not a strongman dictator, he can acknowledge the authority of the scientists.

Seemed more he had keepers like Biden? He didn't know who ordered the honors to Fauci he gave him? LOL! I don't believe he was handled, but you do?

09-14-2023, 11:20 AM
Seemed more he had keepers like Biden? He didn't know who ordered the honors to Fauci he gave him? LOL! I don't believe he was handled, but you do?


you won that won.

savor it.


09-14-2023, 02:23 PM
I think I'll try to find this, but it doesn't sound like Covid part went well, though fair. What's weird is Trump seeming to claim that like Biden, others were telling him what to do, it was outside of his control:

https://redstate.com/bonchie/2023/09/14/megyn-kellys-interview-with-donald-trump-produced-some-very-interesting-exchanges-n2163805It was not outside his control. He let it be outside his control. He didn't have a clue. I get that. Nobody did.

THAT is when the President of the Untied States steps up, steps in and leads. As I have stated on other topics in other threads, TRUMP went AWOL during his 4th year in office. He didn't handle more situations than just COVID.

The left had already politicized covid and set Biden's policy for him when he took office. He probably still thinks he did a good job:rolleyes:

09-14-2023, 05:44 PM

09-14-2023, 05:45 PM
It was not outside his control. He let it be outside his control. He didn't have a clue. I get that. Nobody did.

THAT is when the President of the Untied States steps up, steps in and leads. As I have stated on other topics in other threads, TRUMP went AWOL during his 4th year in office. He didn't handle more situations than just COVID.

The left had already politicized covid and set Biden's policy for him when he took office. He probably still thinks he did a good job:rolleyes:

trump is stepping up on tariffs and protecting the american economy.

you should love him for that.

09-14-2023, 06:01 PM
trump is stepping up on tariffs and protecting the american economy.

you should love him for that.I disagree with Trump using tariffs as a weapon.

09-14-2023, 06:03 PM
I disagree with Trump using tariffs as a weapon.

so you agree with losing a trade war.

thats unwise in my opinion.

but everyone's got one.

some smell different.

09-14-2023, 06:05 PM
so you agree with losing a trade war.

thats unwise in my opinion.

but everyone's got one.

some smell different.I agree with not creating a trade war as Trump surely did. Don't create one and there isn't one to lose. Simple math I use on the grandchildren. They get it.

09-14-2023, 06:18 PM
I agree with not creating a trade war as Trump surely did. Don't create one and there isn't one to lose. Simple math I use on the grandchildren. They get it.


we''re losing one and you counsel ignorance and denial.

tariffs are already in deployment. you propose to lose the arms race.

09-14-2023, 06:54 PM

we''re losing one and you counsel ignorance and denial.

tariffs are already in deployment. you propose to lose the arms race.

I propose fair trade, negotiating on and agreed to by both trading partners. As I have stated in this and the other myriad threads you keep dragging your same old wrong song to.

I do not propose building an artificial economy using bandaids. Tariffs are to tweak an economy, not build one.

Sad thing is, you don't understand even the basics.

09-14-2023, 07:52 PM
We're not losing a trade war. Tariffs cause one to lose a trade war because no one wins a trade war.

09-14-2023, 08:11 PM

Just wondering what your compensation structure is with the biden reelection team. Do you get paid by the word? By the sentence? By the post? Do you get extra for misspelled words? In the history of DP nobody has been as willfully ignorant as you, as wrong as you, and not be a Democrat. Two out of three can be bearable but all three of those? You've gotta be in the pay.

09-15-2023, 05:28 AM
I propose fair trade, negotiating on and agreed to by both trading partners. As I have stated in this and the other myriad threads you keep dragging your same old wrong song to.

I do not propose building an artificial economy using bandaids. Tariffs are to tweak an economy, not build one.

Sad thing is, you don't understand even the basics.

yes. and we need more tariffs.

tariffs are as real as nation states.

they are standard throughout trade history.

pretending they're radical communism is just hysterical globalist misinformation.

09-15-2023, 05:35 AM
We're not losing a trade war. Tariffs cause one to lose a trade war because no one wins a trade war.

we're in a trade war and you globalists just want the american people to lose it with your "race to the bottom" idiocy.

you hate populism because you hate people.

09-15-2023, 06:45 AM
we're in a trade war and you globalists just want the american people to lose it with your "race to the bottom" idiocy.

you hate populism because you hate people.

Because someone who is not in the pay eventually realizes that nobody is buying their utter crap. You do nothing but repeat the most inane things. I know trump voters are really passionate but eventually they understand that they're not really able to support their opinions and eventually just drop the issue. But you, wow! You just don't shut up with such ridiculous garbage. So the takeaway here is that you're not really a trump voter; you're a paid hack. There can be no other explanation.

There are no globalists here. Everyone loves their country here. There are no race to the bottom advocates here. Some people just have different opinions. You are the problem with populists (even fake ones); eventually you've made an enemy of everyone.

09-15-2023, 06:52 AM
There are no globalists here.


let me know if you see one.

I'm glad everyone here came to their senses.

09-15-2023, 01:02 PM
yes. and we need more tariffs.

tariffs are as real as nation states.

they are standard throughout trade history.

pretending they're radical communism is just hysterical globalist misinformation.Pretending I am calling tariffs communist, obviously ignoring every time I've stated it's YOU I'm calling communist is as obvious as the rest of your crap.

09-15-2023, 01:17 PM
Pretending I am calling tariffs communist, obviously ignoring every time I've stated it's YOU I'm calling communist is as obvious as the rest of your crap.

Yep, he doesn't get it. Tariffs are not live, they are a thing. He is purportedly alive.

09-16-2023, 05:59 AM
Pretending I am calling tariffs communist, obviously ignoring every time I've stated it's YOU I'm calling communist is as obvious as the rest of your crap.

being a tariff proponent doesn't make one a communist.

09-16-2023, 06:25 AM
being a tariff proponent doesn't make one a communist.

You've got the order mixed up.

09-16-2023, 06:29 AM
You've got the order mixed up.

oh, did you have the moo shoo pork?

me so solly.

09-16-2023, 09:01 AM
being a tariff proponent doesn't make one a communist.Didn't state that either. Your proposed use of tariffs is communist. Elephant in the room is STILL there :rolleyes:

09-16-2023, 09:03 AM
Didn't state that either. Your proposed use of tariffs is communist. Elephant in the room is STILL there :rolleyes:

using tariffs isn't communist either.

09-16-2023, 09:09 AM
oh, did you have the moo shoo pork?

me so solly.Tries putting words in Christ's mouth in one thread, racist in the next. The content of your character is showing.

09-16-2023, 09:10 AM
Tries putting words in Christ's mouth in one thread, racist in the next. The content of your character is showing.

Ok, XXXX-lover.


09-16-2023, 09:43 AM
Ok, XXXX-lover.


Do it again and you're going to need a different place to post for a week.

You're banned from this thread.

09-16-2023, 02:47 PM
Such a joy to accidently come here. Not knowing how the CARTOON NETWORK had taken over.
It IS more fun just reading, and staying quiet. SELF-DESTRUCTION works every time.