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View Full Version : Kevin McCarthy stares down another right-wing revolt

09-16-2023, 11:51 AM
Drama, drama, drama ...:rolleyes:

Try passing spending one for one without riders. Prioritize necessities and fight over desires later.


09-16-2023, 11:57 AM
Drama, drama, drama ...:rolleyes:

Try passing spending one for one without riders. Prioritize necessities and fight over desires later.


The crap extremists are playing to the AHZs on how tough they are. Once they get rid of McCarthy and any other adults it will be Trumpists for good.

09-16-2023, 12:07 PM
The crap extremists are playing to the AHZs on how tough they are. Once they get rid of McCarthy and any other adults it will be Trumpists for good.

If that's the future with no option, I already don't belong to the Republican party. If they can't get even somewhat close to reflecting conservative values, I will no longer support them with my votes.

Looks like McCarthy's had enough of their crap as well. If government cannot function it serves no purpose. Not a fan of his, but agree with him on this. He's facing off with people who think their individual desires are more important than the needs of the country.

09-16-2023, 12:11 PM
If that's the future with no option, I already don't belong to the Republican party. If they can't get even somewhat close to reflecting conservative values, I will no longer support them with my votes.

Looks like McCarthy's had enough of their crap as well. If government cannot function it serves no purpose. Not a fan of his, but agree with him on this. He's facing off with people who think their individual desires are more important than the needs of the country.

Yep, told Goetz to basically f off. Well deserved. The serial liar, the creepy red neck women are examples that are poster children for Trump party, including the low info AHZ. I'll buy a tariff Alex!

09-16-2023, 12:50 PM
Yep, told Goetz to basically f off. Well deserved. The serial liar, the creepy red neck women are examples that are poster children for Trump party, including the low info AHZ. I'll buy a tariff Alex!I would be sorely tempted to vote against Gaetz.

I DID vote for Chip Roy. I agree with a lot of what he wants to do. I see the way he (and the rest of his gaggle) wants to go about doing it as self-destructive.

If one doesn't know one has some serious issues when Marjorie Taylor Greene is bucking the deck and distancing herself from one, one isn't reading the storm clouds very well.

09-16-2023, 05:33 PM